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New Campaign Including Ad Mech


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Wow... the ironstriders in that artwork are just ghastly... the pill headed bots though, the ones who's armaments I can see, seem to both have some kind of sniper rifle looking gun... I would speculate these might be something new coming in a future admech release that will also include cawl, but with how terrible the ironstriders look (the back one literally has arms... arms!) They could be space marines for all I can tell!


Exactly. I had totally pegged the pill-heads as something new as well, but all bets are off now. I'm ignoring this art completely. 

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I'm still yet to get my book, does someone have an image of the full art that shows those are definitely ironstriders?


I don't have it, but allow me to crush your dreams... They're the ugliest, dumbest-looking Ironstriders I've ever seen. Only the Omnissiah could love those ones. 

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Don't know what you guys are complaining about. Our robot chickens look pretty much just like in that picture. I think the Ruststalkers to Cawls sides are just hideous! What did they do with their awesome leather masks? >_>

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That Ironstrider in the background looks taller than the one in the foreground to me and the autocannons look different. I'm not saying I could do better, but I'm sure they could have produced a better picture than that. 


What is that in front of Cawl's face? It makes him look like a Platypus or something.

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That Ironstrider in the background looks taller than the one in the foreground to me and the autocannons look different. I'm not saying I could do better, but I'm sure they could have produced a better picture than that. 


What is that in front of Cawl's face? It makes him look like a Platypus or something.

The device in front of Cawl's face is listed in the white dwarf as a "Binharic Converter and Translator (binaric, high and low gothic)"


As for a Platypus, Platypi are aggressive venomous furry aquatic monotremes that hunt with their eyes closed using electric sensors in their bills (now toothless but ancient ones had teeth) to sense prey, hatch from eggs and unlike most monotremes have managed to stave off extinction despite being surrounded by marsupials for millennia.. suitable for inspiration for an especially ancient Arch-Magos surely.

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That Ironstrider in the background looks taller than the one in the foreground to me and the autocannons look different. I'm not saying I could do better, but I'm sure they could have produced a better picture than that. 


What is that in front of Cawl's face? It makes him look like a Platypus or something.

The device in front of Cawl's face is listed in the white dwarf as a "Binharic Converter and Translator (binaric, high and low gothic)"


As for a Platypus, Platypi are aggressive venomous furry aquatic monotremes that hunt with their eyes closed using electric sensors in their bills (now toothless but ancient ones had teeth) to sense prey, hatch from eggs and unlike most monotremes have managed to stave off extinction despite being surrounded by marsupials for millennia.. suitable for inspiration for an especially ancient Arch-Magos surely.


I suppose the comparison runs a bit deeper than I thought... :)

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Wow...just noticed the perhaps ultimate cheese when browsing through FW goodness/secutarii.



So long as a unit contains at least five models equipped with a Kyropatris field generator, all models in the unit may re-roll failed Armour saves of a 1. In addition, if the unit contains at least 10 models equipped with Kyropatris field generators then shooting attacks against them are reduced by -1 Str.

Well...it explicitly states "all models in the unit", only depending on the number of field generators in the unit, not the model having a field generator. Yeah, so Carl can get rerollable 2+ armour, on top of his rerollable FnP and regenerating/dominus-repaired wounds...

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Wow...just noticed the perhaps ultimate cheese when browsing through FW goodness/secutarii.



So long as a unit contains at least five models equipped with a Kyropatris field generator, all models in the unit may re-roll failed Armour saves of a 1. In addition, if the unit contains at least 10 models equipped with Kyropatris field generators then shooting attacks against them are reduced by -1 Str.

Well...it explicitly states "all models in the unit", only depending on the number of field generators in the unit, not the model having a field generator. Yeah, so Carl can get rerollable 2+ armour, on top of his rerollable FnP and regenerating/dominus-repaired wounds...



I need an admech version of this gif




Just for this, Stick him into a unit of the guys with haywire weapons and shields for added anti tank trolling/interesting fun. I am super tempted to do this now.

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Wow...just noticed the perhaps ultimate cheese when browsing through FW goodness/secutarii.

So long as a unit contains at least five models equipped with a Kyropatris field generator, all models in the unit may re-roll failed Armour saves of a 1. In addition, if the unit contains at least 10 models equipped with Kyropatris field generators then shooting attacks against them are reduced by -1 Str.

Well...it explicitly states "all models in the unit", only depending on the number of field generators in the unit, not the model having a field generator. Yeah, so Carl can get rerollable 2+ armour, on top of his rerollable FnP and regenerating/dominus-repaired wounds...

Just for this, Stick him into a unit of the guys with haywire weapons and shields for added anti tank trolling/interesting fun. I am super tempted to do this now.

Oh great! Right when I start my kit bash of Victoria Miniatures female torsos/legs with my Secutarii Hoplites, Mitchverr here has to go and give them a unit name: "The Cawl Girls". (...don't hurt me!..cry.gif)


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Just for this, Stick him into a unit of the guys with haywire weapons and shields for added anti tank trolling/interesting fun. I am super tempted to do this now.

Just because such a big and important guy could use an entourage, the shield guys would look great. The peltasts are better in almost every aspect other than looks though, especially at long ranged, cover/armour-ignoring anti infantry (which we lack, unlike AT). Carl has enough rerollable master-crafted haywire + dataspike to kill any non-superheavy in one charge, so the shield guys wouldn't do much besides shielding (even with defensive grenades). Only other use, give them the Mortispex relic to shoot down any flier short of a thunderhawk in one go...

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Just for this, Stick him into a unit of the guys with haywire weapons and shields for added anti tank trolling/interesting fun. I am super tempted to do this now.

Just because such a big and important guy could use an entourage, the shield guys would look great. The peltasts are better in almost every aspect other than looks though, especially at long ranged, cover/armour-ignoring anti infantry (which we lack, unlike AT). Carl has enough rerollable master-crafted haywire + dataspike to kill any non-superheavy in one charge, so the shield guys wouldn't do much besides shielding (even with defensive grenades). Only other use, give them the Mortispex relic to shoot down any flier short of a thunderhawk in one go...



Cawl however wants to get into close combat, which the hoplite guys are more okay with as iirc they have AP4 CC dont they? And have the decent 5++. Main reason i would go for it.


Though if i ever use Cawl a significant part of my force would be cult mech so anti infantry is covered to a degree.

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Cawl however wants to get into close combat, which the hoplite guys are more okay with as iirc they have AP4 CC dont they? And have the decent 5++. Main reason i would go for it.

S4 AP4 in CC, yes. But I see Carls role more on the "shoot the big stuff, mop up the remains in CC" role. He can singlehandedly beat up a lot of bad-armour models in CC, but few with AP2. Against 2+ or 3+ armour, killing as much as possible with peltast guns would be more useful. The hoplites' 5++ may be nice in CC, but chances are Carl will soak up most non-AP2 with his rerollable 2+ armour, and quite a bit of AP2 with 5++/5+/5+ and auto-regeneration. No need to sacrifice secutarii, rather have them keep up the generator number. As long as the -1S on shooting persists, the number of wounds on Carl will be significantly lower. Once he's in CC against hard units (like hammernators), there isn't that much difference between 5++ and less attacking models.

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I wonder if forgeworld's upcoming mechanicum vs Tau book is going to create an adeptus Titanicus faction that mixes cult mechanicus and skitarii with the 30K Mechanicum units. That would explain why they have that particular faction instead of just being faction Skitarii. The provision of being skitarii heavy support may just have been so they could be fielded before the book release for play testing etc.
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