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Red Eagles- blood angels successor chapter


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Hey guys, just discovered the blood angels part of this forum and I've lost a few (6) hours going through it! Wondered if I could get some feedback on the lore of my personal chapter, see if there is any glaring plot holes or oppurtunities I've missed.


So they are the red eagles, the name originates from a company of blood angels who served in the great crusade. These marines would be kept back from initial combat and would wait to analyse the battle and would then drop in to shore up weak points, reinforce assaults or intercept enemy reinforcements. They were regarded as elite by many of the chapter and after a significant action (insert campaign/ battle here) were honoured by sanguinius himself and were from this point onwards allowed to wear gold helmets. (I know it's perhaps a bit corny but I like the direct link with the primarch). During the heresy their numbers were gradually whittled down and were present during the defence of terra, acting as a mobile reserve and reinforcing the areas where the fighting was thickest. They learned from the imperial fists the value of defence and have explored this strategy ever since.


After sanguinius died the eagles felt that they had betrayed their primarch by not saving him, and by living when he did not. They then formed a chapter and almost immediately set out on a crusade of redemption with their full strength. They were soon lost with their last transmission seeming to suggest they had pursued a chaos warband into the warp. They were struck down from the records, the high lords of terra refusing to acknowledge the loss of a chapter so soon after the events of the heresy, to keep the imperium calm.


However this was not the end as (a few thousand?) years later a lone battle barge and strike cruiser emerged from the warp, bearing markings that were known to few. They were intercepted by the imperial navy who attempted to make contact with the heavily damaged ships. They received a single transmission demanding to be taken to terra. This was refused but they were met half way by a score of ships sent from terra. They boarded the stricken ships and found around 300 astartes, bearing scarred and cracked armour from an age long gone. They were tried, tested and evaluated and the eagles were given a choice.


They could choose the emperors peace. Or they could choose to spend the rest of their lives fighting for the imperial. They chose the latter.


They were given a new complement of blood angels gene seed and a new chapter planet, along with supplies and equipment. They were classed as a 4th (? Just like 4 but could change if it's not lore friendly) founding chapter and continue to serve and protect the imperium.


The eagles, to this day bear gold shoulder pads and helmets over their red armour. They are the masters of turning defence into sudden attack, allowing their enemies to believe they are the attackers before suddenly finding they are besieged.


Although gifted with a planet the home of the eagles is in their fleet, they own three battle barges, one the survivor of the warp, one give upon their return and one which was seized from a traitorous warband. "Eagles blade", the first barge, is the spiritual home and few but the masters of the astartes know the secerets that fill its hold.


The eagles do not operate alone however. In year (blah blah) the eagles while returning from operations near the eye of terror received distress cries from a nearby system. Upon entering the system they found a fleet of transports under attack by an elder craftworld. The fleet was falling apart and barely a dozen ships of an original 50 were still standing. The eldar fled before they could be punished. The transports then limped back under escort to the home planet of the eagles, miliatum.


The red eagles were impressed by the strength and courage of the survivors and petitioned the high lords of terra (?) to have them permanently assigned to the chapter. Elements of the surviving regiments were reformed and now draw recruits from miliatum. Many who fail to become marines instead join the guard, if they survive the trials.


Miliatese 1st regiment of line "Glovarians guards" (title won after forming around the stricken blade captain glovarion while he was healed by apothecaries during a conflict with tau in the Damocles sector- formed from remanants of the Cadian, mordian and voystroyan infantry)


Miliatese 2nd regiment of line


Miliatese 3rd regiment of line


Miliatese 5th regiment of line


Miliatese 8th regiment of dragoons( formed by combination of Armageddon steel legion and valhallans)


Miliatese 1st armoured division "eagles beaks"


Miliatese 9th 10th 11th lancers (rough riders in napoleoonic dress)


Miliatese 105th airborne "screaming talons" basically air cav ( project I want to start some day, images of catachans riding valkyries reminiscent of apocalypse now)


The red eagles often wait till the guard is engaged before exploiting weak points and opportunities. The guard are respected by the eagles but even a company commander must obey orders from any astartes... be it initiate, or chapter master.


