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New Campaign Including Ad Mech


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I'm stoked about our new Archmagos. Fantastic miniature, I do love that it is based on the Magos Dominus - and equally excited to the new units that we will reinforce our forgeworld forces with in the near future. 

I really pray to the Omnissiah that he is worth the pile of points he cost, so I can justify using him in every game from now on (or at least most of them). 

Ave Deus Mechanicus

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Belisarius Cawls mini is perfect for doing any type of Archmagos (30K),  I mean that model has both a machinator array and abeyant.  planning on him to be my Archmagos Reductor for heresy and himself for 40k..

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<looks up from conscript on surgery table> No electrified conscripts, eh? I figured that would be too powerful, anyway. Well it was a fun thought. Oh, conscript, whatever you do don't push that red button in the shower.

I'm still curious what exactly a 'hive of mechadendrites' does.

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I'm still curious what exactly a 'hive of mechadendrites' does.


Probably something like D6 S4 AP- auto hits in melee at Ini 10. 


With some luck my LGS will get the Cadia stuff today, which would in turn mean that I'll get my mechandrites on the Triumvirate and the book. If the planets align and UPS does deliver the plastic today then I'll spoiler you everything rule-related about Cawl (and Greyfax/Celestine if you want). Don't know if I'll have the time to do so this evening though.

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With some luck my LGS will get the Cadia stuff today, which would in turn mean that I'll get my mechandrites on the Triumvirate and the book. If the planets align and UPS does deliver the plastic today then I'll spoiler you everything rule-related about Cawl (and Greyfax/Celestine if you want). Don't know if I'll have the time to do so this evening though.

I would love you for doing so wub.png

I finally want to know about the formations and Mr Cawl...

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I would love you for doing so wub.png

I finally want to know about the formations and Mr Cawl...


I could of course also stick to the Ad Mech way and hoard all that valuable knowledge, whilst I feed on the envy of my colleagues. ;)

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Maybe I'm a cynic, but I think it's more likely that there's nothing of note in this book.... three characters and the bare minimum of formations.

This is probably a test to see if customers will buy a pure fluff book.

While I don't agree with the last part - the first is all but confimed true.

It's the opening book to the campaign and we get a pretty decent offering in the combined forces formation and BELISARIUS censored.gif ING CAWL!

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It is weird thought that there has not been any leaks on the rules so far. Maybe there is something big coming.....like new robots or new models that GW doesn't want to spoil yet! We can only hope and ponder.....

My guess if this is true, is they don't have the models 100% done, so they are keeping the rules from being revealed until the last minute so 3rd party companies don't make their own models.


Maybe I'm a cynic, but I think it's more likely that there's nothing of note in this book.... three characters and the bare minimum of formations.

Assuming that isn't the truth of course
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Archmagos Mo here, I have secured the data! ;) Would be dope if some Moderati would actually give me that title. :3


These infos are directly taken from the "Fall Of Cadia Book" (German version):


Belisarius Cawl


HQ Choice, 200 points (that's right he is that cheap and NOT a LOW!)


WS5 BS5 S5 T6 W5 I3 A3 LD10 2+ armour, 5++ invul (Refractor Field)


He may replace any Dominus in the formations from our codex. Cawl, Grayfax and Celestine may be taken as an HQ choice in a CAD or allied detachment for ANY Imperial Faction, no matter which faction those three actually come from. So yes, we could take Celestine etc. instead of a Dominus.





Arc-Claw-Thingy ("Bogengeißel"): Range:- S+1 AP4 Close Combat, Haywire, Master-crafted. Has a special rule that let's you re-roll the result on the haywire chart.


Master-crafted Power Axe


Mechandrite Hive: Cawl does 2D6(!!) S4 Ap- attacks at Ini 10 if he is in close combat. Doesn't grant an additional pile-in move. He also has a Dataspike, so potential 13 S4 AP- Ini 10 attacks, BEFORE he even starts to swing with his axe!


Scryerskull: At the start of your turn you can identify a mysterious objective anywhere on the map.


Solar-Atomiser: Range 12", S10, AP1 Assualt D3, Master-Crafted, Melter


Special Rules:


Warlord Trait is the one that let's him re-roll FNP rolls.


Special rule 1 (not gonna translate the German names for those): At the start of your turn, Cawl regains D3 wounds. Yep, no roll for this or anything, he just gets them back!


