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Jam's Guard WIP thread

Jam Master Flex

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Thanks Duz, I've got him done now. I was going to add some Sterland Battlemire to the tracks but instead I'm going to get some weathering powder at a later date and come back to him:




Can anyone enlighten me on how to do that (change the threas title)?

Digging it! Whats next?


To update the thread title goto your first post and edit, then select the Full Editor option

From there you should be able to edit the subject title ;)

Thanks and also thanks for the tip I've sorted that out, have a virtual beer on me!


I've got 2 Executioners to paint, but im breaking it up by doing my Inqusitor for the Ioria vow.


Then after that I've got all my Kasrkin to paint and Stormtroopers, although I'm probably going to get my wiges SoB completely finished as she keeps complaining about not having a fully painted army haha.

  • 2 weeks later...

So got my Pask squad done for my vow:




I'm now on with my Enginseer and 3 more Leman Russ to finish my Emperor's Fist formation.


Also a local gaming club is now doing 40k (they used to only do AoS) and I'm now trying to get my army done as quick as possible so I can take part in their league.


I'm gonna be up against Deathwatch, Orks, Skitarii and potentially Nids too.


My list at the moment when finished will be as follows:


- Emperors Fist formation (Pask and 2 Executioners, 2 vanilla and a Punisher plus an enginseer)


- Emperors Blade Assault formation (3 vets squads with meltas and Chimeras [2 w/autocannons] CCS plus Hellhound)


- 2x Militarum Tempestus Hellrain formations


Anything I should be watching out for?

That's a variety of foes, with many various ways of fighting! Orks could be a bit of trouble if they go with numbers, 'nids too. Skitarii are solid with good damage output. Deathwatch are Veteran Marines with fancy guns for the most part, so they're more vulnerable to losses than normal Marines.

That's a variety of foes, with many various ways of fighting! Orks could be a bit of trouble if they go with numbers, 'nids too. Skitarii are solid with good damage output. Deathwatch are Veteran Marines with fancy guns for the most part, so they're more vulnerable to losses than normal Marines.

I'm thinking some Wyverns could be useful to deal with massed troops like Nids and the Orks.


I can put together a couple of platoons with my plastic guardsmen I havent built too to maybe bubblewrap my tanks.


I'm gonna see what their lists are like first and if needs be I can build my Knights :)

More troops have arrived!




Drove over to Halifax as it's just as close as the GW to an independant retailer (no online site unfortunately) and they had a Hellhound and can order stuff in for me so was very happy with this find as I only went for a Chimera.


Bloke even through in some free marines and stormcasts (which will be promptly converted to something!)


I've already magnetised the Hellhound and ive got another on the way now which I intend to so the same with, I think my first games next month are Orks and then Deathwatch so we'll see how they do..

Emperor's fist formation finished now par my Enginseer.


Quite happy as these latest 3 tanks are compromised from damaged LR off Ebay and a knackered old Russ of mine from when I was a kid so quite happy with how they turned out all things considered:







Thanks for the kind comments chaps, I got my Enginseer done too so that formations a wrap.


I need to finish all my troops now, CCS, 1 more Vets squad, 3 more Chimeras and 2 Hellhounds that I've magnetised and then I'll be good to go!

  • 3 weeks later...

Today my old workmate came over as he's back from uni and he was interested in how the game works, so we played a roughly 1000pts match.


Link to images: Just under 1000pts each SM vs AM https://imgur.com/gallery/6KB7m


We were playing a king of the hill style game, trying to hold the bastion.


Turn 1 saw my friend winning the role and moving everything he had pretty much right onto the objective.


I rushed my MT commqnd squad in a chimera down the right flank to try get a decent firing position on his Dreadnaughts, and managed to take a wound off using the autocannon.


Turn 2 his boltors reigned down on my other scions squad and took them out due to a load of bad dice on my part, and he cut a squad of vets in half, who passed their leadership test.


Pask and his buddies returned fire and I managed to cut a tactical squad in half and my vets finished them off.


Turn 3 and his devastators popped my Chimera but the command squad survived, who in return ended up firing with all the plasma guns and meltas took out the dreadnaught my autocannon had shot at.


My vets took out some of his troopa in the bastion but they were proving hard to shift.


He ended up moving his devastators into the ruins come turn 4 and he used them to take a hullpoint off an executioner.


His surviving dreadnaught managed to get behind said executioner and punch my rear armour to death. I moved the tanks and took him out.


Things are a relative blur but after this I was struggling to take out his squads in the Bastion,id had some really bad dice all game par rolling to carry on the game.


Eventually my surviving Executioner got lucky and I managed to get rid of his TM Squad in the bastion and Pask helped a bit too.


Highlight of the game was my Commissar taking out his entire devestators squad in close combat due to my mate rolling really poorly,despite the fact I'd also not even rolled to hit 2 turns in a row haha.


In the end I managed to table him hy wiping out his remaining forces, in the end all I had left was 2 tanks, a commissar, and 3 guardsmen.


We played it by ear as I still haven't learnt all the rules and I wanted it to be forgiving enough for my mate to get into.


We are heading to GW next week as he loved it!

Thanks Bjorn!


I got another game in today with my mate, gave him a bigger force and I used more tanks.


He tabled me by the end of his assault phase turn 3, he had some great rolls and my executioners kept firing off target.


Ive learned I definitely need to bubblewrap as he managed to deepstrike behind my tanks and gank them in close combat...


All fun though and we are playing again tomorrow!



Got some weathering done today on my soon to be Vendetta (just waiting on Forgeworld in the post).


Using this as a practice tool for my Vulture which I'm going to build this weekend all being well.

Looks great. You using weathering powders?

Yeah, Skavenblight Dinge for the wings with a sponge etc.


Then for the engines a mix of forgeworld black spot and rust at about 50/50, then for the wings and exhaust area just black soot :)




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