There are now around 800 red eagles divided into companies. Blade companies are of around 90 marines (40 tacs, 10 devs, 10 assault, 10 scouts, 15 vets, 5 command squad... a range of vehicles and dreads depending on the company), and there are five blade companies at current roster each operating from a strike cruiser. There are then 3 spear companies of around 150 each (60 tac, 20 aus, 20 Dev, 50 vets) each operating from a battle barge.


This leaves "the golden spear" and "the black axe" each a strike cruiser seperate from the others. One houses the chapters sanguinary guard, the other it's death company. Upon becoming a guard they're names are forgotten and their faces covered until they perform an act of valour and are chosen personally by the chapter master to have their name placed upon the roll of honour written upon the hull off the golden spear. The death company of the chapter are kept in permanent stasis and unlike their parent chapter they do not kill them. They believe that they're hallowed brothers are closer to their primarch than ever before. Not if but when sanguinius returns they will lead the chapter to him and be healed by him.


This is just a bit of the lore I could type, probably have developed arthritis by now but I think it was worth it :). Any help tips, or ideas be them critical or helpful please let me know. If interested I would be happy to post pictures of the miniatures (please don't expect much, I have the painting skill of a five year old)

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A few pointers, from my limited (and codex-centric) understanding:


Hey guys, just discovered the blood angels part of this forum and I've lost a few (6) hours going through it! Wondered if I could get some feedback on the lore of my personal chapter, see if there is any glaring plot holes or oppurtunities I've missed.

So they are the red eagles, the name originates from a company of blood angels who served in the great crusade. These marines would be kept back from initial combat and would wait to analyse the battle and would then drop in to shore up weak points, reinforce assaults or intercept enemy reinforcements. They were regarded as elite by many of the chapter and after a significant action (insert campaign/ battle here) were honoured by sanguinius himself and were from this point onwards allowed to wear gold helmets. (I know it's perhaps a bit corny but I like the direct link with the primarch). During the heresy their numbers were gradually whittled down and were present during the defence of terra, acting as a mobile reserve and reinforcing the areas where the fighting was thickest. They learned from the imperial fists the value of defence and have explored this strategy ever since.


Are we talking about a legion chapter, or company - one is ~1000 marines, the other ~100? The information on BA helmets during the HH is a little uncertain, but there's a reasonable amount to suggest the differing helmet colours - red/yellow/blue/gold - were already in place. Also, that the SG were allowed to wear gold is afaik a *huge* deal, to do with guarding the GEOM.


Point being, if chapter-sized, they'd likely already have a cadre of gold-helmeted veterans, and it's already quite a special thing. It might be an easier sell if they adopted that after their founding - ie. the veterans suffer total losses in [significant action] early on in the chapter's history (or just prior to founding), and the remaining marines adopt gold helmets in their honour...?


On a personal point, I'd fear having them recognised as 'elites' causes tension between their and the BA's doctrines and comes over a bit mary sue - unless you perhaps developed the IF angle a little (being recognised for their particular skills by a more similar-approach chapter - perhaps they didn't get as much respect from their parent chapter for their role, but recognition from IF allies during the siege of terra gave them the confidence to embrace it, or something)...

After sanguinius died the eagles felt that they had betrayed their primarch by not saving him, and by living when he did not. They then formed a chapter and almost immediately set out on a crusade of redemption with their full strength. They were soon lost with their last transmission seeming to suggest they had pursued a chaos warband into the warp. They were struck down from the records, the high lords of terra refusing to acknowledge the loss of a chapter so soon after the events of the heresy, to keep the imperium calm.


If it helps, the LotD lore suggests the high lords wait around 20 years to declare a chapter lost in the warp...

However this was not the end as (a few thousand?) years later a lone battle barge and strike cruiser emerged from the warp, bearing markings that were known to few. They were intercepted by the imperial navy who attempted to make contact with the heavily damaged ships. They received a single transmission demanding to be taken to terra. This was refused but they were met half way by a score of ships sent from terra. They boarded the stricken ships and found around 300 astartes, bearing scarred and cracked armour from an age long gone. They were tried, tested and evaluated and the eagles were given a choice.


I'd reference my earlier Q about chapter/company, given the 300 surviving marines.

They could choose the emperors peace. Or they could choose to spend the rest of their lives fighting for the imperial. They chose the latter.


Isn't this somewhat self-evident - ie. it's not like space marines (of any ilk) have any other options...?

