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Starting a New Adeptus Mechanicus Army


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I had been out of the hobby for a few years (had about 1,500 points unpainted in two different armies) but earlier this year I decided to start a new army, so I picked up the Star Collecting Skitarii box. Between moving houses, university studies, and work it's taken me a while to actually get anywhere with it. Now I've come into a little free time and so I'd like to show off some progress as I go as well as get some advice and criticisms as well.

Front View Ranger Alpha (Needs Basing)

Front View Ranger Alpha (Needs Basing)

First model I've painted in about four years, not particularly happy with his shoulders (wish I had kept his arms separate before I painted him up) and the bulk of his robes, however I'd already kept most of the squads arms separate, and have an alternate way to do the robes. I will hopefully be able to get the rest of the squad done this week and pictures up within the week. In the meantime I'd love to hear other peoples' experiences with Skitarii and Cult Mechanicus, and any feedback on my painting would be awesome too.


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Looking really good. I like the crisp highlights on the blast pistol.


I agree that the models are a lot easier to paint with the arms separate. I paint the inside of the robes before I glue the legs to the torso and paint the weapons before I glue the arms in place. The highlights will only fall where light does so they can be applied later.


Overall I'd say for a four year break you've come back pretty strong. Once the base has be finished this guy is going to look really nice.

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The highlighting on the robe is very nice! I like the look a lot. I'm actually sad you're going to do other robes a different way!


In regards to our experience with AdMech, check out this thread if you have time: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/308196-skitarii-and-mechanicum-hard-data-review/ Loads of helpful data in there!


I would say as you build your army you should probably prioritize getting 1-3 of each Skitarii unit first, and add Cult Mech in once your force is bjgger. The Cult stuff is more elite and costly so it's a little less useful in smaller games, in my experience. But once you hit around 1000 points those Kataphrons are really nice, and the shooty Kastelans when you get some!


In skitarii, I'd say get another start collecting box, because they're just so cheap. Then probably get a dragoon or two, because they are really a gem. Dragoons are probably my favorite unit in the game, they are crazy useful for their points cost.

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Thanks for the feedback. 


Looking really good. I like the crisp highlights on the blast pistol.


I agree that the models are a lot easier to paint with the arms separate. I paint the inside of the robes before I glue the legs to the torso and paint the weapons before I glue the arms in place. The highlights will only fall where light does so they can be applied later.


Overall I'd say for a four year break you've come back pretty strong. Once the base has be finished this guy is going to look really nice.

I can thank Duncan Rhodes for all of that, those tip of the day videos, and the How to Paint Skitarii video really helped. And that's basically how I have the rest of them set up, although I also separated the backpacks out as well.


The highlighting on the robe is very nice! I like the look a lot. I'm actually sad you're going to do other robes a different way!

In regards to our experience with AdMech, check out this thread if you have time: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/308196-skitarii-and-mechanicum-hard-data-review/ Loads of helpful data in there!

I would say as you build your army you should probably prioritize getting 1-3 of each Skitarii unit first, and add Cult Mech in once your force is bjgger. The Cult stuff is more elite and costly so it's a little less useful in smaller games, in my experience. But once you hit around 1000 points those Kataphrons are really nice, and the shooty Kastelans when you get some!

In skitarii, I'd say get another start collecting box, because they're just so cheap. Then probably get a dragoon or two, because they are really a gem. Dragoons are probably my favorite unit in the game, they are crazy useful for their points cost.


I'm really just adding a bit more shading to it, leaving a little bit of the base layer showing in the creases. On increasing the force in size, my plan is to get another two Start Collecting boxes, and then hopefully two of the Battleforce boxes. I've also two boxes of Kastelans (bought them before I knew about the Battleforce) as somewhere to shove a Dominus into once I have the Onagers and infantry done. My hope is to have at least the Start Collecting boxes done and out of the way before the next Imperial Armour comes out, I desperately need an excuse to buy a Thanatar. 

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Yeah, I'm hoping to be more or less caught up on my hobby work by the time that book comes out so I can justify dropping a lot of money on FW stuff. I'm a little grateful for the delays to Prospero so I'll have a little more time. My hope is to have enough hobby money set aside to get free shipping on a bulk order when it drops.


I really look forward to seeing more of your stuff! Anything that's not default Mars red is very intriguing at this point!

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I found it such a pain to find things that weren't red, was going to do purple but then I saw Gerantius, fell in love with the green. The delays to Prospero are stopping me from just dropping everything to start 30k thankfully, I've always loved the Thousand Sons, already picked up some of their new stuff, thinking of using them for a slow grow league near me, hoping the two very different colour schemes make the two of them more fun to paint. I should be able to get the torsos done for the rest of the unit done tomorrow or Thursday, so hope to get pictures of them up whenever I've done that.

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Thanks for the feedback. 


Looking really good. I like the crisp highlights on the blast pistol.


I agree that the models are a lot easier to paint with the arms separate. I paint the inside of the robes before I glue the legs to the torso and paint the weapons before I glue the arms in place. The highlights will only fall where light does so they can be applied later.


Overall I'd say for a four year break you've come back pretty strong. Once the base has be finished this guy is going to look really nice.

I can thank Duncan Rhodes for all of that, those tip of the day videos, and the How to Paint Skitarii video really helped. And that's basically how I have the rest of them set up, although I also separated the backpacks out as well.



DSC 0014

This may look a bit odd, but this is how I kept the arms, weapons and backpacks matched with the correct models until I was ready to glue them.
 I found it was quite helpful. If I do get some FW Secutarii I may need to make another of these things.


I know what it feels like when most of the colour schemes of the different Forge Worlds are identical. I liked Ryza and Metalica but I decided I needed to create my own army so I picked green too. 


I look forward to seeing another Magos on the scene. :)

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So this is how I set up for the batch:

Batch Painting Set Up


The torsos, heads and backpacks are all together next to each other, with the legs to match each torso beside them, the weapons and arms (the blurry stuff at the back) are paired together in the same order as the torsos. I've managed to get all of the base layers done on the torsos and hope to finish them off on Thursday.

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Like the scheme a lot- non-standard AdMech colors are always cool in my book.  Of course, sometimes they fall to chaos...

SkitariiCultist front


I kept arms and backpacks separate as well, found egg cartons are also a handy way to keep groups of bits together for multiple figures.  Works well for CSM as well.

Skitarii WIP

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That's a lot of prep work on assembly/painting/etc.! Do you find that helps you get more consistent/faster results? happy.png

I think in all of our cases the answer is probably yes, but for me personally it's allowed me to focus on each section individually. My only concern with my method is that the blue tack I've got on the backpacks and arms isn't really rigid enough for me to be able to paint them on the sticks.

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This sort of model organisation is only really needed for Skitarii models since the arms and backpacks need to match with the bodies in most examples. I do find it is more fiddly but there's few things that stress me out more when painting than assembling too much of a model at once and no longer being able to get a brush to the details. 

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Torsos are now done except for lights and purity seals. Lighting is a little terrible in these pictures but here they are on the (unpainted) legs:

Robes 2

Robes 1


I've left some of the basecoat showing this time around to add some definition to the robes. Hopefully I'll be able to get some better lit images tomorrow.

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Man I love that colour! It's like torquise but feels different somehow . . . huh.png

Thanks! I use a basecoat of Incubi Darkness, then (several thin layers of) Kabalite Green, and then a highlight of Sybarite Green. I got it from the painting tutorial on Gerantius, but I've taken out a shade that I'll probably do on any green armour plates.

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