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I wish I knew anyone who played sisters or inq... I REALLY want Cawl but have minimal interest at best in the others. Hopefully ebay has him cheap, if he won't be sold separately.
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Video about Cawl up on warhammertv's facebook page https://www.facebook.com/WarhammerTVteam/videos/312742999120685/
Includes the image with the units we were trying to identify that shows a little more. For a moment i was thinking the large thing behind him and to either side was stylised Dragoons.. but look at the one on the left above the Vanguard...

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If there are going to be new Adeptus Mechanicus models released as part of The Gathering Storm, I would like to see something like this Skitarii from the 4th Edition rulebook:




I just want that gatling-hand.

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If we are wishlisting old art as new miniatures i want the techpriest with inbuilt chainsaw from Wil Rees 1st ed illustration


Though i'm planning to just convert that techpriest myself.

But sticking to the topic at hand, here is the new version of the artwork with the strange things behind Cawl


Now the leg immediately behind Cawl resembles that of a dragoon, certainly that's a dragoon-style knee, yet there's no servitor slaved to the legs! And there's two red claws but they are two different types, not matching a dragoon unless there's a ton of license involved...
Now look to the top left. Another whatever-that-is with the same or similar tall lanky dragoon-style legs, yet that is definitely no Dragoon!

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Is there any precident for GW completely hiding a model till the rules drop? Or are we speculator this is comming in a future gathering storm book?

Not to my knowledge. What we're doing here seems to be mostly wishlisting, though if we want to do that I'd appreciate interested parties starting another topic, please. msn-wink.gif

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Those hidden machines resemble some 30k models, which might go along with that rumor that more 30k stuff will be available to 40k Mechanicus. But that's sheer speculation at this point, which I'm trying not to do.

On the subject of that picture, does anyone know the artist who created it? I love the style and want to see what else they've done, but I can't find a credit for the artwork yet.

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Is there any precident for GW completely hiding a model till the rules drop? Or are we speculator this is comming in a future gathering storm book?

Not to my knowledge. What we're doing here seems to be mostly wishlisting, though if we want to do that I'd appreciate interested parties starting another topic, please. msn-wink.gif

It would be interesting if the reason we have so few rules leaks yet is because GW is deliberately keeping things from us, but again, pure speculation.

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Odds.43 if your right my poor wallet is doomed....on a side note how does everyone get quotes in their messages? I'm using the mobile version and can't figure it out.

You and me both... you and me both...


To quote: tap on the message you want to quote, and a little "quote" button should come up under the message.

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Odds.43 if your right my poor wallet is doomed....on a side note how does everyone get quotes in their messages? I'm using the mobile version and can't figure it out.

You and me both... you and me both...


To quote: tap on the message you want to quote, and a little "quote" button should come up under the message.

It works!! Brilliant!!!

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GW have revealed upcoming models in artworks before, both released: Gargoles, Lictors, Tyrannofex amongst others and unreleased but rumored to have been coming like the Tomb Kings Collossus. So something new and unrecognisable in an artwork can be significant.

But how long after the release of the pictures did it take for them to reveal the models? Would this possibly be in fall of Cadia, or in a book farther down the pipeline do you think? Assuming it's a new model of course.

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GW have revealed upcoming models in artworks before, both released: Gargoles, Lictors, Tyrannofex amongst others and unreleased but rumored to have been coming like the Tomb Kings Collossus. So something new and unrecognisable in an artwork can be significant.

But how long after the release of the pictures did it take for them to reveal the models? Would this possibly be in fall of Cadia, or in a book farther down the pipeline do you think? Assuming it's a new model of course.


Ah well it varies. Gargoyles and Lictors first showed up in the art for the Advanced Space crusade rulebook, they first got models much later in the Tyranid release for Space Marine (the original Epic infantry/tanks/titans game that followed up adeptus Titanicus) and only hit 40k in 2nd edition with the first Tyranid codex. Sometimes it can take a while and sometimes things get shelved. Artworks had shown the Tomb Kings Collossus before End-Times and it's also shown up in some Age of Sigmar art and yet no release.


I would usually have said a first appearance in art could mean something is a long way off. However, GW's art in recent times appears to be a lot more based on actual miniatures. Just looking at the Cult Mechanicus book for example and you can see lots of Kastellans and Techpriests in exactly the pose as the miniature suggesting a commissioned artist was given the miniature or a photo of it to base the art on. As such i don't think the wait for whatever this is is necessarily going to be so long.


But, we haven't heard of any more mechanicus rules in this other than Cawl, so i'm expecting this may be in the next campaign book in the series, which going by rumour may just be a couple months or so from now.

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So it seems that from the preview video we can potentially gleam a few more things about Mr. Cawl:


  • His weapon is a Beam.
  • His personal Canticles are the ones that affect all armies of the Imperium, and it seems to be just vehicles. So no electrified conscripts :P
  • Canticles mentioned are: Increased BS, Invuln Save, Repairing Hull Points and there are supposedly more. They also seem to change in effectiveness like normal canticles.
  • His Arc Claw is like a version on the Breachers, but miles better.

I'm excited :)

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So it seems that from the preview video we can potentially gleam a few more things about Mr. Cawl:


  • His weapon is a Beam.
  • His personal Canticles are the ones that affect all armies of the Imperium, and it seems to be just vehicles. So no electrified conscripts :P
  • Canticles mentioned are: Increased BS, Invuln Save, Repairing Hull Points and there are supposedly more. They also seem to change in effectiveness like normal canticles.
  • His Arc Claw is like a version on the Breachers, but miles better.
I'm excited :)

If only these were less vague... I really want to know if it's actually a beam, or if it's just hyperbole... and how his arc claw is "better"...

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So it seems that from the preview video we can potentially gleam a few more things about Mr. Cawl:


  • His weapon is a Beam.
  • His personal Canticles are the ones that affect all armies of the Imperium, and it seems to be just vehicles. So no electrified conscripts :P
  • Canticles mentioned are: Increased BS, Invuln Save, Repairing Hull Points and there are supposedly more. They also seem to change in effectiveness like normal canticles.
  • His Arc Claw is like a version on the Breachers, but miles better.
I'm excited :)
It's been hinted at that Crawl can affect ALL other imperial units if he's taken with the triumvirate formation. As for his claw, I can see it causing stun results on each hit.
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Oddly, with the way his Canticles are rumoured to be written (confirmed?) it almost seems like he'll be better for IG/Space Marines (particularly Cadians/Iron Hands).  Intentional?

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Oddly, with the way his Canticles are rumoured to be written (confirmed?) it almost seems like he'll be better for IG/Space Marines (particularly Cadians/Iron Hands).  Intentional?

 it could also be great for skitarii if they dont get the canticle rules themselves from the campaign.

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Oddly, with the way his Canticles are rumoured to be written (confirmed?) it almost seems like he'll be better for IG/Space Marines (particularly Cadians/Iron Hands).  Intentional?



I hope his Canticle helps everyone but gets realy strong with other Cult units... but I fear that exactly what you describe will happen.

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