They were given a new complement of blood angels gene seed and a new chapter planet, along with supplies and equipment. They were classed as a 4th (? Just like 4 but could change if it's not lore friendly) founding chapter and continue to serve and protect the imperium.


Does this mean that they were, effectively, refounded? As they've already formed a chapter at the 2nd founding? That might be worth expanding more upon. It's approx 1500 years between 2nd and 4th foundings, fwiw.

The eagles, to this day bear gold shoulder pads and helmets over their red armour. They are the masters of turning defence into sudden attack, allowing their enemies to believe they are the attackers before suddenly finding they are besieged.

Although gifted with a planet the home of the eagles is in their fleet, they own three battle barges, one the survivor of the warp, one give upon their return and one which was seized from a traitorous warband. "Eagles blade", the first barge, is the spiritual home and few but the masters of the astartes know the secerets that fill its hold.

The eagles do not operate alone however. In year (blah blah) the eagles while returning from operations near the eye of terror received distress cries from a nearby system. Upon entering the system they found a fleet of transports under attack by an elder craftworld. The fleet was falling apart and barely a dozen ships of an original 50 were still standing. The eldar fled before they could be punished. The transports then limped back under escort to the home planet of the eagles, miliatum.

The red eagles were impressed by the strength and courage of the survivors and petitioned the high lords of terra (?) to have them permanently assigned to the chapter. Elements of the surviving regiments were reformed and now draw recruits from miliatum. Many who fail to become marines instead join the guard, if they survive the trials.


I worry you're on shaky ground having guard units *permanently* attached - it's all a little Badab War, and would be unlikely to be sanctioned. It could be, however, that the chapter helped the survivors get re-established - possibly even on a planet in their system - and consequently maintain (very) close ties. I'm also not sure that failed aspirants would join the guard, either - they generally wash out through dying in the trials, or during the transformation into marines. That said, some chapter serfs are acquired that way - perhaps the chapter allows their serfs to be seconded to / serve in the guard?

Miliatese 1st regiment of line "Glovarians guards" (title won after forming around the stricken blade captain glovarion while he was healed by apothecaries during a conflict with tau in the Damocles sector- formed from remanants of the Cadian, mordian and voystroyan infantry)

Miliatese 2nd regiment of line

Miliatese 3rd regiment of line

Miliatese 5th regiment of line

Miliatese 8th regiment of dragoons( formed by combination of Armageddon steel legion and valhallans)

Miliatese 1st armoured division "eagles beaks"

Miliatese 9th 10th 11th lancers (rough riders in napoleoonic dress)

Miliatese 105th airborne "screaming talons" basically air cav ( project I want to start some day, images of catachans riding valkyries reminiscent of apocalypse now)

The red eagles often wait till the guard is engaged before exploiting weak points and opportunities. The guard are respected by the eagles but even a company commander must obey orders from any astartes... be it initiate, or chapter master.


Again, this is a disposition of forces thing - it's almost always the case that guard would defer to astartes, and you could certainly conspire an informal practice, but a formal order/structure like you've described may attract attention. Also, the adulent-willing-meat-shields angle is a potentially very interesting one...

There are now around 800 red eagles divided into companies. Blade companies are of around 90 marines (40 tacs, 10 devs, 10 assault, 10 scouts, 15 vets, 5 command squad... a range of vehicles and dreads depending on the company), and there are five blade companies at current roster each operating from a strike cruiser. There are then 3 spear companies of around 150 each (60 tac, 20 aus, 20 Dev, 50 vets) each operating from a battle barge.


Fleet organisation usually rolls the reserve companies into the battle companies, which you may want to reflect here. Also, 225 veterans is abnormally high, and would probably want expanding upon.

This leaves "the golden spear" and "the black axe" each a strike cruiser seperate from the others. One houses the chapters sanguinary guard, the other it's death company. Upon becoming a guard they're names are forgotten and their faces covered until they perform an act of valour and are chosen personally by the chapter master to have their name placed upon the roll of honour written upon the hull off the golden spear. The death company of the chapter are kept in permanent stasis and unlike their parent chapter they do not kill them. They believe that they're hallowed brothers are closer to their primarch than ever before. Not if but when sanguinius returns they will lead the chapter to him and be healed by him.


Like it. Very heresy-era Sanguinor.

