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3000 Legio Cybernetica


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Why was the Stormblade alive to shoot at your Thralls? That is what the Acastus should have gone for first and foremost. Four S10 AP2 Large Blasts should have done some decent damage on it, for real. Plus Lascannons, too! Ideally, that is at least six HP down, but maybe about +d3 more since you should be rolling six times on the Vehicle Damage Table, so one of those (on average) should get you the extra. Worse case, toss Darkfire Cannons at it to finish it off if it is a serious threat. 


And I hope you were making him re-roll his poisoned shots against your robots. :D Sure it is still a 2+, but nothing like making him regret taking those shells, amirite?! 

I am starting to think maybe for your list the Acastus isn't the ideal option. I could be wrong, but I think it might be too many points for something not really furthering your army as much. You might benefit from another pair of Vulturax (squadrons of two) and maybe a Primaris-Lightining with BSC, GTA, and Krakens to knock out those pesky armor targets quickly. 


The Vulturax are pretty solid for knocking out armor though, so maybe the Lightning is overkill. Maybe take some Vorax? Not idea, just spitballing.


Where did you feel you were lacking?

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Lol. Yeah the stormlord lived because I wanted to give him a chance. From what you guys told me on here I was gunna walk all over him happy.png I wont make that mistake again tongue.png

I did forget a huge swath of rules, like the fact the Mech monsters can fire 3 weapons each ect but then again I also didnt give him the D3 for killing all my Cortext Controllers.

The Acastus is in the list because I want that model biggrin.png I am literally attempting to build an army around him. If I could of fit it into one of my Legions I would do.

The Vulturax are nuts when you use the double shot Cyberthurgy on them. Fly up, double tap, then fly off next turn. Come back, double tap ect... Its an easy way to kill a Superheavy. I was just trying to not be an utter dick and go 550 points up turn 1 ;)

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Lol. Yeah the stormlord lived because I wanted to give him a chance. From what you guys told me on here I was gunna walk all over him happy.png I wont make that mistake again tongue.png

I did forget a huge swath of rules, like the fact the Mech monsters can fire 3 weapons each ect but then again I also didnt give him the D3 for killing all my Cortext Controllers.

The Acastus is in the list because I want that model biggrin.png I am literally attempting to build an army around him. If I could of fit it into one of my Legions I would do.

The Vulturax are nuts when you use the double shot Cyberthurgy on them. Fly up, double tap, then fly off next turn. Come back, double tap ect... Its an easy way to kill a Superheavy. I was just trying to not be an utter dick and go 550 points up turn 1 msn-wink.gif

You are one of the good ones, then. I never pull punches unless it is a specifically narrative game! :D

And you totally could run the Acastus in a Legion list, if you wanted. ;)

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