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New Campaign Including Ad Mech


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This is going to be amazing. Maybe I am thinking too small, but I can finally use all 50 of my vanguard. That many models with a 4++? Would be hilariously hard to kill them all.

I am a little wary at the wording though... these canticles might only affect vehicles.

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Yeah I am choosing to believe the people who say they act like the ones we have and can effect more than that. Good point though, that would drastically change things.

I worry primarily because his "bubble" that shares it only affects vehicles, so the chants themselves might also be vehicles only.
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Wow, he's better than I could have hoped for. I can't wait to see the new formations. I'm presently running a pure Skitarii force and have been waiting to see what options this book brings before I expand into Cult Mechanicus.

Also it wouldn't shock me of those Canticles work on some or all units. There are a lot of vehicle bonuses but....we don't have that many vehicles. Plus a Dominus can already repair things that aren't actually vehicles.

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Wow, he's better than I could have hoped for. I can't wait to see the new formations. I'm presently running a pure Skitarii force and have been waiting to see what options this book brings before I expand into Cult Mechanicus.


Also it wouldn't shock me of those Canticles work on some or all units. There are a lot of vehicle bonuses but....we don't have that many vehicles. Plus a Dominus can already repair things that aren't actually vehicles.

True, but these HQ's are comming off as being a bit more generic imperium helping, so they might not... but that's possibly just me being pessimistic...


On another note: is he neither bulky nor an MC? And when you take him with a non mechanicum force does he share the faction? It's probably a stupid idea, with questionable tactical benefit, but the idea of him comming in on a flyer with a full unit of dudes just sounds silly.

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I would assume they share the faction since it says they can be taken as an HQ choice inside of a CAD or formation. His base is so large that I can't imagine him not being considered bulky, or maybe he's not even an IC and can't join squads. Like an HQ dreadnought or something. Or just flat out monstrous creature as you said.

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I just saw a summary of his stats on faiet. Its a picture from his instructions, so it doesn't have the full rules. However, he's an IC, very bulky unique character. Also his solar atomizer is range 12" s10 ap1 master crafted, melta, assault d3.


I'm on my phone so I can't post picture now

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I just saw a summary of his stats on faiet. Its a picture from his instructions, so it doesn't have the full rules. However, he's an IC, very bulky unique character. Also his solar atomizer is range 12" s10 ap1 master crafted, melta, assault d3.


I'm on my phone so I can't post picture now

S10 melta, dear lord, that's effectively auto pen on most vehicles.

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I just saw a summary of his stats on faiet. Its a picture from his instructions, so it doesn't have the full rules. However, he's an IC, very bulky unique character. Also his solar atomizer is range 12" s10 ap1 master crafted, melta, assault d3.


I'm on my phone so I can't post picture now

You were saying?...



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I actually really like the Grand Convocation. It's not super special but it's flexible and lets me field everything as one formation. IWND is a nice benefit. Overall I can't complain. The Conclave Acquisitorius actually looks really interesting, especially everything getting Canticles, though I wish the Skitarii side were more flexible. The Castellans formation is interesting for a combined arms force, if I ever want to just pick and choose my favorite Imperial stuff and put them in one big army, with the cool benefit of returning squads on a lucky roll. Also....does that mean I use all my AdMech stuff and give them transports from fast attack since they are all a unified army? I doubt I'll ever hit the max number of units benefit on any of those.

Overall, I like more options, but I don't know if any of these can compare with the power of a War Convocation.

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I want to like the new formations i really do, but..... They force you to take to much to get the best boons in my view (i dont want to take 4/6 squads of infil/rusties for example pending how the rule is enforced on TOP of 4 squads of electropriests....), this ofc being the conclave.acq.


Grand convocation could work, but again i am not 100% on it. Again, to get the "best rule" it really depends how the rule is supposed to be implemented, maximum number of units, does that mean 6 heavy support/elite/fast attack? Though i could see myself using it if the forgeworld troopers get the ability to be used in there, but personally i think i might stick to war convocation for my "overarching force" with Cawl or just stick to the cult mech force i have with Cawl.



Also, new relics are pretty damn good, amazingly good, 4 of them are pretty much "must takes".