This is just a bit of the lore I could type, probably have developed arthritis by now but I think it was worth it :smile.:. Any help tips, or ideas be them critical or helpful please let me know. If interested I would be happy to post pictures of the miniatures (please don't expect much, I have the painting skill of a five year old)


Not suggesting I'm an authority in any sense, but hope some of this helps.

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Are we talking about a legion chapter, or company - one is ~1000 marines, the other ~100? The information on BA helmets during the HH is a little uncertain, but there's a reasonable amount to suggest the differing helmet colours - red/yellow/blue/gold - were already in place. Also, that the SG were allowed to wear gold is afaik a *huge* deal, to do with guarding the GEOM.


Point being, if chapter-sized, they'd likely already have a cadre of gold-helmeted veterans, and it's already quite a special thing. It might be an easier sell if they adopted that after their founding - ie. the veterans suffer total losses in [significant action] early on in the chapter's history (or just prior to founding), and the remaining marines adopt gold helmets in their honour...?


On a personal point, I'd fear having them recognised as 'elites' causes tension between their and the BA's doctrines and comes over a bit mary sue - unless you perhaps developed the IF angle a little (being recognised for their particular skills by a more similar-approach chapter - perhaps they didn't get as much respect from their parent chapter for their role, but recognition from IF allies during the siege of terra gave them the confidence to embrace it, or something)...


I hadn't totally decided on wether they were chapter or company because I didn't really have enough information on the legion organisation. Ideally I would say chapter but I didn't know how many chapters there were and how easily it was to create a new one (in case there was already a set amount all named).


With the gold helmets how about this. At the battle the chapter was in a ferocious fight and acquitted itself valiantly. Those who survived were gifted gold helmets and reformed into new companies as many had fallen. The 300 were formed into 3 companies and new recruits were brought into the chapter to bring it back to strength. Over time this number diminished due to casualties and eventually there were only enough gold helms for 1 company. (Is this more lore friendly?


After the siege of terra their chapter master was honoured for something significant (potential idea... stood over sanguinius when he was knocked to the ground during duel with the great demon (Ka bhanda?)) and all survivors were given gold helmets before they embarked on their crusade?


After they were found from the warp all members of the chapter from then on wore gold helmets and shoulder pads as a type of memento of their history.


If it helps, the LotD lore suggests the high lords wait around 20 years to declare a chapter lost in the warp...



Isn't this somewhat self-evident - ie. it's not like space marines (of any ilk) have any other options...?


Yeah I agree actually, dunno what I was trying to do with this bit, fingers ran before the brain engaged obviously.



Does this mean that they were, effectively, refounded? As they've already formed a chapter at the 2nd founding? That might be worth expanding more upon. It's approx 1500 years between 2nd and 4th foundings, fwiw.


Basically my idea was, after they vanished the HloT just stopped talking about them and struck the name from the records. They didn't want to acknowledge a loss of a full chapter of marines so just pretended they had never existed. (Kind of wanted to go with the 9th legion history here. No one really knows what happened but many think that it went into scotland/ north England and got wiped out, so the emperor just struck the name from record and pretended it had never happened so the prop wouldn't go mental)


Btw^^^^ I'm talking about Ancient Rome not 40k (although a happy coincidence that the blood angels are the 9th legion :) )


So then when they returned because there was no written record of them they were classed as a fourth founding coinciding with the latest founding. So although the origins are much older on paper they are a fourth founding.


Does that make sense? Or have I potentially gone too far?


The eagles, to this day bear gold shoulder pads and helmets over their red armour. They are the masters of turning defence into sudden attack, allowing their enemies to believe they are the attackers before suddenly finding they are besieged



I worry you're on shaky ground having guard units *permanently* attached - it's all a little Badab War, and would be unlikely to be sanctioned. It could be, however, that the chapter helped the survivors get re-established - possibly even on a planet in their system - and consequently maintain (very) close ties. I'm also not sure that failed aspirants would join the guard, either - they generally wash out through dying in the trials, or during the transformation into marines. That said, some chapter serfs are acquired that way - perhaps the chapter allows their serfs to be seconded to / serve in the guard?


Hmm. Again good point, perhaps they're were few survivors literally a few dozen here, another five over here etc. They were classed as destroyed and the survivors helped raise the planetary defence force on the home planet. This gives the regiments traditions from other famous regiments but all it's men are home born from the planet. The PDF is still a pdf but does accompany the chapter of its called upon.


Again does this make it better?



