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A less rigid version of the War Convocation sounds like a great thing.


Indeed, though it will have to be immensely powerful in some way to overcome free upgrades.

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A less rigid version of the War Convocation sounds like a great thing.


Indeed, though it will have to be immensely powerful in some way to overcome free upgrades.


Orrrr be more fair for the opponent and keep the Free upgrades to the other formation? 


My only hope it isnt some vapid Skitarii maniple kind of formation for the base.

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CM have 4 formations.


Can't seem to find my Skitarii book, but they have 4 right? Maniple, bigger maniple, Cavaliers and the killclade?


Decurions have around 8-13 slots, some of which are just auxilliary options like a HQ and the like.


If I were to venture a guess, the Decurion will have Requsitioner and Maniple as core, option for Cawl or a Dominus in Command and the rest are simply Auxiliary. Knights as a 1-3 Auxiliary choice and maybe even a slot for fortifications if we are lucky (boggles my mind that Cadians or Imperial Fist did not get it...)


Keep in mind that Traitor Legions and AoD mainly compiled previously released formations.

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CM have 4 formations.


Can't seem to find my Skitarii book, but they have 4 right? Maniple, bigger maniple, Cavaliers and the killclade?


Decurions have around 8-13 slots, some of which are just auxilliary options like a HQ and the like.


If I were to venture a guess, the Decurion will have Requsitioner and Maniple as core, option for Cawl or a Dominus in Command and the rest are simply Auxiliary. Knights as a 1-3 Auxiliary choice and maybe even a slot for fortifications if we are lucky (boggles my mind that Cadians or Imperial Fist did not get it...)


Keep in mind that Traitor Legions and AoD mainly compiled previously released formations.


We should really wait until more info comes out, as I don't wanna get worked up because I have to buy an entire skitarii maniple.

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I would rather have a weaker formation that is flexible and fun than something like a War Convocation on steroids. I'm not mad the WC exists, and I wouldn't be against using it sometimes, but I'd much prefer something that allows you to tailor the play style more.
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Cawl granting Canticles to nearby allies is very interesting. I'm eager to read exactly how it works because there could be some nasty combos with that. Please enjoy punching my 50-strong Conscript allies while I recite the Litany of the Electromancer.

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Cawl granting Canticles to nearby allies is very interesting. I'm eager to read exactly how it works because there could be some nasty combos with that. Please enjoy punching my 50-strong Conscript allies while I recite the Litany of the Electromancer.

How about 50 S6 Conscripts? tongue.png

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Cawl granting Canticles to nearby allies is very interesting. I'm eager to read exactly how it works because there could be some nasty combos with that. Please enjoy punching my 50-strong Conscript allies while I recite the Litany of the Electromancer.

How about 50 S6 Conscripts? tongue.png

Litany of the Electromancer at third tier would be catastrophic with 50 conscripts. That's 150 s4 auto hits at i10. If your model isn't atleast t8, you might as well scoop it up. Even then, rad grenades would allow you to melt wraith knights.

No wonder he's allegedly 455 points...

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Lets wait until we see the rules...


I still think he might only be able to use this ability in the formation that includes Celestine and that Inquisitor.

Otherwise he might be to strong as a stand alone choice and will be added to a lot of Imperial armys. On the other hand he would be overpriced for a pure CM army, since the huge benefit (which should cost some points imho) is an absolute waste.

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Well we know there is the scenario where he's fighting orks just with his own forces, so he's definitely meant to be able to be used solo not just part of the superhero-team-up, but whether he remains efficient in that or has different powers in that we won't know till there's leaks as the white dwarf doesn't say so. I don't mind if he's best used in more diverse armies, particularly if that still includes CultMech/Skitarii/knights combined forces, even moreso if forgeworld gives us any vehicles at all from 30k into 40k.

Buffing Triaros, Krios, Explorators, Ordinatus, Titans.... or just ordinary Knights may make him well and truly worthwhile.. but there's so much we don't yet know. At the final turn of the cog we at least know the miniature is magnificent even if the final rules were to disappoint.

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I would rather have a weaker formation that is flexible and fun than something like a War Convocation on steroids. I'm not mad the WC exists, and I wouldn't be against using it sometimes, but I'd much prefer something that allows you to tailor the play style more.

fully on board with this. The war convocation just seems nuts to me already...never mind getting a souped up version! Id only ever play it if id agreed to it beforehand with an opponent. (e.g. if they wanted to run a SM/DA double demi against it to see who has the best 'free stuff')

Would take a flexible list build with sub par rules over a static build with awesome rules anyday....list building is half the fun for me smile.png

still, looking forward to seeing cauls rules, hopefully he can just be dropped in as a decent HQ upgrade (really hoping he isnt 455 points though ha)

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So, the "Grand Convocation" bundle is up on the NZ site.


-        a Tech-Priest Enginseer;
-        10 Skitarii Vanguard;
-        10 Skitarii Rangers;
-        3 Kataphron Destroyers;
-        3 Kataphron Breachers;
-        3 Ironstrider Ballistarii;
-        2 sets of 5 Electro-Priests – a set of Coruscarii and a set of Fulgurite;
-        5 Sicarian Infiltrators;
-        5 Sicarian Ruststalkers;
-        a Start Collecting! Skitarii set – this adds another 10 Skitarii Vanguard, another Onager Dunecrawler and a Tech-Priest Dominus.



Gotta say, this doesn't make me too hopeful. Obviously there's no way of knowing how much of this is compulsory and how much is just bonus stuff, but there's clearly an entire Skitarii Battle Maniple in there, which is the key thing that made the War Convocation so inflexible. 


Also, no Knight? That's fine, I suppose. It certainly cuts down the overall cost, which in turn makes the whole thing more usable. Still, I like the Knight! Hopefully it's at least an option. 

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I'm guessing the knight will be just 1 knight as an aux formation with no additional rules. Might be a command choice too just to limit how many can be taken. I'm also guessing the big bundles just have max number of unit there. So excited/uncertain on this release. I wish they leaked some more information so I know if I want to preorder or not
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Hmm, so the Conclave Acquisitororius is an additional formation and it includes the other two Imperial characters.

The Grand Convocation bundle appears to just be one of each unit besides Kataphrons, and though it lists Ironstriders there's a Dragoon in the large picture of the models. Combined with lack of a Knight I'm still hopeful the actual formation is more flexible.

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Those bundle sets are not reassuring. Not only is it more "buy one of everything" but when you also incorporate a knight and Cawl I can only assume that it won't fit into average sized games. Unless somehow this is an even better convo that also makes additional bodies in squads free. In which case that is super ugly to play against.
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I'm with you DeStinyFiSh. Everyone gets a decurion nowadays so this would be a easy way of giving admech theirs. I'm just shocked with the lack of leaks. Feel like the traitor legion book had a ton of leaks before the book went on preorder. I kind of want to know if I should get the book or not waste hobby money on it....
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Has someone calculated if there is any saving compared to buying every single box ?

Based on the NZ site, they're valuing the art pieces in the Conclave Acquisitorius at $142 NZD - everything else comes to $2,158 NZD out of a $2,300 NZD price tag.


Cohort Mechanicus bundle costs the same as individual kits.

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