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Ultramarines 2500


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Hey, looking for some feedback on this list.
30k Ultramarines - 2500
Rite of War [Pride of the Legion]
+ HQ +
Captain Remus Ventanus
Damocles Command Rhino
Legion Centurion [Artificer Armour]
Consul [Master of Signal]
Relics of the Dark Age of Technology [Void Shield Harness]
+ Elites +
Apothecarion Detachment
Legion Apothecary
Additional Wargear [Artificer Armour, Chainsword/Combat Blade]
Legion Apothecary
Additional Wargear [Artificer Armour, Chainsword/Combat Blade]
Invictarus Suzerain Squad [5x Invictarus Suzerains]
Land Raider Phobos [Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade]
+ Troops +
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad [9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Veteran Tactics: Marksmen]
Additional Wargear [2x Plasma gun, Nuncio-vox]
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Dozer Blade]
Legion Veteran Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Combi-Plasma, Chainsword/Combat Blade]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad [9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Veteran Tactics: Marksmen]
Additional Wargear [2x Plasma gun, Nuncio-vox]
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Dozer Blade]
Legion Veteran Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Combi-Plasma, Chainsword/Combat Blade]
+ Fast Attack +
Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter [battle Servitor Control, Ground-tracking Auguries, 2x Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles]
+ Heavy Support +
Legion Fire Raptor Gunship [Four Hellstrike Missiles, Reaper Autocannon battery]
Legion Heavy Support Squad [Hardened Armour, Lascannons, 9x Legion Space Marines]
Legion Sergeant [Augury Scanner]
Legion Whirlwind Scorpius

Master of Signal + Apothecary + Heavy Support Squad along with the two flyers take out high priority targets.

Ventanus + Apothecary + Suzerians in the Phobos, the flyers likely arriving T2 and the accurate barrages will hold back anything that wants to get close.

Multiple Voxs allow accurate bombardments from the Scorpius, Damocles and Master of Signal. Also allows accurate deep strike for flyers.
Reserve manipulation, outflanking Veterans and Ventanus' warlord trait should give advantage on taking and holding objectives.

Thoughts on possible improvements or shortcomings of this list?

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I like the way you think! Some suggestions & thoughts-


I wouldn't bother with terminator armor on the MoS, just leave him stock and save some points. You've got the void shield harness for survivability.


You could maximize the Voxes' line of sight ability by including something else with barrage. Maybe drop the Contemptor for a rapier battery, whirlwind scorpius or medusa?


Ventanus lets you take a Rite of War, you could consider going Pride of the Legion and swapping the tacticals for Veterans if you can find the points. Sniper + Outflank is good on them and you've got reserve manipulation. Gives access to special weapons to give those squads a little more punch.


I'd take Dozer Blades on the vehicles before Auxiliary Drives. Also multi-meltas on the Rhinos, if you can find the points. Could maybe skip the dozer on the Damocles, it probably doesn't need to move much.

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I like the way you think! Some suggestions & thoughts-


I wouldn't bother with terminator armor on the MoS, just leave him stock and save some points. You've got the void shield harness for survivability.


You could maximize the Voxes' line of sight ability by including something else with barrage. Maybe drop the Contemptor for a rapier battery, whirlwind scorpius or medusa?


Ventanus lets you take a Rite of War, you could consider going Pride of the Legion and swapping the tacticals for Veterans if you can find the points. Sniper + Outflank is good on them and you've got reserve manipulation. Gives access to special weapons to give those squads a little more punch.


I'd take Dozer Blades on the vehicles before Auxiliary Drives. Also multi-meltas on the Rhinos, if you can find the points. Could maybe skip the dozer on the Damocles, it probably doesn't need to move much.

That's a great point about the MoS - I'm obviously trying to keep him and the lascannon squad he is buffing out of combat so Terminator armour with a Power Fist isn't a great use of points. (Downgraded to AA no CC weapon)


The Contemptor also wasn't something I was very excited about - my thinking was keeping units away from the MoS/Las squad but the Suzerians in their LR should be enough in conjunction with my reserve manipulation to mess with whatever the enemy wants to drop near me. My flyers are also very likely to come in T2 so they can deal with whatever gets close.


PoTL actually seems to slot in quite nicely. Vets aren't that much more expensive than Tacticals and the Marksman trait looks to really compliment what I want to do with my troops in this list.


With your suggestions I was able to arrive at a new list that, honestly looks to have more utility and will hit harder. (Updating the OP)


Thanks a ton for the constructive input!



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No problem!


I think template weapons, especially barrage supported by Vox units, are really good in an Ultramarines list. It's what I'm building mine around. Shoot the barrage weapons first, you only have to catch one model under the template, and then your troops get those sweet sweet rerolls against the whole unit.


Your list should be very strong against just about anything.

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Master of Signal has a cognis-signum, which counts as an augury scanner, so your can save 5 points there. Probably a good thing you dropped the Terminator armour, as they can't take it anyway! :) Similarly, frag assault launchers are pointless on the Phobos when all the models inside have frag grenades.


If you can find some points, a 2nd heavy bolter is probably worth having in each Veteran Squad. Artificer armour and vexillas are also highly recommended, as are pintle-mounted multi-meltas on their Rhinos.


Is you meta ok with Relics? These days they are meant for campaign based play only, so check that out before you fork out 40 points for the VSH.


Otherwise, a good-looking list!

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Master of Signal has a cognis-signum, which counts as an augury scanner, so your can save 5 points there. Probably a good thing you dropped the Terminator armour, as they can't take it anyway! smile.png Similarly, frag assault launchers are pointless on the Phobos when all the models inside have frag grenades.

If you can find some points, a 2nd heavy bolter is probably worth having in each Veteran Squad. Artificer armour and vexillas are also highly recommended, as are pintle-mounted multi-meltas on their Rhinos.

Is you meta ok with Relics? These days they are meant for campaign based play only, so check that out before you fork out 40 points for the VSH.

Otherwise, a good-looking list!

As far as I can tell (via Battlescribe/Google) the cognis-signum and augury scanner are two distinct pieces of wargear. Good call about the wasted points on the frag assault launchers. I cut those and the Apothecary's augury scanners to free up points (already had a scanner on the Dev Sergeant).

Points are already tight enough that I could only add one more HB which I wasn't too happy with. Ended up swapping out both HBs and using the extra points to give each Vet squad 2 plasma guns. I think those will play better in that I want to be at either 24" avoiding assault or 12" rapid firing and hopefully wiping what I'm shooting at. Since they have Sniper (6s rend) the extra consistent AP2 fire will be great (especially outflanking in Rhinos).

AA for Vet Sergeants and vexillas for the vets while nice, don't add 40 points worth of value imo both because they will have stubborn within 3" of objective and I can get Remus' Legion Standard close to them if need be for Fearless. Also I am at the risk of losing extra VPs to PotL so I do need to be selective with how I use them.

Multi-meltas would be a nice addition but my list shouldn't struggle too much with armour as is plus points are just too tight. The TL Bolters can just shoot whatever the Vets go after for the buff.

My meta is good with relics - smart thing to consider and point out as my list is anchored by that relic.

Thanks for the suggestions!

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