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First list Blood Angels 3k


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IX Legion Blood Angels The Day of Revelation list


Praetor: Blade of Perdition, jump pack, melta bombs, iron halo, inferno pistol = 185

Legion Centurion Moritat: artficer armour, jump Pack, 2x Inferno Pistol = 155



15 x Assault Sqd : Sgt artificer armor, melta bombs, power weapon. 2x power weapons = 285

15 x Assault Sqd : Sgt artificer armor, melta bombs, power weapon. 2x power weapons =285

15 xAssault Sqd : Sgt artificer armor, melta bombs, power weapon. 2x power weapons = 285



10 x Legion Destroyer Squad: jump packs, 1x volkite serpentia = 330

3 x Apothecaries : jump packs = 180

2 x contemptor, 2x ccw built in assault cannons = 410



Legion land speeder squadron : 3x land speeders, multimeltas = 150



10 Heavy support squad : assault cannons =285

Legion Predator Squadron 2x predator : twin assault cannon and side sponson assault cannons = 230

Sicaran battle tank: lascannon sponsons, pintle assault cannon = 220

Total: 3,000

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