(for those whom may not have seen http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/328953-gathering-storm-fall-of-cadia/page-58?do=findComment&comment=4619507 )

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Arcana Mechanicum - Characters that can normally take a relic and are part of a Conclave Acquistorius Formation, Grand Concavaction Detachment or are in an army that includes Belsarius Cawl can take these:

  • Numinasta's Casket of Electromancy (30pts) - Once per game, can fire this instead of another ranged weapon. Automatically targets and hits all enemy units (including Flyers and Flying Monstrous Creatures) within range, regardless of LoS. Range: 2d6", S3, AP -, Assault 1, Haywire, One Use Only.
  • Quantum Annihilator (30pts) - Replaces a weapon. Range: 18", S 2d6, AP2, Assault D3, Quantum Paradox - Each time it fires, roll 2d6 to determine strength after target unit has been chosen. If it rolls above 10, it wounds automatically with Instant Death rule (or is an auto Pen against vehicles)
  • Sacrifactum Autorepulsor (15pts) - Enemies charging the bearer or their unit suffer a -2 Charge Penalty that stacks with any other penalty
  • Memento-Mortispex (30pts) - At the start of each of your turns, choose a rule to apply to the bearer and their unit (or weapons as appropriate): Cognis Weapons (BS2 snapfire, Flamers do 3 hits rather than d3 with Wall of Death in overwatch), Monster Hunter, Skyfire or Tank Hunter
  • Omnissiah's Grace (10pts) - Bearer has 6+ Invulnerable Save. If they already had an Invulnerable Save, they get a +1 to their Invulnerable to a max of 3+.
  • Saint Curia's Autopurger (25pts) - Models charging the bearer and their unit do not get extra attacks for charging. All models that are locked in combat with the bearer and their unit must pass a Toughness test at I10 step, or suffer 1 Wound for each test failed (can take saves as normal).

Numinastas thing of thingyness... I don't know. I have the feeling we are already pretty good at killing AVs. Might be funny with a Holy Requisitioner formation if the enemys army is very AV heavy.

Quantum Anhilator is just evil, but also pretty random with dice roll for S and - more important - for number of shots.

Acrifactum Autorepulsor (I love the names already wacko.png ) is ok for being kind of cheap.

Memento Mortispex is pretty cool! Skyfire Grav Destroyers or Arc Breachers? YES!

Omnissiah's Grace is cool, makes our nearly indestructable Tech Priests even more sturdy !

Saint Curia's Autopurger I want to have on a Tech Priest in a Vanguard unit together with Pater Radium... -1 T and testing twice sounds funny smile.png

All in all with the formations it is not as good as I wished, since the best bonus is only available if you max them out (which brings you somewhere close to 3000 points and millions of cash !). But it is pretty decent. I already love playing Ad Mech, and now I have got a few more options, so no draw back for me. And since there is no Decurion I can hope for more Ad mech love in the upcoming campaign books msn-wink.gif

Also Mr Cawl is a freakin monster and I love the model, enough reason for me to be happy happy.png

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Overall happy with admech but I don't like this new theme of "take max unit get x". I play 1500 point so I will never see that. But there is a joint admech list so I'm happy!



But you loose the benefits of Skitarii Maniple (Scout!) and Battle Congregation (use Canticle twice). I think most of the time I will stick to combining the 2 books, seems more usefull than just IWND on a few AVs.

As I said in the past, I can not see a benefit from combining the 2 armys, for me it makes absolutely no difference, since there was always a way to field them together.

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Overall happy with admech but I don't like this new theme of "take max unit get x". I play 1500 point so I will never see that. But there is a joint admech list so I'm happy!



But you loose the benefits of Skitarii Maniple (Scout!) and Battle Congregation (use Canticle twice). I think most of the time I will stick to combining the 2 books, seems more usefull than just IWND on a few AVs.



Depends how heavily you invest in things like dunecrawlers and dragoons i guess (the latter isnt great but it helps them). Personally i have a good 7 dunecrawlers for when i play skitarii (if i get round to finish building the last 3). IWND on them without having to buy the expencive upgrade on each of them is a pretty good boon as it would cost you what in the region of 175-210 or so? I forget the actual points cost of the upgrade.


Though personally i would rather keep to the war convocation when playing to a tourny level with Cawl replacing the dominus.

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The formations are.... Eh, we've been spoiled by the War Convocation - but even that requires the god damn battle maniple... Which I hate...


