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3000 Legio Cybernetica


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Im flip flopping around a lot in 30K at the moment. I love my Blood Angels, but dont want to invest on expanding the force ( around 4K+ at the mo ) I have until we start getting units and characters ect.

Now I keep flip flopping on new forces as I tend to build my forces for Campaign style events. Ive tried Solar Auxilis, Militia, Iron Warriors, Sons of Horus. All got lists and a few test minis done.... and then stalled.  The Mechanicum Ive always liked the look of, but the lack of known characters made the campaigns less interesting, also the general strength of the Mech forces tended to make campaign play a one way street. Your opponent could either deal with Mechanicum, and you would lose. Or they cant, and you table them.  ( This is all from what a Mech playing friend said )


Now after seeing the Porphyrion get a release Im in love. Did some digging on the colour scheme, then the forgeworld and finally the Archdominus, Anacharis Scoria. Love it all!


Anyhow Ive made a list, and Im trying to be faily soft, while still being fluffy. This event does have Primarchs and the usual stuff that follows so I need to be able to go toe to toe with those still.


Legio Cybernetica Battle Cohort.

[315] Anacharis Scoria - Xanathite Abeyant
[170] Magos Dominus - Augury Scanner, Machinator Array, Cyber Familiar, Rad Clenser, Volkite serpenta, Abeyant

[360] 2x Domitar - Frag Grenades,

[230] 2x Castellax -  Multi Melta, Power Blades.
[210] 2x Castellax -  Mauler Bolt cannon,
[175] 3 Thallax - Ferrox, Melta Bombs
[175] 3 Thallax - Ferrox, Melta Bombs

[185] The Homonculex -  Arc Scourge
[175] Vultarax Stratos
[175] Vultarax Stratos

[265] Thanatar - Enhanced Targeting Array

Lord of War
[525] Acastus Knight Porphyrion - Occular Augmetics, Lascannons


Ive about 40points free for wargear.  


Scoria joins the Domitar unit and marches up field looking for a fight. MM Castellax protect one flank. The Homonculex on the other. Vultarax are both used as Jump MCs rather then actually flying. Thanatar sits back with the Dominus in the other Castellax unit. The Knight Pews away acting as a charge lane blocker



Thoughts guys?



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Withershadow's makes some good points. If the Dominus is backfield with Castellax, give them the Darkfire lances.


Legio Cybernetica isn't meant to score, it's meant to smash face. At least you've taken some scoring Troops. Instead of the Domitars, you could grab more Mauler Castellax and put Scoria with them. Then get some more Thallax units or take Tech-Thralls - cheapest Troops in the game.

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Legio Cybernetica isn't meant to score, it's meant to smash face. 



That's besides the point. 


With 6 (!) Thallax in a 3.000 pts. list he'll have serious issues in any missions or campaign not revolving around kill points but objectives.

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Take some Tech-Thralls in Triaros. That way they're at least somewhat challenging to remove. Plus Triaros can be hilarious when they Ram enemy vehicles, and provide decent anti-infantry firepower. 


The lack of scoring in Legio Cybernetica is irritating, but goes with the army. 

[170] Magos Dominus - Augury Scanner, Machinator Array, Cyber Familiar, Rad Clenser, Volkite serpenta, Abeyant


Drop everything except the Augery Scanner off him, you can afford another Domini easily. Two Domini is harder to remove than one, and that's an extra Cybertheurgy power and Cortex Controller aura to spread around. 

[360] 2x Domitar - Frag Grenades,


Complete trash. Proxy them as Arlatax

[230] 2x Castellax -  Multi Melta, Power Blades.
[210] 2x Castellax -  Mauler Bolt cannon,
[175] 3 Thallax - Ferrox, Melta Bombs
[175] 3 Thallax - Ferrox, Melta Bombs


Drop the power blades, refit them with darkfire. Castellax are too expensive to be mostly useless for 2+ turns of the game. They're also too slow for 24" weapons. Multi-melta is especially useless because Armoured Ceramite is on everything important you'll face, vehicle-wise. 

I'd drop the Thallax entirely, take 10x Tech-Thralls in a Triaros with Blessed Autosimulcra. Exactly same points cost, but it won't die instantly to Medusas/Typhons/AP4 spam, outputs decent anti-infantry, can Ram enemy vehicles to death/Tank Shock, and it costs exactly the same. 