Again, this is a disposition of forces thing - it's almost always the case that guard would defer to astartes, and you could certainly conspire an informal practice, but a formal order/structure like you've described may attract attention. Also, the adulent-willing-meat-shields angle is a potentially very interesting one...


Yeah it's something I need to think about. Perhaps the population of the planet is smallish so many guardsmen knew the marines when they were children together? They still talk together but those who aren't marines still treat the astartes with enormous respect... a kind of only speak if spoken to (unless the relationship is different between specific guardsmen and marines).


Again dunno if that makes sense. Happy to clarify any of it and take on new ideas


Fleet organisation usually rolls the reserve companies into the battle companies, which you may want to reflect here. Also, 225 veterans is abnormally high, and would probably want expanding upon.


Yeah I should have clarified that. Basically there are no reserve companies, they are all divided so that every company is a fully fledged fighting force by itself.


With regards to the veterans ... my red eagles are just naturally better than everyone so hence more veterans...( sarcasm alert) I'm not sure to be honest and hadn't really thought about it. Any advice or ideas wouldn't go amiss. Could there be a reason for almost double the number of veterans or should I just scale back the numbers. Maybe the blood angels live a long time compared to even other astartes so it's reflected in the number of vets?



Not suggesting I'm an authority in any sense, but hope some of this helps.


No honestly this was a great help! If I didn't bounce these ideas of other people I would let my imagination run wild. Thanks for the replies and again any further tips, replies, ideas or criticisms are more than welcome.


A couple of questions though if anybody could help me. How many battle barges and strike cruisers to chapters normally have? How many marines do they normally transport, or does this vary from design to design?



First time quoting in this so I don't know if I have done it right :/

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I hadn't totally decided on wether they were chapter or company because I didn't really have enough information on the legion organisation. Ideally I would say chapter but I didn't know how many chapters there were and how easily it was to create a new one (in case there was already a set amount all named).


With the gold helmets how about this. At the battle the chapter was in a ferocious fight and acquitted itself valiantly. Those who survived were gifted gold helmets and reformed into new companies as many had fallen. The 300 were formed into 3 companies and new recruits were brought into the chapter to bring it back to strength. Over time this number diminished due to casualties and eventually there were only enough gold helms for 1 company. (Is this more lore friendly?


After the siege of terra their chapter master was honoured for something significant (potential idea... stood over sanguinius when he was knocked to the ground during duel with the great demon (Ka bhanda?)) and all survivors were given gold helmets before they embarked on their crusade?


After they were found from the warp all members of the chapter from then on wore gold helmets and shoulder pads as a type of memento of their history.


The legion sizes / organisation are a bit up in the air, as they seem to have been retconned 'recently' (er, since 2nd ed...?) to be x10 the size we previously thought. The lexicanum article has a (non specific) force organisation chart that might prove useful - http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Space_Marine_Legion - the red pic half way down.


As best I can tell, the hierarchy is approximately: legion (100,000+ marines) > chapter (~1,000) > company (~100). Further to this, chapters may be broken into 2 battalions, each containing ~5+ companies. A plausible fleet would be a chapter or battalion's worth, I'd guess (my custom is the IX legion, 113th chapter, 1st battalion, for instance).


I'm pretty sure the HH novels have a BA captain referring to being 'one of the 300', too, which would suggest BA have 300 chapters in their legion, or ~300,000 marines at full strength.


Basically my idea was, after they vanished the HloT just stopped talking about them and struck the name from the records. They didn't want to acknowledge a loss of a full chapter of marines so just pretended they had never existed. (Kind of wanted to go with the 9th legion history here. No one really knows what happened but many think that it went into scotland/ north England and got wiped out, so the emperor just struck the name from record and pretended it had never happened so the prop wouldn't go mental)


Btw^^^^ I'm talking about Ancient Rome not 40k (although a happy coincidence that the blood angels are the 9th legion :smile.: )


So then when they returned because there was no written record of them they were classed as a fourth founding coinciding with the latest founding. So although the origins are much older on paper they are a fourth founding.


Does that make sense? Or have I potentially gone too far?


This is totally defensible, as there are definitely canon chapters who claim one founding but are likely another. Both ways, too - so in 'modern' 40k your chapter could be known as 4th founding, with hints of 2nd, or claim 2nd, when records only show 4th, etc - if that makes sense.


