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What that Glaive Do?

Lord Blackwood

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So if you saw my other list from  a bit earlier in the week , you know  I am trying to figure out what I  want to do for a likely  3000 point event coming up in march.  The other list had  3 knights in it , This one's big centerpiece unit is the glaive  I  feel like this one has a bit more to critique so lemme have it! D:
+++ Possible Event List 2 PURE MARINES (Warhammer 30,000 - The Horus Heresy v42) (3000pts) +++

++ The Age of Darkness (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List v202) (650pts) ++
+ Force Organization +
Force Organization [Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List]
Battles in the Age of Darkness [Lords of War]
+ Lords of War (650pts) +
Legion Glaive Special Weapons Tank (650pts) [Armoured Ceramite]
++ The Age of Darkness (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List v202) (2350pts) ++
+ HQ (210pts) +
Master of Armour (210pts)
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]
+ Elites (860pts) +
Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (170pts)
Cortus Dreadnought [Heavy Conversion Beamer (One only)]
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (210pts) [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (240pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Veteran Tactical Squad, Veteran Tactics: Marksmen]
Additional Wargear [Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web]
Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Fist]
Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Bolters, Chainswords/Combat Blades, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (240pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Veteran Tactical Squad, Veteran Tactics: Marksmen]
Additional Wargear [Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web]
Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Fist]
Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Bolters, Chainswords/Combat Blades, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]
+ Troops (400pts) +
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (100pts)
Legion Predator Tank [Dozer Blade, Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (100pts)
Legion Predator Tank [Dozer Blade, Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (100pts)
Legion Predator Tank [Dozer Blade, Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (100pts)
Legion Predator Tank [Dozer Blade, Heavy Bolters]
+ Heavy Support (880pts) +
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (310pts)
Legion Predator Tank [Dozer Blade, Executioner Plasma Cannon, Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Tank [Dozer Blade, Executioner Plasma Cannon, Heavy Bolters]
Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron (375pts)
Legion Vindicator Tank [Dozer Blade]
Legion Vindicator Tank [Dozer Blade]
Legion Vindicator Tank [Dozer Blade]
Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (195pts) [Dozer Blade]
+ Legion +
Legiones Astartes [   VII: Imperial Fists, Loyalist]
Rite of War [Armoured Breakthrough]
+ Force Organization +
Force Organization [Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List]
Battles in the Age of Darkness [ Age of Darkness Primary Detachment]


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I would swap out the Glaive for a Fellblade, its a more rounded superheavy which can target heavier armour, harder troops and also has longer range, not to mention the Glaives beam could be a detriment to your own armies positioning since tanks take up a fair amount of space. All of your heavy slots are full which is never a bad thing :D


Is it possible to take multiple Masters of Armour? If so, that elite Sicaran could become a HQ and you could squeeze another Vet squad in for some outflanking nastiness.


I like the list a lot, it is relatively close in the Heavy Support department to what I currently run and they always perform well...


EDIT: I just looked the Rite up and you can only take a single Master of Armour, what if you drop the Contemptor and with the points saved from that and swapping the Glaive out, you add another Vet squad? Sprinkle some Hunter-killers around, I always put them on my Vindicators for Weapon Destroyed rolls.

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you think the fellblade will be better ?    Im worried about it only have one shot with its anti tank weapon and its a small blast compared to its big gun  , then again , I have a few ap 2 templates , ill start poking around with the adjustments you suggested , and thank you !  

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I run a Falchion with Shock Pulse but i figured since you already have the Venator you might prefer an all rounder instead. Don't forget the Fellblade has the Demolisher cannon as well, and quad lascannons always help too!
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I think the Glaive is the better choice, mainly for the reliable anti-tank power and if we're talking about versatility there's a reason the Fellblade is more than a 100pts cheaper.


