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Shattered Legions (UM/IF) 1000 Pts

Brother Tholath

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Hi All,


Been thinking of a shattered legions army for a while as I love 2 legions and this seems like a great way to collect both of them!


Stone Gauntlet RoW


Centurion Delegatus - 110

Combi-Weapon, Power Weapon, Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield, LA (IF)


Centurion Champion - 125

Legatine Axe, Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield, LA (UM)


Breacher Squad - 270

Power Swords, Legion Vexilla, Power Weapon (Sgt), LA (UM)


Breacher Squad - 270

Power Swords, Legion Vexilla, Power Weapon (Sgt), LA (UM)


Tactical Squad - 135

Legion Vexilla, LA (IF)


2 Apothecaries - 90 (To join breachers)


The only thing I am worried about is the very large hole in anti-tank the list leaves me. I could swap the tactical squad for a heavy support squad maybe?





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Having seen how easily a dreadnought ruins your day against a 1000 point list when you can't easily deal with them?  Yeah.  Either a Heavy Support or a Dreadnought.  They will be all over the 30k era lists due to Calth.

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