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New Campaign Including Ad Mech


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Which cycles me back to a decurion detachment in the book. If not then there is a dominus in 3 formations and the CAD/battle congregation. I was thinking it would be cool if later on they had a skitarii hq or if you choose the warlord from the skitarii force then all admech in the detachment would use the doctrina imperatives and if you choose a dominus/Cawl then everyone use the canticles. That way it doesn't invalidate those rules but makes it an army wide boost. Lots of different play styles could come from it too. But that's just wishing I have nothing to back that up with.
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Well we know one of the four scenarios in the campaign is Cawl's own technoarchaelogical expedition forces Vs Orks from before he travels to Cadia. So he will have to be able to be used in either a pure Cult Mechanicus force or a Skitarri/Cult force before he travels to Cadia and joins the Super-friends team there. The big question will be whether he has Skitarii as well as Cult forces and how they deal with that.

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If he is faction: Cult Mech then he doesn't need a rule to be swapped for a dominus in CAD, Battle Congregation or War Convocation.


That is correct, but if his main benefit is boosting AVs by giving them a 5++ the question is: Why would Ad Mech want him?

Onagers have a 6++ to 4++ anyway, Dragoons have a 5+ cover save and the only AV left is the Ironstrider. Not realy worth it unless he has got some other tricks underneath his robe...


Edit: And Knights, but they get a 4++ on one facing as well.

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Actually, depending on interpretation of wording it seems that was a special canticle, and he'd already used another canticle that turn which may mean he gets to do 2 canticles per turn, some of which are unique to him.

Oh and sure Knights have a great invuln on one facing... but having the other facings protected is really tempting!
There's lots we still don't know about Cawl so we can't really judge his usefulness till we know more.

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Well, if the invul works in cc, dragoons and knights would benefit quite a bit. Again, I'm very curious as to what his canticles do. By the way, was it mentioned anywhere what unit type he is? That is going to be a big factor in how he is used.
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I mean is he a MC? Is he just a t6 character? Does he have the independent character rule?

From the photo of his rules, he's an IC. I think he's just Infantry (Character), but I can't be 100%. He's got FNP, with re-rolls as a Warlord Trait, and some other rule that looks maybe like a form of wound recovery, but it's really hard to make out.


He had two Canticles rules on that photo, Omnissiah and Archmagos. The only Archmagos Canticle you can see gives IWND as it's lowest form, with IWND plus extra stuff at higher strengths.

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If he can make all of my Furioso/ DC/ Rifleman Dreads into 5++ Contemptor-lites then that works for me....


Aye he'd go nicely with the SW all dread army i want to add at some point (as this seems nice and fluffy thing for my iron wolves to have fighting alongside my newer admech). A load of blizzdreads with 3++/5++ charging up the table would be fun (although having to footslog them would still be a pain).


455 points rumour still seem A LOT, he would have to provide some serious serious buffs to warrant that. Even at T6 5W that is a silly amount of points.


Are we sure the 455 isn't for the whole formation? (ie caul, celestine and the inquisitor?)




I mean is he a MC? Is he just a t6 character? Does he have the independent character rule?

From the photo of his rules, he's an IC. I think he's just Infantry (Character), but I can't be 100%. He's got FNP, with re-rolls as a Warlord Trait, and some other rule that looks maybe like a form of wound recovery, but it's really hard to make out.


He had two Canticles rules on that photo, Omnissiah and Archmagos. The only Archmagos Canticle you can see gives IWND as it's lowest form, with IWND plus extra stuff at higher strengths.



Im guessing they'll make him infantry (bulky or very bulky), although really, at that size, he should me a MC easily (his base looks the same size as an onager!)


Wound recovery im guessing he has the same as a dominus (2+ wound recover if he forgoes a shooting attack...although maybe he doesnt have to forgo shooting)

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Wound recovery im guessing he has the same as a dominus (2+ wound recover if he forgoes a shooting attack...although maybe he doesnt have to forgo shooting)



He was mentioned as having a repair skull-array-thing, so this could well be one of his abilities.

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I suspect we'll need a full release revealed before we can do much with this information.  In many ways, I'm guessing that much of the Fall of Cadia releases will be based around cross-faction armies, hence Cawl's vehicle-boosting abilities.

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Faeit has a post up by someone with the book. Apparently it has a combined Mechanicus army list!!


Well this has pretty much become a must buy, though I am tempted to wait a little bit longer and see if they release a combined codex that is not also a campaign book. 

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It could potentially be a whole lot more flexible than war convocation. It depends on how they take it. It could still be a decurion too, as I don't think we've seen a "there's X formations in this book" preview.


I hope it more than just those two though.... that's pretty light on content.

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PerhaPs it's a pair of decurions... one combining knight ad and cult mech formations, and another decurion combining imperial guard sob and space marine formations... apparently wit some way of includi ng crusader squads
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I don't think it's a full army list, as this isn't something like Wrath of Magnus etc.


But it seems to be a formation (that is probably Decurion level) that includes Cult, Skits & Knights.


Also - Cawl grants canticles to friendly units within 12".... No idea if it's just his or the main ones too but giving canticles buffs to marines and the like is baller.

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Also - Cawl grants canticles to friendly units within 12".... No idea if it's just his or the main ones too but giving canticles buffs to marines and the like is baller.


My understanding is that this bonus is only when playing the formation with Celestine and the Inquisitor, so the benefit might only be for Sororitas and Agent units you can take with them...

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