[185] The Homonculex -  Arc Scourge
[175] Vultarax Stratos
[175] Vultarax Stratos


Downgrade to a regular Arlatax with scourge, that way you can run 3 of them in a squad (by dropping the Domitars). 3x Arlatax with scourges will wreck just about anything, and they're ungodly powerful with 'Rite of the Beast'. Three also means they take significant firepower to bring down, whereas poor Homonculex gets focused too easily because he has to run solo. 


Regarding Vultarax, always have them in Swooping mode. You get a 90 degree pivot at the start of your mandatory 12" movement, so with some good positioning, its easy to keep them in cortex range. You want to keep them in cortex range for Cybertheurgy anyway. Forcing Snap Shots for free is fantastic, as most Skyfire can't bring them down, they require enemy planes to kill them. 

[525] Acastus Knight Porphyrion - Occular Augmetics, Lascannons


He's tasty, but I prefer Atrapos because he's still lethal in melee and faster. Still a solid choice though for blowing away anything. 


It's a good start, just shift some stuff around and you've pretty much got my 3k list. 

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That's two strikes Darius, first getting Sevatars trait wrong and now the awful advice of dropping Machinator Arrays from Magi! :P


Not only does it make the dominus more survivable and a presence in melee, it lets him do two actions per turn, so repair and cybertheurgy. Pretty solid, IMO.

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Massive thanks on the input so far guys! Appreciate it. Ive tried to take a bit of what everyone said on board for the new list.


Ive not included any Arlatax or the Homonculex as I didn't realise there was no model for them yet. Anything I convert wouldn't look half as good as whatever Forgeworld put out and I end up with some very expensive, crappy looking Arlatax.  I kept the Machinator Array because of what Withershadow said.



Right new list!


Legio Cybernetica Battle Cohort.


[315] Anacharis Scoria - Xanathite Abeyant
[110] Magos Dominus - Augury Scanner, Machinator Array,  Volkite serpenta,

[110] Magos Dominus - Augury Scanner, Machinator Array,  Volkite serpenta,

[280] 2x Castellax -  2x Darkfire cannons, Enhanced Targeting Arrays.
[280] 2x Castellax -  2x Darkfire cannons, Enhanced Targeting Arrays.
[135] 3 Thallax
[135] 3 Thallax

[35] 10 Tech-Thralls

[35] 10 Tech-Thralls

[175] Vultarax Stratos
[175] Vultarax Stratos

[310] Thanatar Calix Class - Enhanced Targeting Array

[195] Macrocarid Explorator - Maulerbolt cannon, 2 lascannons
[195] Macrocarid Explorator - Maulerbolt cannon, 2 lascannons


Lord of War
[525] Acastus Knight Porphyrion - Occular Augmetics, Lascannons


So Tactics

Scoria goes with one Castellax blob, a Magos goes with the other unit and the Thanatar.  Vultarax start on the ground and take off turn 1.

Thralls are in the Macrocarids. Thallax deepstrike. This should protect the scoring units a bit.

Everyone walks forward, shoots stuff and charges. Pretty much it.


Thoughts now?

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Scoria is bent as and won't make you any friends. Couple that with a porphyrion and you are bordering on being "that guy"

Depends a lot on your gaming group and how they play though

Bah you must of got that post up while I was writing the new list smile.png

Are they really that bad? I dont know much about the mechanicum, all I know is they are generally strong. My train of thought was,

Ace new Knight > Love that colour scheme > Which Knight House > Which Forgeworld > Whos that Character > Wow hes cool, and has rules! > Spend xmas bonus!

Any tips to turning it down a bit? It is a campaign I'll be going too. The idea is the Play with the opponent, not against.

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Scoria is just so good, it's unreal. And for the points too.


He will go toe to toe with any primarch and nope them


As for the new knight, 4 x str 10 ap2 blasts is no joke either


I'm not sure they can be toned down but like I said it depends what lists your buddies bring. If they are rocking multi spartan chassis, primarch mega units etc... then it's all fair game I guess

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Not everyone is, but from last years campaign we had. Horus / Mortarion / Praetor with their teminators in a Spartan. Alpharius and Dynat with uber shooty unit. Double knight Iron warriors. Tripple storm eagle and pods Space wolves. Mechanicum Legio Cybernetica list plus other stuff I cant remember right now.