The other things to note here would be that only the 13th founding is completely 'unknown' - all other foundings will have records (inc their gene seed) - and that most chapters are raised at the behest of the high lords (ie. a first founding chapter master requesting a successor is a rare event) - so you'd think their 'formal' founding to be pretty textbook.


Hmm. Again good point, perhaps they're were few survivors literally a few dozen here, another five over here etc. They were classed as destroyed and the survivors helped raise the planetary defence force on the home planet. This gives the regiments traditions from other famous regiments but all it's men are home born from the planet. The PDF is still a pdf but does accompany the chapter of its called upon.


Again does this make it better?


Having a regiment raised on the chapter homeworld bends the lore the most, and is the main thing you want to avoid. Pretty much anything else should be fine, though do draw a distinction between guard, pdf and the chapter serfs - we know little about the latter, other than they crew and defend a chapter's bases, ships etc, and aren't really represented on the tabletop. The serfs may also serve as the homeworld pdf (?), though I'd look to wiser heads for info on this.


(I'd also again admit I break this - I'm currently eyeing up a solar auxiliary cohort to represent my fleet-based chapter's void-combat-capable serfs...)


Yeah it's something I need to think about. Perhaps the population of the planet is smallish so many guardsmen knew the marines when they were children together? They still talk together but those who aren't marines still treat the astartes with enormous respect... a kind of only speak if spoken to (unless the relationship is different between specific guardsmen and marines).


Again dunno if that makes sense. Happy to clarify any of it and take on new ideas


There's definitely an interesting dynamic there - IIRC, it's been suggested that Salamanders 'live with their families', and definitely maintain relationships with parents, friends etc, so there's certainly precedent. The difference in life span - particularly for BA - is something else you might want to explore.


Astartes attitudes towards 'normal' humans varies wildly, but BA are definitely at the nicer, more respectful end (there's a very good bit in Master of Mankind where a BA chaplain stops and talks to a young girl and her brother, that demonstrates this).


Yeah I should have clarified that. Basically there are no reserve companies, they are all divided so that every company is a fully fledged fighting force by itself.


With regards to the veterans ... my red eagles are just naturally better than everyone so hence more veterans...( sarcasm alert) I'm not sure to be honest and hadn't really thought about it. Any advice or ideas wouldn't go amiss. Could there be a reason for almost double the number of veterans or should I just scale back the numbers. Maybe the blood angels live a long time compared to even other astartes so it's reflected in the number of vets?


Having spent *far* too long working out how a legion-era fleet could reshape into a modern chapter for a couple of my own projects, I'd suggest a couple of things that might help - you could have a relatively large command structure (chapter command / consuls / bodyguards, battalion command / consuls / bodyguards, 1st lieutenants and so on) that translated into 'extra' veterans, and the company structure (3+ groups of 3 squads + specialists) lends itself to more nominal 'senior' squads (again, the legion org chart is handy here).


I do think you might want to scale it back a little, but 'more than average' is definitely defensible. Also, note that however the chapter organises in 'modern' 40k will have been inherited and preserved 'across the ages' somehow, and might be a neat opportunity for some lore (my custom retains the '1st lieutenant' position as the demi-company captain, for instance).


A couple of questions though if anybody could help me. How many battle barges and strike cruisers to chapters normally have? How many marines do they normally transport, or does this vary from design to design?


Without wanting to monopolise this (!), off the top of my head, battle barges and strike cruisers carry 300 and 100 respectively. 3 battle barges is generally given as the max a normal chapter would have before the imperial navy starts getting antsy, and you might want to check the BA codex (on a plane, so don't have it in front of me) which lists the full BA fleet numbers (it might be implausible to stray too far from those)


First time quoting in this so I don't know if I have done it right :/


They're a nightmare. I'm winging this too, if it helps.

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Thanks again for the reply! I'll have a look at that link. Can I just quickly say this really is much appreciated.


Just had a bit of a brainwave relating to guardsmen. Do the astartes ships have armsmen? I've seen reference of them in some of the novels but can't remember if they were barracked solely in the imperial navy or astartes ships had them too?


If not I'm happy with being a planetary defence force. I just want to check that space marine homework day do often have planetary defence forces? I'm sure I saw a reference of a pdf on macragge fighting with the ultramarines against the nids?


