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Generator for Razorback?


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What's the generator for? An ion shield or void shield? An auspex or other sensor array? An Executioner plasma cannon or other heavy weapon?


It's probably for a Lascannon. The Razorback cuts the Rhino transport capacity for ammo/firing system storage ;)

What's the generator for? An ion shield or void shield? An auspex or other sensor array? An Executioner plasma cannon or other heavy weapon?

It's probably for a Lascannon. The Razorback cuts the Rhino transport capacity for ammo/firing system storage msn-wink.gif

Makes sense.

Thanks Jolemai, I'll check it out!


Well, I guess the problem is that the rear ramp and side doors are all still usable, so how would you effectively reduce the internal capacity without impeding access to all 4 doors (including the one into the drivers cabin)?

Ideally, it would be a resin piece that sits on top of the seats:




Still full access on all doors and instruments. The right half of the ramp is for reenergizing/reloading the ammo.

Interesting.  I would think that the door would have to be completely clear.  If you build the turret ring in the center instead of at the back with the rise, it is likely that the power feeds pass into the hull with either a self-contained, rotating auto-loader/capacitor (depending on the armament) that would need to be kept clear.  This means that the viewport/bolter bracket would be inaccessible and the turret would probably have to be turned a certain direction in order for the driver/gunner to squeeze past the auto-loader.  This also means that the side doors would be blocked and the additional weight anchored to the top of the vehicle would mean a much higher chance of rollover.


Interestingly, the Sisters of Battle Immolator solves most of these by putting the turret, ammo stores and the gunner on top.  This would free up most of the space in the fighting compartment while contributing to the rollover concerns.


Also of note: the addition of a turret ring mitigates the weakness of cutting a hole in the top of the hull.

On the heavy bolter razorback that I built, I kitbashed a representative turret basket and a feed as if the HB rounds were being transferred from the underfloor ammo store.

IRL, i believe, the M113 and the Bradley both utilised underfloor ammo storage so I thought why not the razorback.

As regard the lascannon version I would think that representing the energy bank required to power the cannons would be good.

It's a pity the vehicles aren't to proper scale but hey you gotta do what you can with what you have happy.png

Cool.  Like the idea.  But it's future tech.  Would it not be smaller? Consider the size of a dev marines pack. Powers his armor and the laz cannon. 


Easy fix..  Stick a devs backpack in the opening by the door.   Then run an amo belt (green stuff) and or wires depending on your préférences of weapon. 


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