I put the army into QM and edited it as if I was using it myself and my version ended up looking like this:


Command Sicaran w/D-blade, lascannons (I'd get Ceramite on here if you have the points since it's the warlord)

4x Predator w/D-blade, HB

2x Veteran squads w/2 Plasma gun, Fist and AA on Sgt. Rhino w/D-blade

2x Elite Sicarans w/D-blade, lascannons

2x Xiphon w/Ground-tracking

3x Vindicators w/D-blade (I take them individually to hit other targets and I hate the overspill in squadrons with these)

Glaive w/Ceramite

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I just don't see the appeal of the Glaive as much. The weapon is neat, but it never did "wow" me. It seems like if I am going for anti-infantry with Ignores Cover weapons, I want a Typhon. If I am going anti-tank, I would bring a Sicaran Venator (which you have) or the ever-reliable tank killer the Primaris-Lighting w/ BSC & Kraken missiles. 

And you can fit in a Typhon w/ AC and Lascannons, as well as a Kraken-toting Lighting for 15pt more than it costs for that Glaive. The Lightning usually delivers its payload and dies, but if it doesn't, you can dogfight with it too, since you are lacking in AA options (for which I always recommend a Deredeo w/ Aiolos and ACs). 


You could toss the HBs off the Executioners to free up points for the Typhon/Lightning option. Then you can swap up the Cortus for a Mortis with Kheres maybe, for some AA work.


Just some thoughts.

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I dunno, D3+1 Haywire Hits vs SH AV or S8 Ap2 Deflagrate vs GMC seems like a pretty consistent way to chip away at them.


Not to mention you hit everything in the 48" beam unless it hits a building, SH or GMC first meaning more potential damage than a single 7" blast and/or 4 One-Use Meltabombs.


Too, deflagrate lets you kill units outside of the beam since the amount of hits taken is the amount of models under the beam.


In the short term, it will most likely deal less damage than a Typhon + Lightning but in the long term, it wins out in my book.


It also still has 2 Quad Lascannons for more damage.


Its also no 2 Av 10/11 HPs in a flyer or 6 Spartan-Sized hullpoints and can survive a roll of a 6 on the D chart.

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I dunno, D3+1 Haywire Hits vs SH AV or S8 Ap2 Deflagrate vs GMC seems like a pretty consistent way to chip away at them.


Not to mention you hit everything in the 48" beam unless it hits a building, SH or GMC first meaning more potential damage than a single 7" blast and/or 4 One-Use Meltabombs.


Too, deflagrate lets you kill units outside of the beam since the amount of hits taken is the amount of models under the beam.


In the short term, it will most likely deal less damage than a Typhon + Lightning but in the long term, it wins out in my book.


It also still has 2 Quad Lascannons for more damage.


Its also no 2 Av 10/11 HPs in a flyer or 6 Spartan-Sized hullpoints and can survive a roll of a 6 on the D chart.


S10 AP1 7" Blast is going to hurt just about anything it touches. And it ignores cover, meaning it is erasing squads. A single 1" wide beam might hit two guys, maybe three, if you are damned lucky, because a smart opponent will just space out and mitigate a line. It is a lot harder to mitigate that blast, generally. Plus, it too has lascannons, so it can put a hurt on armor too. Plus, it clocks in at about 200pt cheaper. Yes, a single bad D shot will kill it, but that is most things. There isn't that much ranged D to sweat. 


And the flyer is fragile, but it is way more than 4 one-use Meltabombs. They are S8 AP1 Armorbane Tank Hunter shots, meaning you will reliably bust most things you shoot at, excluding hilariously bad rolls. And if you are feeling extra worried, you can throw on GTA and make it BS5.


The Glaive is cool though - like rule-of-cool, for sure. It is gorgeous and no doubt a blast to paint. More interesting looking than yet another Spartan-looking tank on the table. So really that is going to count most, but I just feel the strengths of the Typhon + Lightning may be worth considering over the Glaive. 


Another option is to scrap the Venator for a Deredeo Dread w/ Aiolos & ACs (240pt), for AA work, and opt for the Falchion w/ NWC, AC, and Legion Crew (600pt). This leaves you 5pt to throw into a HK somewhere or something. The Falchion is ranged D and with Shock Pulse, it has an 83% chance of forcing enemy armor into snap shots the next turn (if it is alive), which is a good way to crap on super-heavies that rely on Blasts weapons.



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