I wanted my guys to be on the nice end of the spectrum similar to the salamanders. I considered having them with families and stuff but I would prefer to keep the inquisitors away at the moment so I can decide on that later.


I'll strip back some of the vets... but perhaps each of the ships have a veteran squad permanently assigned to it "wardens of the helm" or something permanent body guard kind of thing.


I also wanted to add to the lore that the eagles are extremely proficient pilots, with more storm ravens than most chapters. Often their pilots (technarines?) are seconded to the death watch. I also wanted to have storm talons or the new gunships but as their not in the codex I may have to pass.


Orrr... I could pinch some of a passing supply ship...

Edited by DeathcompanyDante
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Anything I had tips for already covered by Taeknologic.


Attached armies is... Iffy but passable for sure. Hell, my chapter master is Honorable reagent of a small system as part of the title from when they were founded.


I'd urge you to forever record the Red Eagles in the annals of our hallowed roll of successors too:





Edited by Charlo
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  • 2 years later...

Hey brothers. So its been a while but i have finally been able to get round to updating my chapter. After catching up with most of the lore and some of my pile of plastic shame i have some updates for the chapter.


After responding to the Siege of Baal with the full strength of 1,300  brothers the Eagles were hit hard, losing 2 of their three battle barges, the majority of their vehicles and equipment and over 1,000 dead brothers. With fewer than 300 marines remaining the plight of the Red Eagles was further compounded by many falling to the Black rage. Of the 260 remaining brothers over 50 wear the black battle plate of the Death Company. Chapter Master Lord Legatos Alfonso still stands, but he commands a chapter gutted by war and rules a system at the edge of the galaxy besieged by the Chaos warband 'Four headed Hydra" a long time enemy since the black days of the chapters founding who seem to have pounced as the Eagles are at their weakest. Alfonso now leads his chapter home to break the siege or die in the attempt, bringing with him the new Primaris marines and detachments of Blood Angels Successors who have pledged what aid they can despite facing similar troubles themselves. Dante himself sent a single Sanguinary Guard with Alfonso, all the aid that he could spare while the Angels themselves look to rebuild and reclaim the lost systems and worlds that have been taken from the Imperium. Although a mere token, Alfonso welcomed it grimly, needing all the aid that could be mustered.


Now we have some pictures of some new foot slogging DC. They are mainly Mk 3 armour from the Burning of Prospero set, but there are a large amount of DC, Reiver, and general marine bits to add some flavour. 









So we have three units of 10 with a hammer and fist each, while regular marines are equipped with boaters and chain swords. They'll be run in Rhinos normally. My painting is still a bit iffy but i am happy with them and i feel like contrast paint for me is a game changer. Also happy with the conversations as i love the stories individual models tell. As an example the model with hammer and sanguinary guard arm is brother Maximus. Serving as a Sanguinary guard he fell to the black rage on Baal and for his past services he was granted by Alfonso to keep his left Arm and Helmet from the Battle Harness he wore as a Sanguinary guard.






Any comments, criticisms or advice are more than welcome on both the Lore and Miniatures. My next step is to buy some new paints before repainting my original collection who's 10 year old paint jobs deserve some TLC.

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Hmmm... that's a brilliant idea, i know what I'm doing once i finish work!


At the moment my strength is:


20 scouts- (15 bolters and 5 snipers)

6x Tactical squads (ranging from Macrage, Black Reach, BaC minis)

1x dev squad

1x assault squad

28x terminators

5x dreadnoughts (2x DC, 1x Libby, 1x Contemptor, 1x furioso)

4x Baal Predators

3x Vindicators

2x Land Raiders

1x Razorback

2x StormRavens

3x Drop pods

45x foot Death Company

5x JP Death Company

5x Vanguard Vets

5x Stern Guard

16x Sanguinary guard

4x bikes

Loads (and i mean loads) of HQ options and various models that can be swapped in and out of the squads


Of all of this i would say less than a quarter are built and painted to a good standard. Id say a third are unbuilt and the rest are built but need re-painted as my painting 10 years ago was not shall we say, very good.


To expand im going to get some Rhinos, one more Las predator, 15x assault marines and one more devastator squad. That'll then be the basic Red Eagle chapter in its entirety. Ill then go for some air support in the form of Storm Talons/ Stormhawks. Afterwards ill start going for Primaris marines, with maybe some more JP DC.


