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Questoris knight ?'s


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Ive posted in the AoD forum and realized I should probably ask the frater here in the admech section what they think as well.


Questoris Knight Crusade Army  (1435pts)

  • HQ (495pts)
    • Seneschal (495pts)
      • Cerastus Knight-Atrapos
        Occular Augmetics 
  • Elites (440pts)
    • Preceptor (440pts)
      Cerastus Knight-Acheron 
  • Heavy Support (500pts)
    • Scion Arbalester (500pts)
      • Questoris Knight Crusader
        Occular Augmetics, Rapid-fire battlecannon and Heavy Stubber, Twin Icarus autocannon 

So, Im not super familiar with the ranking system in the knight houses but believe that Ive done a good job of balancing each particular pilot with a good set of trait benefits for his platform.


The Seneschal I imagine to be piloting this graceful knight of the Cerastus chassis and the atrapos variant packs RIDONKULOUS firepower and balances it by bringing all of his weapons to bear as close as possible as soon as possible. The occular augmentics rerolls of 1's on D weapons at 12" or less means the 8" range of the lascutter will be of greater use... The seneschals Marter knight rule means I have a +1 to WS and BS and increase the invul save by 1 (giving him a 3+ invul facing save!!) meaning he is piloting a ws/bs 5 knight with weapons that are meant to absolutely NOPE other knights and super heavies which with macro-extinction targeting protocols count as twin-linked...yes please!.


Our lovely preceptor has been piloting her archeon for several years now and as the oracle of battle she has Interceptor with D6 template hits and Overwatch (with a Hellstorm cannon)!!! I look forward to seeing what she can do with this.


The latest edition to my knightly trio, the Arlabaster in a questoris crusader. This suits weapons are calibrated to have tank hunters and if he doesnt move in the preceding movement phase...skyfire with everything not just the twin icarus. I have decided that this knight will pair his avenger gatling cannon with the rapid fire battlecannon for longer range and ordnance 2 large blasts at 72"s.... I toy with the thermal cannon idea for strength 9 large blast melta'ing those that laught at AP2.



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If this are your knights aviable then it is.

At first your list is not legal. You need one knight as your compulsory troop choise.


I think you made the wrong choises. Ask yourself what should the Preceptor do? Only to support itself? The Archeron want to go into CC while the Crusader wants to stay behind and make good use of his long range firepower. So the Archeron would provide no bonus (interceptor) to the Crusader. You don´t have any knight in reserve. So the only bonus the Preceptor would provide to himself is Overwatch. But you don´t want to be charged. You wanna charge. So that´s a waist of the rang.

I see the Archeron more in the position of a Uhlan or maybe as an Aucteller.


The weapons of the Archeron is more suited for CC. Made him an Uhlan and let him outflank the enemy. That brings him in a position in the side and most the time closer to the enemy. And specially closer the his own long range heavy support units. That will force your opponent to split his fire even more and in a completly new direction.


If you expand your knight house to a fifth knight then you should add a Preceptor in a propper knight. This knight should have long range firepower. Keep him close to the Arbalester to support him with Interceptor and Overwatch. He also supports the Uhlan´s reserve roll.

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