This year I know my friends are taking a Dorn + his Thunderhawk. Dark Angels poisoned bolter / plasma spam. White scars bikes / flyers with that flipping Glaive.



Anyhow this all may be moot as Ive just seen the plastic sisters.... Curse my 'Ohh shiney' syndrome.

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I assume the Alpha Legion player got rolled. 620 points of force multiplier characters... madness.


I would definitely bring Skoria to those tables, Porphyrion I'd use sparingly, but I'd still use it. :P


Not sure of occular augmetics are necessary, since hopefully nothing will be within 12" for you to get the re-roll, so you're basically paying 10 points for night vision.

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Massive thanks on the input so far guys! Appreciate it. Ive tried to take a bit of what everyone said on board for the new list.


Ive not included any Arlatax or the Homonculex as I didn't realise there was no model for them yet. Anything I convert wouldn't look half as good as whatever Forgeworld put out and I end up with some very expensive, crappy looking Arlatax.  I kept the Machinator Array because of what Withershadow said.



Right new list!


Legio Cybernetica Battle Cohort.



[315] Anacharis Scoria - Xanathite Abeyant

[110] Magos Dominus - Augury Scanner, Machinator Array,  Volkite serpenta,

[110] Magos Dominus - Augury Scanner, Machinator Array,  Volkite serpenta,



[280] 2x Castellax -  2x Darkfire cannons, Enhanced Targeting Arrays.

[280] 2x Castellax -  2x Darkfire cannons, Enhanced Targeting Arrays.

[135] 3 Thallax

[135] 3 Thallax

[35] 10 Tech-Thralls

[35] 10 Tech-Thralls



[175] Vultarax Stratos

[175] Vultarax Stratos



[310] Thanatar Calix Class - Enhanced Targeting Array

[195] Macrocarid Explorator - Maulerbolt cannon, 2 lascannons

[195] Macrocarid Explorator - Maulerbolt cannon, 2 lascannons


Lord of War

[525] Acastus Knight Porphyrion - Occular Augmetics, Lascannons


So Tactics

Scoria goes with one Castellax blob, a Magos goes with the other unit and the Thanatar.  Vultarax start on the ground and take off turn 1.

Thralls are in the Macrocarids. Thallax deepstrike. This should protect the scoring units a bit.

Everyone walks forward, shoots stuff and charges. Pretty much it.


Thoughts now?


I prefer the normal Thanatar, personally. You aren't hurting for anti-tank, so why not go for that mortar?


I feel like the Macrocarids are a waste. Without good upgrades, they won't last long anyhow. Why not opt for a Triarios and bump your squads to 20 with RoPT and RA? That only costs you 5pt more than your current set-up and you get a Flare Shielded AV14 front vehicle with more dudes that will live longer if their transport is popped. 


Helios! You need it on that Acastus, because you have precious little anti-air as it stands beyond the Setheno Havocs. Not sure how those will work out, but the Helios is S8 AP2 on the Knight and will for sure pop a flyer when it arrives (Skyfire, Interceptor). 


Nothing on the Thallax? Weird. You could toss them and get another squad of Castellax with Maulers and park Scoria in it. Just a thought.

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I assume the Alpha Legion player got rolled. 620 points of force multiplier characters... madness.

I would definitely bring Skoria to those tables, Porphyrion I'd use sparingly, but I'd still use it. tongue.png

Not sure of occular augmetics are necessary, since hopefully nothing will be within 12" for you to get the re-roll, so you're basically paying 10 points for night vision.

He had a Volkite Culverin squad with Dynat. That ruins stuff when its BS5 and has preferred enemy ( and I think Tank Hunter) Light tanks, terminators, marine blobs.... all die to them. Alpharius was with a massive tactical blob, and didn't appear until needed.

I prefer the normal Thanatar, personally. You aren't hurting for anti-tank, so why not go for that mortar?

I feel like the Macrocarids are a waste. Without good upgrades, they won't last long anyhow. Why not opt for a Triarios and bump your squads to 20 with RoPT and RA? That only costs you 5pt more than your current set-up and you get a Flare Shielded AV14 front vehicle with more dudes that will live longer if their transport is popped.

