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Another Stormcast Eternal conversion question

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So, I want to use Stormcasts to make Astartes, I might use the Cataphractii shoulder upgrades for my chosen Chapter. I might use the Mk2 or Mk3 FW pauldrons instead. I want to use the Judicators with the boltstorm and convert those into bolters and combi-weapons. Then I want to pick up some more of the Thunderbolt crossbows(the big ones) and use bits to make them Multi-Melta, Missile Launchers and Lascannons. Most of the weapons can be matched up, even using the swords as chainswords if I need them. I can also use the chainswords without hands from BoP. My question is, what chapter do you think fits the aesthitic best? And, what models or how could I modify models to run Terminators if I'm going to use stormcast as Tacticals and Assault marines. Should I just run stormcast with the appropriate weapons(TH/SS, lightning claws, stormbolters, assault cannons,etc) to represent the Terminators?


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