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valkyrie and Krieg


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I am currently working on getting my DKOK army amassed, assemble, and painted.  This is more of a display army, depicting Vraks, not for gaming on a regular bases.  I have ran into one issue, what to do with my 5 vendettas/Valkyries I own?  As far as I known, they are not depicted in the vraks trilogy at all.  Should they be sold, kept, or half and half?  Thoughts?  Also why not discuss the uses of the units on the tabletop currently, I have not seen a lot since their days in 5th ed. 

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Valkyries can be worked into Vraks if you want I'm sure, they're common enough across the Imperium. Depends on the size of your display as to how many you'd want though?


If we're talking table top, the Valkyrie suffers a bit. The missile pods are almost essential to make it anything more than a transport, but that's still where it shines. The pods and a multilaser let it go hunting infantry quite effectively once it drops the cargo off but there is some merit to trying to use it solely as a ferry in which case reduced costs are an idea. Personally I don't like the one-shot missiles so a transport that can go splatting infantry would be my preference. Don't both with the sponson bolters - expensive for what you get in my opinion.


If you were to convert to Vendettas then it's a different story. Pure gunship with good fire power, pretty much our only answer when it comes to dog fighting and arguably AA in general if you're not looking at fortifications?

I don't think they would have nose art, that's too personal for anonymous troopers who don't have names, only numbers, a devotional slogan would be appropriate though. I'd check out the Fw painted tanks for a suitable scheme. Maybe something with skulls as their uniforms do represent their mortality. Maybe a pin up skeleton? ;)


That said you could argue that the valkaries would be attached Imperial navy and not kreig at all, so go wild with the nose art.


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