Canticles Of The Omnissiah
Canticles Of The Archmagos: Only work if Cawl is alive. Work just like the other Canticles but also influence any Imperial vehicles that are within 12" of Cawl, even if they don't have the canticles special rule.
Harmony Of Metallurgy
1-3 IWND
4-7 IWND. Roll two times for IWND instead of one time
8* IWND. Roll three times for IWND instead of one time (so any vehicle etc. could regain 3 wounds from this!)
Word Of Neutralisatoin
1-3 BS+1
4-7 BS+2
8+ BS+3 (so just like the Doctrinas but without any WS penalty and it even works on vehicles that aren't Mechanicus)
Warhymn Of Badassitude (too lazy to look up the correct word)
1-3 6+ Invul save
4-7 5+ Invul Save
8+ 4+ Invul Save
The book also contains A LOOOOOOT of other stuff! There are two gigantic Ad Mech formations and two Decurion-esque Detachments that let's you build your army by taking 2-4 HQs (from diverse list like a SM Librarian, an AM Engineseer etc.) and 4+ troops with 0-6 slots for every other category. The first decurion is just Ad Mech units and is called the "Grand Convocation". All vehicles gain IWND and if they are in 6" to at least one HQ they also gain Power Of The Machine Spirit. 
There are also 6 new Artefacts for both Mechanicus and Sisters Of Battle. However, if you take Cawl, then one other character (so even your Librarian) may take an artefact from the Mechanicus list. Same for when your army has Celestine in it. 

Get this book! To me Cawl seems like the best tank in the game so far. If you want him dead you have to shoot D weapons at him or have an ungodly amount of Grav/Plasma weapons. He is tough as nails, can boost our armies and will kill any vehicle if he ever gets in 6" or CC with it. Heck, he is even good in close combat against anything that hasn't a Hammer or Claw.
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Awesome. Cawl looks like he is gonna be a staple of my games from now on. It's really interesting how he has the same basic profile as the Archmagos dominus on a abnyet with a machanicator array too. Only downside is the refractor field but unless he gets hit with instant death or D he looks to be fairly well off. Plus, if you can take him in a cohort cybernetica formation then holy cow that sounds awesome.


so is the CAD mixing all factions like you described? Like, for example can you bring rhinos into your CAD?


and what is the core for the first Decurion?

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I'm really interested in hearing what compulsory units you need for the Decurion, and if there are any cool detachments or formations besides what we already have access to. I'd like to mix my Skitarii and Cult Mech without something as massive as the War Convocation and I don't have any Electropriests yet.


Would you be so kind, Mo? 

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What about the canticles and the doctrina imperatives? Are they unchanged? Do they only count for Cult/ skitarii units, respectively, or are they all group together (ie: skitarii unit move the canticle to a higher value). Super Excited for this book now! Glad I have it preordered already!

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The fact we can take him in place of any dominus is great, i can just see trolling fun using the cybernetica with him in the unit or him leading a squad of electropriests to tank them into the fight.


That is 1 scary leader to have, especially if those canticles effect just as the cults do, they could lead to insane games in formations like the war convocation (skitarii with BS 10?)

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The fact we can take him in place of any dominus is great, i can just see trolling fun using the cybernetica with him in the unit or him leading a squad of electropriests to tank them into the fight.


That is 1 scary leader to have, especially if those canticles effect just as the cults do, they could lead to insane games in formations like the war convocation (skitarii with BS 10?)


great Caesar's ghost can you imagine a holy requisition force with this guy dropping down and giving all the breachers +2 BS while using his melta-gun for popping tanks? This may make me buy some breachers personally!

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The fact we can take him in place of any dominus is great, i can just see trolling fun using the cybernetica with him in the unit or him leading a squad of electropriests to tank them into the fight.


That is 1 scary leader to have, especially if those canticles effect just as the cults do, they could lead to insane games in formations like the war convocation (skitarii with BS 10?)


great Caesar's ghost can you imagine a holy requisition force with this guy dropping down and giving all the breachers +2 BS while using his melta-gun for popping tanks? This may make me buy some breachers personally!



Personally i was going to run a formation of Cohort cyber and holy requisition as a force to try out when i next get back into the game, I had enough points to plonk him into 1 of those 2 groups too, but i dont know which i should do it with now as i didnt think of him appearing and blamming a tank in the same turn, I mean he is awesome for either role i think.

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Awesome. Cawl looks like he is gonna be a staple of my games from now on. It's really interesting how he has the same basic profile as the Archmagos dominus on a abnyet with a machanicator array too. Only downside is the refractor field but unless he gets hit with instant death or D he looks to be fairly well off. Plus, if you can take him in a cohort cybernetica formation then holy cow that sounds awesome.


so is the CAD mixing all factions like you described? Like, for example can you bring rhinos into your CAD?


and what is the core for the first Decurion?

The first thing I thought of was how ludicrously tanky the Cohort Cybernetica unit could be. Talk about putting all your eggs in one basket. :p

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I'm so pumped for this book! Cawl looks fantastic, too! I can't believe how cheap he is...


Also slapping him with some Neutron Onagers for PotMS across the board makes neutron squads really nice!

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