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3k WE army of dark compliance


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So I'm trying to build a list of footslogging madmen using militia bodies for fodder.




Bodt WE 3k


Army of dark compliance


HQ - 460

Khârn - 190


Gahlan Surlak - 110

Force commander - 160

Power axe, melta bombs, digital lasers, cyber hawk, power armour

Pro - feral warriors, cult horde


Elites - 550

Apothecaries(2) - 130

Power axe, artificer armour

Red butchers(5) - 295

Dual chainfist

Enginseer auxilia - 125

Adepts(2), automata(6) with servo arms


Troops - 700

Augmented inductii(15) - 210

Chainaxes, vexilla, power axe, melta bombs, artificer armour

Augmented inductii(15) - 210

Chainaxes, vexilla, power axe, melta bombs, artificer armour

Inducted levy(40) - 90

Frag grenades

Inducted levy(40) - 90

Frag grenades

Militia infantry - 50

Militia infantry - 50


Heavy support - 390

Vindicator tank squadron(3) - 390

Laser destroyer array(3)




So I've got plenty of bodies to swarm up the board with all the HQ in the butcher squad and apothecaries in the inductii for multiples of 8 haha. The enginseer are gonna sit back with the vindicator, but that's all I've thought of for now. Looking for suggestions on Anti Air and Armour with the last 900 points taking in mind there must be minimum equal units from astartes and militia lists. Trying to keep it fluffy as a list built around bodt and the inductii and Numen gun clans. Cheers

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I think you can take 3 techpriest per squad (Don't have the newer list), might be worthwhile to give them an augur and maybe graviton guns for anti tank. You could also drop 2-3 servo arms and use the saved points to get 2 mores servitors to use as cannon fodder.


You could probbly just take a bunker with quad gun for anti air and have some servitors shot it while the priest repair things. Perhaps add a escape hatch to give a squad a 12" move as well, or just take a vengeance battery with the quad lascannon instead.

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Feral Warriors is pretty bad. S3 punches mean nothing to most units. I'd be doing the Cult Horde + Tainted Flesh combo. Rending in melee, plus Fear and Hatred means those 20-man chaff squads start being a lot more lethal. Being basically Fearless also means they have to be killed the hard way, they can't be swept in melee or made to fall back. Also feeds into the beserker feel of the list, as the enemy has to deal with waves of insane madmen clogging up their firing lines, then your elite World Eaters sweep in. 


I'd drop the Enginseer squad, it doesn't benefit from Provenances or do much else besides repair that lone Vindicator squadron. 


With your remaining 900 points, I'd look at getting some Spartans or Dreadclaws for the Inductarii. I'd keep spamming Inducted Levy squads, they only get better the more you field, and that's a cheap way to keep your ratio equal (they only cost 40pts a squad). 


Fire Raptors are pretty standard for anti-air, could try out the Deredeo with Arachnus lascannons too. 

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