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Sebs guard WIP thread


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So just struggling a bit with the images but i thought i would get a WIP going. Hoping to update this regularly but life has its own ideas sometimes


Still a little unsure on the fluff but basically i want some of the guys to be mechanized infantry and the other half camo vets. I haven't quite worked out how I'm going to make them work but I'm thinking all the camo vets will be like a forward operating reconnaissance unit that scout out enemy positions and then bring up heavier units.


I bought some bitz from anvil industries which i must say are amazing quality. These guys still have a lot of work before I'm happy but I'm thinking the neck area i will wrap a piece of tan gauze around much like you see people wrap material or bandanas around their necks who pretend to be operators. There are a lot of gaps around the torso and yes i removed that mould line since taking the photo









I also bought some tanks off ebay which didn't look too bad in the picture but upon receiving them they required a lot of work. My current progress with the demolisher, I'm hoping to hide a lot of the blemishes with camo netting




Future plans will be more camo vets plus another demolisher and some scout sentinels. I'm thinking I'll use these guys in smaller games or as allies for my marines



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I think they look good. Alas, I'm not an ant so can't actually tell ;).


You might want to re-size/re-host the pics, or you've possibly linked to the thumbnails from ImageShack rather than the actual pics. Unfortunately at the moment they're too small to really make much out so you probably won't get much feedback.

I think they look good. Alas, I'm not an ant so can't actually tell ;).


You might want to re-size/re-host the pics, or you've possibly linked to the thumbnails from ImageShack rather than the actual pics. Unfortunately at the moment they're too small to really make much out so you probably won't get much feedback.

Cheers. Sorted it out

Might be too big now. Do you have something like Gimp or Irfranview to resize them? I usually resize mine to 800 x 600, but you could go a bit bigger than that. If I remember correctly though there is a maximum size that images are meant to be on the board to keep bandwitdth down.


Those legs fit well with Cadian torsos. They kind of look like they have double belts though. I think the camo netting around the neck is a good idea. As they currently are the necks look too thick, even by GW standards.

Might be too big now. Do you have something like Gimp or Irfranview to resize them? I usually resize mine to 800 x 600, but you could go a bit bigger than that. If I remember correctly though there is a maximum size that images are meant to be on the board to keep bandwitdth down.


Those legs fit well with Cadian torsos. They kind of look like they have double belts though. I think the camo netting around the neck is a good idea. As they currently are the necks look too thick, even by GW standards.

Haha cheers I'll try again


Yeh i really wanted to use the heads but as they are now they are as tall as a space marine. I've done some tests and the material around the neck doesn't look too bad

Yeh they could be. The way the head is shaped with the helmet makes it very difficult to fit into a guard torso. Hopefully I'll have more success with the next 10. I thought about drilling out the torso where the head mounts to the body


Cheers i don't think i would have bought the tanks had i known how bad they were. Oh well at least they were cheap I've also completely disassembled a hellhounds turret. Plastic cement on everything

That's a common approach I've heard of for Scion heads on Guard torsos. Should be quick and easy if you have the right sized drill bit :)


Don't forget that by rescuing a tank and giving it the attention it deserve is doing the Emperor's work. No doubt the Omnissiah will reward your dutiful work with luck on the battle field ;)

It looks like the start of a nice project. thumbsup.gif

Anvil do some great stuff and I tend to buy a lot there too - as you say - excellent quality.

eBay is a good place to expand your force quickly and cheaply but you can be unlucky and get a mess of a build.

But everything is repairable or at least disguisable to some level. I like the way you have covered some of the mess with extra details.

Extra/overflowing glue can be scraped off or disguised as mud.

The bits box is your friend here :)

+++ May the Deus Mechanicus cast his blessing on you for this holy labour...+++

Just to add my thoughts to the head/neck issue

If you look at the guard torso it has the collar in place where the helmet sits snug against it with a standard guard head.

What I did for my scion beret heads was to cut the curved lump off the bottom completely so the bottom of the head glues to the collar.

The other way Ive done it is to cut the lump off the head and then put a small ball of green stuff in the torso. You can get some really good angles then and when compressed the GS makes the neck


Hope that helps


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