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Using nilahkh oxide for spectral effects on marines


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Anyone have any experience in using the oxide paints to create spectral/ethereal effects on marines sized models? Seen it done of the WHFB spirit hosts, but feel like there should be a little more blue or green added as a wash or a drybrushes before taking it up to white.


Considering a thousand sons army done almost entirely in spectral theme, mid teleport and such.



They aren't Marines, but I think you mean something like my Sisters (Legion) of the Damned:


My method for painting them:

Grey Primer (Halfords spray can)

White undercoat (Halfords spray can - but not a complete coat. Just enough to cover the raised parts of the model, leaving the grey for shadows)

Nilakh Oxide - a fairly heavy, but not swamped coat.

Drybrush with Hellion green.

Lighter drybrush with White Scar.

Nihilakh Oxide is super easy to use. Just spray minis as white as you can get them, then use nihilakh generously. Drybrush white heavily after it dries and you'll have an ethereal effect that looks like it came off the pages of White Dwarf. Oh wait, it probably did! You can add some blue wash or glaze to the recesses if you want but just the oxide and white is simple and effective. You could do the whole minis in the glow and just paint an arm or leg in the standard TS colors to make it look like they are stepping into the material  plane. It will be simple and look amazing on the tabletop.

Thanks for the tips guys. The plan is to have my buddy paint up Magnus as the only full color model, with the oxide effect like the Marines on the right hand to tie it all in. And the Marines are either projections or warp ghosts he's summoning, old eyes can't see all the little bits and bobs on the new models xD


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