Helios! You need it on that Acastus, because you have precious little anti-air as it stands beyond the Setheno Havocs. Not sure how those will work out, but the Helios is S8 AP2 on the Knight and will for sure pop a flyer when it arrives (Skyfire, Interceptor).

Nothing on the Thallax? Weird. You could toss them and get another squad of Castellax with Maulers and park Scoria in it. Just a thought.

I dont need a Helios, you forgot about the Vultarax main gun, its Arc Blaster. A Str 6 Heavy 3 Haywire gun. With it being a MC its got 360 Line of Sight so enemy flyers shouldnt be much of an issue. The Thallax were for more troop units, hopefully a late game deepstrike and objective grab... but I understand... they suck.

Anyhow... 3rd times a charm!

Legio Cybernetica Battle Cohort.


[315] Anacharis Scoria - Xanathite Abeyant

[110] Magos Dominus - Augury Scanner, Machinator Array, Volkite serpenta,

[110] Magos Dominus - Augury Scanner, Machinator Array, Volkite serpenta,


[280] 2x Castellax - 2x Darkfire cannons, Enhanced Targeting Arrays.

[280] 2x Castellax - 2x Darkfire cannons, Enhanced Targeting Arrays.

[250] 2x Castellax - 2x Mauler Pattern Bolt guns, Enhanced Targeting Arrays

[260] 20 Tech-Thralls - Carapace Armour, Pure Thought, Alchemistry

[xxx] Triaros Armoured Conveyor - Blessed Autosimulacra

[260] 20 Tech-Thralls - Carapace Armour, Pure Thought, Alchemistry

[xxx] Triaros Armoured Conveyor - Blessed Autosimulacra


[175] Vultarax Stratos

[175] Vultarax Stratos


[250] Thanatar - Hellex Plasma Mortar

Lord of War

[505] Acastus Knight Porphyrion - Lascannons

thats 2990. So Ive a few points for wargear tweaks

Tactics now.

Scoria is with the Mauler Castellax, the Magos go with the Darkfire units. Scoria and Co run up field looking for a fight. The Magos hang about mid field pew pewing. Thralls Drive about ramming stuff because they can. Usual plan with the Vultarax. And the Knight and Thanatar hang about in the backfield dropping pie plates on stuff.

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You know what... I did 100% miss that weapon. Wow... the Vulturax is just a no-brainer, isn't it? 


And that list looks solid to me. Really solid. You might could get away with dropping Carapace to squeeze more upgrades onto the Magos duo, if you wanted to maybe bump them up to a stronger gun. Just a thought, but not a major priority.

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Are Vulturax so good? I didnt notice them being so OP

It's three BS5 haywire shots on a mobile and tough platform that can receive cybertheurgy. Outside of grav Myrmidons, there's not a lot of reliable options for quickly stopping a spartan at range.


IMO it's good, not amazing like some people make it out to be, and in a Cybernetica list where everything costs a whole lot, their cost adds up really fast.

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I assume the Alpha Legion player got rolled. 620 points of force multiplier characters... madness.

I would definitely bring Skoria to those tables, Porphyrion I'd use sparingly, but I'd still use it. tongue.png

Not sure of occular augmetics are necessary, since hopefully nothing will be within 12" for you to get the re-roll, so you're basically paying 10 points for night vision.

He had a Volkite Culverin squad with Dynat. That ruins stuff when its BS5 and has preferred enemy ( and I think Tank Hunter) Light tanks, terminators, marine blobs.... all die to them. Alpharius was with a massive tactical blob, and didn't appear until needed.

Yeah that's like a 500+ unit that's vulnerable to anything that kills Sv3+, I.e. Everything. If Alpharius hadn't appeared, they wouldn't have Preferred Enemy.
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That's two strikes Darius, first getting Sevatars trait wrong and now the awful advice of dropping Machinator Arrays from Magi! tongue.png

Not only does it make the dominus more survivable and a presence in melee, it lets him do two actions per turn, so repair and cybertheurgy. Pretty solid, IMO

You're already T7 from the Castellax, so it's meaningless at range and in melee you're probably dead anyway if the Castellax haven't finished them off.

You can't use Battlesmith and Cybertheurgy in the same Shooting phase, as they both replace your ranged attacks. You can't replace your ranged attacks twice. It needs an FAQ because it's dumb IMO, but that is how it currently works.