I like the Flexibilitiy of the Grand Convocation and I suppose that balances out the free upgrades aspect - BUT this doesn't give your Skitarii scout (which they need really).


Cawl on his own is the best thing we got and sticking to a mix of CADs and other such formations seems to still be the best go to for Ad Mech.


Using the Grand Cov to bring HQ, Kataphrons a Knight and some onagers though for PotMS/ IWND on them though is rather nice.

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I am not sure how I feel about the new detachment now. I strongly dislike having to take max units for the benefit which really makes it worthwhile. The new detachment does make it easier to combine them I suppose in the sense it is in the same book. But like DestinyFish said, you always had a way to field them together and right now that old way looks more competitive. Subject to change of course as we get more time.

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Maxing out the detachment is impossible outside of taking silly choices like 6 single onagers/ striders and even then you'd need 3 Knights...


I think the previous ways of doing things is just better.


Conclave Aquisition isn't too bad - because while the Skitarii are limited in their composition, the rest is pretty cool for guaranteed canticles.


Again though, War Convocation gives this bonus with a much more flexible build plus relics plus you can pop cawl into it....

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Huh, Cawl is 200 points? What happened to all the crazy rumours that he was 450+ or something crazy like that? Must be the cost of the entire Triumvirate . . . in either case, he seems decent though I'd like to see his unique Canticles spoiled soon! happy.png

In either case, interesting releases all around. The Conclave seems decent to me compared to the War Convocation though free stuff is of course always going to be superior. The max units aspect is utterly worthless since it requires you to take Electro Priests, but otherwise it seems to be a smaller investment than the War Convocation, at least at the outset.

The Grand Convocation is ultimately a failed concept, as it has too high of requirements out of the gate, all but eliminates the possibility of Formation benefits and is utterly ridiculous in regard to the "max units" nonsense. IWND on Imperial Knights is cool, but ultimately not worth the buy-in cost, especially compared to using the Detachments/Formations from the various codices as allies instead. Pretty much wasted paper from the outset, that one.

Finally, the new Relics we get are pretty swag. The Quantum Annihilator is very cool though it's a bit of an investment; could be strong for a midfield Dominus (or one that hangs out in a Holy Recquisitioners Formation). I'm also a fan of the Omnissiah's Grace; for its cost this Relic is an auto-include if you're not taking another one. The big hit of this one is the Memento-Mortispex, though; being able to hand out Cognis, Tank/Monster Hunter and especially Skyfire is absolutely massive and will have insane utility with Kataphron Destroyers, Kastelan Robots and perhaps even Transuranic Arquebus-toting Rangers/Vanguard! Considering that these will all be free in a War Convocation, that just made that Formation even more powerful assuming you're willing to pay the Cawl tax (and for all we know, he might just be worth it anyway!). biggrin.png

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The Castellans formation is interesting for a combined arms force, if I ever want to just pick and choose my favorite Imperial stuff and put them in one big army, with the cool benefit of returning squads on a lucky roll. Also....does that mean I use all my AdMech stuff and give them transports from fast attack since they are all a unified army?

Unless my photoreceptors and neural processors deceive me, the Ad Mech (excepting Engineseers, basic servitors and Techmarines) aren't part of it.


What's a more interesting question, in my esteem: Cawl(/Saint/Inquisitor) - these are viable alternatives to the Engineseer (Imperial Agents) as an HQ for a Combined Arms Skitarii force, right?


I still don't see a way to get them transports properly though, so keeping them in Maniples seems the most sensible way of keeping the Skitarii optimally effective, themselves.

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grand convocation looks...ok, at first it seems more flexible but then the taxes may it not so much.....


i guess you really want to run something like this with it:


2 enginseers (presume this is lowest points cost)

2 x 5 man vanguard squads

2 x Kataphron Destroyers

3-4 x squads of onagers


all the onagers all have 4++ invun, IWND and POTMS (effectively split fire).


Shooty, but slow


and also maxing ot on onagers is not fun for the wallet!

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Cawl however looks to be a total beast.


Fully expect to see him dropping into other imperium lists in order for people to get access to


1. a beatstick of a character who can fix up their vehicles

2. that artifact that gives skyfire/MH etc


am i right in thinking the rule is that cawl himself doesnt need to take the artifact....so as long as hes in the army..a space marine character for example can take it instead??

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