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Ravenwing 3000 pts


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I have been tinkering with a 3000 point dark angels ravenwing list. I have a 3000 point 3 way battle coming up which o want to win. It's no holds barred cheese is allowed so I'm trying to make the list as competitive as I can. I've tested it out against two imperial fist lists and absolutely slaughtered them loosing a handful of models to their entire army. The basic plan is to avoid combat, leave the table and use los blocking terrain to avoid getting shot at until the flyers come in. Then use the flyers to take out vehicles and then mop up the infantry with the jet bikes.



Jetbike, molecular acid shell

Rite of war: ravenwing


Damocles command rhino


6 jet bikes

Molecular acid ammo


6 jet bikes

Molecular acid ammo


6 jet bikes

Molecular acid ammo


6 jet bikes

Molecular acid ammo


6 jet bikes

Molecular acid ammo


3 javelin attack speeders

3 multi meltas 5 hunter killer missiles


Primaris strike fighter

4 kraken penetrator missiles, phosphex, battle server or control, ground tracking auguries


Primaris strike fighter

4 kraken penetrator missiles, phosphex, battle server or control, ground tracking auguries


Fire raptor gunship

Hell strike missiles, reaper autocannon battery



Fire raptor gunship

Hell strike missiles, reaper autocannon battery


Fire raptor gunship

Hell strike missiles, reaper autocannon battery

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The Command Rhino isn't allowed under the Limitations for Ravenwing Protocol (vehicles must be flyers/skimmers). Otherwise it looks mean. I'm curious how it does against cover-save-reducing Mechanicum and heavily armored CC armies (like WE). It might work just fine, I'm just honestly curious.
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Ingusss I have to drop the command rhino then as it isn't legal to use. Is there anything I can use instead to modify reserves as I always have really bad luck rolling for the fliers. Regarding assualt transports I've found the the jet bikes are so fast that they can't get any where near them. I move twelve and then if I need to turbo boost 36 away. I've never played against mechanicum but I assume I'm gonna have some problems against cover reducing shenanigans. What should I replace the rhino with to combat this. Also I sort of feel like the third fire raptor is over kill, but I'm not sure what to replace it with as the ravenwing is pretty limiting.
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Mechanicum have a lot of AP3 but not so much AP2. Thanatars and the like will rip a unit to shreds per turn but if you can avoid combat there's little threat otherwise unless you specifically tailor the list to deal with this.


I actually think the biggest threat is things like Sicarians that have rending or a well equipped gunline army

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>5 Flyers

Not exactly Ravenwing, also if they pick off most of your Jetbikes, you'll give up Martial Pride pretty easily. Dark Angels wanna go infantry heavy almost always for that reason, same as Alpha Legion. 


The strengths of the RoW is the ungodly amount of mobile acid shells you can pop off, along with rad grenades on your characters and Terranic greatswords for killing multi-wound opponents not in 2+ armour ie Mechanicum. 


I'd cut back to just the Lightnings, its a lot of points to leave off table anyway as you have to Reserve them all. Lightnings you need for Superheavies and Spartans, but for most other things, you can run rings around melee armies and you shoot extremely hard. I'd definitely get some more Javelins, they're excellent AP3/2 platforms. 


Depending on the interpretation of the plasma repeater wording, Outriders might also be worth looking into. I dunno if that was ever resolved, but if replacing the twin plasma gun with a plasma repeater is legal, that might be cool on a Relentless Outflanking/Scouting platform. With more power sword access in the squad and same rad grenades on Sergeant, they also make a decent assault unit, to be the anvil to your jetbikes hammer of acid shells. 

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A lot of wasted points here that could be given over to more Jetbikes and/or Bikes. I feel like you could scrap at least one Fire Raptor, for sure.


I would consider Outriders and Attack Bikes as options. Plus, while I know a Sergeant on those Jetbikes gets expensive, having Meltabombs or a Power Fist and Rad Grenades is really good for a lot of reasons. 



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How are flyers not Ravenwing? They're specifically allowed in the rite. The two DA-specific flyers in 40k are both Ravenwing.


I like the Fire Raptors. I don't see a lot of AA in most 30k lists, and I think 5 flyers could definitely overwhelm the opposition. I don't see a way around your reserve roll concerns, though. And that could be a problem if your opponent is set up to mess with your rolls. You could replace the tank with a second HQ choice, maybe a librarian? The rhino wasn't that expensive, its points could be absorbed by some sergeant upgrades.


One thing I'll lay out there: I can't imagine myself owning everything for this list. The Fire Raptors are reportedly better than Storm Eagles to assemble, but that's a low bar. The jet bikes alone are £788 and you can't field them all in anything but a Ravenwing army. Bravo to you for giving it a shot, sir.

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How are flyers not Ravenwing? They're specifically allowed in the rite. The two DA-specific flyers in 40k are both Ravenwing.


I like the Fire Raptors. I don't see a lot of AA in most 30k lists, and I think 5 flyers could definitely overwhelm the opposition. I don't see a way around your reserve roll concerns, though. And that could be a problem if your opponent is set up to mess with your rolls. You could replace the tank with a second HQ choice, maybe a librarian? The rhino wasn't that expensive, its points could be absorbed by some sergeant upgrades.


One thing I'll lay out there: I can't imagine myself owning everything for this list. The Fire Raptors are reportedly better than Storm Eagles to assemble, but that's a low bar. The jet bikes alone are £788 and you can't field them all in anything but a Ravenwing army. Bravo to you for giving it a shot, sir.


Yea, 5 flyers would be a headache for a lot of lists. Some lists only have a Deredeo to stop flyers. Or nothing. Would be hell for some lists. I still think cutting it down to two Fire Raptors would be good, just to get more stuff in the list. 


But the expense of this list is brutal, as far as purchasing it. Plus, the weirdo in my would want to wait until DA units finally come out. They might wind up with a whole slew of stuff that might make some choices obsolete or less desirable.


Also, it just occurred to me that you could put both of those Lightnings into a Sub-Orbital for your LoW slot and break out the Javs into individual units so they can be more tactically useful.

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Very expensive project, but would be a good one! I would only take 2 Fire Raptors, giving you some points for other things. 4 Flyers will be hard to deal with! Maybe consider a 5-man squad of multi-melta Sky Slayers?


Erren's suggestion of a Librarian is a good one. With all the shooting and 2+ saves, you probably want to roll on Divination, and number 6 is Scrier's Gaze (which allows Reserves re-rolls). That will help with the large number of Flyers you have, provided you're lucky enough to roll it. There's no other options for you to get Reserves manipulation in this Rite of War. He can hang with my previously mentioned Sky Slayers.


Finally, I would give the Jetbikes some Sergeants to help with Ld. And you may as well take a Delegatus to save you points if you're not going to take any wargear on your HQ.

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