I should highlight that this is a  very long term plan, what i have has been built over 10 years and most of the tanks in my list were recently purchases in a steal of an Ebay deal that was too good to pass up. 


Probably for the rest of the year ill be building what still needs built, and re painting what I have. Until I've done that im going to avoid any new purchases. (I pray to the Emperor for strong willpower.

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Check out Pop Goes the Monkey on Shapeways. They have lots of good plastic icons for shoulder pads. You might find something you like. 


As for founding, the 4th Founding was right after the War of the Beast and was huge. With the bureaucracy of Imperium being rebuilt after the war and with the huge influx of new chapters, it would be very easy for your chapter to just get thrown in with the rest of the 4th founding without realizing it was older. 

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Thanks very much for passing that on Bluejay! Just had a look through and i think there's some brilliant options, and the fact that you can stick some of them on to shoulder pads is brilliant for marines that I've already built and painted!


Excellent, i think ill stick with 4th founding then as if there were so many chapters I'm sure that someone would have missed one extra chapter joining the list.


I think over the next couple of days I will rewrite the lore of the chapter and add some details that I've come up with recently. Will be nice to get it all to pen and paper.

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  • 8 months later...

So it has been a long time since I have been able to get back to the Eagles, however after finishing coursework and having free time on my hands Ive finally had a chance to get some building done.


First of all we have Tribune Maximus Sulla. The lore for my chapter has been tweaked slightly and ill type that up in a separate post, but Maximus's tale is one of sorrow and vengeance. After serving as a Tribune of the Eagles for over 250 years, Maximus joined 1,000 Eagles who went to the aid of Baal to face the tyranids. After serving on the walls Maximus's cohort (company) was stranded in one of the perimeter towers, and faced the onslaught alone. Fighting back to back, with bolters, blades and eventually fists the cohort was slowly overwhelmed. Maximus's skill with his blades was little comfort, as he was the last man of his company to draw breath. He fought on alone before being struck down by a Tyranid beast, and he fell from the tower onto the rocks below. Yet Maximus was not yet dead. With the arrival of the Ultramarines, and the Primaris marines, Lord Legatus Alfonso (The Young Eagle) was forced to accommodate the primaries marines within his chapter. From 1,000 marines to 300, Alfonso, although wary, integrated the Primaris marines within his chapter, although formed them into separate primaris companies until they had proved themselves. It was at this point, as the Eagles were about to leave Baal to return to their besieged system, that the gravely wounded Maximus Sulla was discovered, unconscious, near dead yet still grasping his company standard. Although wary of the new technology, Alfonso allowed Maximus to be taken by the Apothecaries of the Ultramarines, who swore that the only way for Maximus Sulla to fight the enemies of the Imperium once more, was to cross the Rubicon. 


Maximus woke in a new body, surrounded by a company that was not his. Alfonso instructed Maximus to lead one of the three new Primaris cohorts, and establish their abilities and worth. Maximus was at first bitter, his original cohort eradicated and nothing but a memory, his new company almost alien, using tactics and weapons that were not part of the Eagles combat doctrine. Yet it was during 'The War of the Burning Eyrie' that Maximus Sulla found his place once more, leading his cohort with honour and skill as the Eagles saved their homes system from the designs of the 'Five headed Hydra' Chaos warband. Although he did not have access to the assault marines and Vanguard Veterans with which he had earned his cohort, he instead found a home with his new Reiver units, who were used in the Shock Assault doctrine with which he favoured. 








I didn't really have a plan for the model, I really just fitted parts on the go. I used the body of the BA primaris Lieutenant. I wasn't a fan of the model but with some arm swaps and snips I turned it into something I was very happy with. On the tabletop ill field him as a normal captain with a relic blade. I almost gave him a thunder hammer so I could choose between both options for gaming, but rule of cool won so now he has a real sword and a decorative sword.


Next came 10 reivers. Have a love hate relationship with them as they are great models, but the way the legs attach to the bodies can be a real pain and it does limit how well you can play with their poses.








Next up will be another 10 reivers, and then followed by some intercessors or some stern guard, whichever gets my imagination going first.


Just a quick question however. How do you guys post pictures here? The only method I could get to work was by posting the link to the Imgur file. Does that work well enough? I couldn't figure out how to actually get the photos onto the forum themselves. If Imgur works fine then its no problem, was just wondering.

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