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Drilling storm bolters


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I am about to tackle my vast collection of Grey Knights , both pa and termie.


My question is how you ensure that the drilled out barrels of the storm bolters are level with each other.


I'm hoping that there is a genius way of guaranteeing a great even look.


Help me brothers

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Eyeballing it, there isn't much else you can do about it. 


I use the smallest drill bit and press it down on the barrels location. Then I look if the imprint is more or less on the right spot. If it is, then I start drilling. If not, then try again.


If I'm drilling crooked despite the imprint earlier, then I drill at an slight angle towards the intented spot and pull it straight a couple of seconds later. This will deform the hole a bit, but is easliy solved by using a slightly larger drill to widen the hole.


If all that fails, then I take a sharp hobbyknife and widen the barrel manually.



Good luck man, Drilling barrels for an army in one go sucks.

- Gently push the blade of a hobby knife against the end of the muzzle to get a faint line across the whole area.

- Using an awl or similar, mark the points you are going to drill along the line and then push firmly enough to get two little divots.

- Drill as normal using the divots to guide the drill bit.

- Finally, use a fine emery board (the sort ladies use for fingernails) to file the end of the muzzle smooth again.


Perfect results every time! ;)

  • 3 weeks later...
Oh that sounds pretty awful @ JeffJedi! I mark mine w a superfine tip Sharpie marker first and foremost, then follow the same procedure as outlined above- tip of an x-acto blade, drill, profit. I do kinda dislike the pignose barrel-look though... I've seen some hobbyists replace that w 2 separate bolter barrels. Sorely tempting... Cheers!
  • 4 weeks later...

Nick the points you want the hole to be in with a pushpin or sharpe scalpel blade. The drill bit will drop into the indentation and should be good to go.


Pretty much this. 


I use a gundam marker or any other fine-tipped marker to mark two dots that line up. THen push-pin and then drill. 

Failing that, you could cut them off use ear buds to make double barrels


I can't remember who it was on here, but they cut off the whole section and glued on two small tubes made from cut down cotton ear buds (i think they are called cue tips in the USA)


It looked awesome


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