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New Campaign Including Ad Mech


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It is already in the News, but I want to make an extra topic here just for the Ad Mech stuff coming:






I realy love this dude !!!

Amazing how fast GW is throwing out stuff lately.

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Sweet Omnissiah! >_> He really is a couple of steps above the Dominus. That dude looks like he is 99% machine! And does he have hooves?! He just looks like a massive cyborg but in a pretty twisted way. Like in a "Guardmen would lose their lunch by just looking at him" way. I like it! 

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Sweet Omnissiah! >_> He really is a couple of steps above the Dominus. That dude looks like he is 99% machine! And does he have hooves?! He just looks like a massive cyborg but in a pretty twisted way. Like in a "Guardmen would lose their lunch by just looking at him" way. I like it! 


Looking at him a cyber centaur or centipede came into my mind... the lower body looks kind of stretched out with a lot of feet underneath that robe.

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Sweet Omnissiah! >_> He really is a couple of steps above the Dominus. That dude looks like he is 99% machine! And does he have hooves?! He just looks like a massive cyborg but in a pretty twisted way. Like in a "Guardmen would lose their lunch by just looking at him" way. I like it! 


Looking at him a cyber centaur or centipede came into my mind... the lower body looks kind of stretched out with a lot of feet underneath that robe.

No different from the current Tech-Priest Dominus in that regard. This one just has a more billowy robe, allowing entire legs to be exposed under the robe; original, only the feet extended beneath the edges of the robe.


'He' is, however, of a higher order than the earlier model. More bits and bobs: the previously spoiler keys, the remote 'bug' crawling out from under the robes, an axe more integrated/linked into his systems, the speaker apparently replacing his biological vocal capacity.


But after seeing this one and the earlier model, I have to wonder: what's the stats on a Tech-Priest Pimp Cane? 

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Is that a grav cannon hiding in the back? Behind the power axe and all those cables?

If it's ranged, it looks more like a Torsion Cannon of some form. Grav tends to have a conical tip with a cross; torsion has 2-4 'claws' at the end. 
















However, it looks more like an Arc Claw. 


Arc Claw (middle right)








Now, my question is what's the gun on his left side? Has elements of a Volkite, but with a 3-sided symmetry.

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I wish I could read anything from the blurry pic of his stats! He is an HQ (with his size I thought maybe he'd be a LoW), and all I can make out is that he apparently has two canticles rules... based on where letters extend above or below the rest, I'm guessing a rule called canticles of the archmagos or something. And he's very bulky, but without transports that doesn't matter.


Edit blurry pic of his stats is from post 154 in the news thread, btw.


Edit again: good pics here from Atia http://battlebunnies.blogspot.com/2016/12/belisarius-cawl.html

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Wow didn't realize the size of the guy when he's shown beside saint celestine but alone damn that's a nice centerpiece model if you don't have a knight or some such.


The original magos dominus I wanted to convert so his lower half is cyber-snake like, THIS model tho I don't even want to touch I'd be happy to just paint one up. On the point of converting/kitbashing it's a pretty busy model, I think it would be alot more time intensive to convert than the regular dominus. 

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Oh man I can't wait! Belisarius looks amazing. So what do you guys think will be in the campaign book? I'm guessing:

-new transport model. Hopefully not a flyer but there was rumors long ago about a flyer

-joint admech list (cult and skitarii) this is all I really want.

-a new robot model


That's my guesses and if there can be only 1 please please please let it be the joint book. Exciting times

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I want a flyer myself. Preferably a very mechanicus one like an ornithopter.


Cawl is quite magnificent. I'm glad we finally see a techpriest with attached c.a.t.-like thing that Jes has drawn several times. That it's spidery is quite good. I note a leg looking rather infiltrator-y. Could Cawl have been keeping alive through scavenging....?

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I'm trying really hard not to start wish listing for other stuff. I'm guessing we won't have any other new models (though we might) but we could get some new rules/formations. It seems though like if we had new models there would've been pics on the back of the book. I'd be happy to be wrong there! But it seems like if we got a transport from this it would most likely be something borrowed from another army (like deathwatch vehicles that are the sprue plus an upgrade, which I'd be okay with but not ecstatic).


Maybe though we will see a formation that gives vanguard dunestrider or something (or a mechanic like the Holy Requisitioner). The more I look at that pic the more confident I am that he has a second Canticles (the bottom gray block they've covered) which would be awesome if it had a movement boost. I assume it'll work the same but only can be used if he's in the army, or something, because you can see the number of units list poking out.

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Guys, I wouldn't get ahead of yourself.


Im pretty sure we have seen all of the new models for this campaign book.


Cawl, Celestine and Greyfax.


The back of the book having the old studio Templars and sisters confirms this.


Certainly room for more in the future, but for now nothing new in this book.

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