New list looks good Soulshade, let us know how you go with it :). Hopefully the Legion players stop taking Primarchs every game after he's slapped a couple with raw TIME to the face.

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Happy new year!

Today I finally managed to get a vastly proxied game in against a friends Dark Angels


Yeah... its bad even for me.... but it helped to get an idea of the list before dropping the best part of a grand on it.

So I was using the latest list.... thats.

Legio Cybernetica Battle Cohort.

[315] Anacharis Scoria - Xanathite Abeyant
[110] Magos Dominus - Augury Scanner, Machinator Array, Volkite serpenta,

[110] Magos Dominus - Augury Scanner, Machinator Array, Volkite serpenta,

[280] 2x Castellax - 2x Darkfire cannons, Enhanced Targeting Arrays.
[280] 2x Castellax - 2x Darkfire cannons, Enhanced Targeting Arrays.

[250] 2x Castellax - 2x Mauler Pattern Bolt guns, Enhanced Targeting Arrays

[260] 20 Tech-Thralls - Carapace Armour, Pure Thought, Alchemistry

[xxx] Triaros Armoured Conveyor - Blessed Autosimulacra

[260] 20 Tech-Thralls - Carapace Armour, Pure Thought, Alchemistry

[xxx] Triaros Armoured Conveyor - Blessed Autosimulacra

[175] Vultarax Stratos
[175] Vultarax Stratos


[250] Thanatar - Hellex Plasma Mortar

Lord of War
[505] Acastus Knight Porphyrion - Lascannons

Here is a brief summary of the game. Be warned, I had a drink or 2 last night msn-wink.gif So this probably isn't exactly accurate and I cant remember unit names for the life of me. I was slightly hanging... but its been the first chance to try this out Ive had. So I soldiered through.

So, first 30K scenario. Blood feud. I deployed second and couldn't seize.

He had a solid first turn. He did 19 AP1 wounds to the Castelax unit with Scoria. Leaving Scoria clinging to life with 2 wounds remaining. He also killed one of the Vultarx and a castelax from each of the other units. Not a bad first go... bloody poisoned heavy bolters...

I replied with the remaining Vultarax taking off and hull pointing the Vindi laser Destroyer. The Thanatar destroyed a vet squad leaving 3 men standing and the Porphyrion rained pie plates... but it turns out cover is a thing and I only chip a few models off of 2 units. Not a great first turn for me.

Turn 2 see his command squad charging a castelax. The poison shots go for the Vultarax but thankfully mostly miss or are jinked. Scoria tanks an amazing amount of plasma shots. In combat the Command squad flub it massively ( str7 Ap3 sword with ID that did 0 wounds + Paragon Blade that whiffed) and the chaplain goes down to my Magos. This combat continues for the rest of the game pretty much as it was basically the Praetor fishing for 6s to wound. The other castelax blinds the Cortus Dread and thinks he can have a go... I was wrong. This fight also lasts till the end of the game pretty much too. My knight drops more pie plates but again cover is a thing....

The next few turns are carnage. He destroys both of my Converyors then drops Apoc Blast plasma shots on the Thralls from the Plasma Baneblade thingy. Scoria goes down to Rending bolter fire. The Thanatar charges the Angel Command squad and manages to get through their FNP ect and does them in in 2 CC rounds.

Basically the game comes down to my Knight shooting his LoW and vice versa. I had the Thanatar, a Castelax and the Knight left. He had his LoW and a few men from his infantry blobs that were hiding under the wreckage of their tanks.

I managed a win. 1Vp in it. I won thanks mostly to the fact he couldnt roll below a 5 for AP after turn 1 and the fact that knights are vastly superior to super heavy tanks. ( We had the same gun pretty much, I had 4 pie plates he had 2 Apoc blast. I can also fight back in CC, you dont auto hit my rear either and I have an Invul save vs shooting!). The fact he is a Dark Angel and auto lost D3 Vps too helped.

So thoughts? I didnt think it was that powerful. I know my Blood Angels could of given the Mech list a run. One Venator stops the Porphyrion dead in its tracks. Large infantry blobs would tie it up for ages too. I was however playing the perfect counter to a Mech force, loads of poison and ID weapons, and managed to pull a win.

If I can pull the colour scheme of this should be a goer! biggrin.png

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