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Alpha Legion- Top Heavy- Recon Company Need Help


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Hey folks,

This is the first 30k Legion army I am playing around with, going to play test whatever I can come up with on Friday. First let me say a few things, although I am new to 30k, I have been playing 40k since the late 80's so I am not unfamiliar with the game, just the 30k units/scenarios.


Things I also recognize-

The list is top heavy, I have 600 pts tied up in 2 characters. Ultimately this is a better 3000 pt list, but I am not there yet. Lots of air power would wipe me off the table- I am trying for an all comers list- really- but I figure the best I can do is infantry/armor- I dont think I can do all three. I am trying to layer as many tactics/options into this list and I am spinning my wheels right now. The list is really only going to work if I get the first turn (either through rolling for first turn or stealing the initiative) I have to put enough of a dent in my opponents list to overcome having 600 pts tied up in characters.  So without further ado-


So first let me say I could make this a Coils list very easily, I would just swap the 3 recon squads for 3 other troop choices (which would cost a bit more). The advantage to Coils is combined with my Proteus, my opponents would have a -2 to reserve rolls, so in that regard I could be more competitive against drop armies and fliers.


So lets review my bonuses-

Coils- reroll seize the initiative (instead of +1 to go first), -1 to enemy reserves, traitor unit

Recon- reroll both to see who goes first and to steal the initiative, all models with infiltrate or scout gain shrouded turn 1 (even the LR has scout)

Dynat- armor pen rolls get +1 on vehicles within their deployment (real big if I go first as they will be in the enemies zone of deployment)- Dynat also can give a squad BS +1

Alparius- steal the initiative on a 4+, gives a squad within 6 inches +1 BS, any unit joined with him has stealth, the whole army has preferred enemy 

Mutable Tactic (for this exercise Ill assume it will be infiltrate)





Recon Squad 1- 5 guys, Sgt with AA, Dagger, Rhino with multimelta, hk missile 170

Recon Squad 2- 5 guys, Sgt with AA, Dagger, Rhino with multimelta, hk missile 170

Recon Squad 3- 6 guys, camo, sniper rifles- 175


2 Laser Destroyer Arrays 110pts

2 Laser Destroyer Arrays 110pts

2 Shatter Shell Weapons Battery 140pts


2 Land Speeder Javelin, CML, HK missile, Multimelta 140

Lightning, 2x Kraken, Autocannon, Battle Servitor, Ground Tracking 250

8 Seekers 215

w/Land Raider Proteus w/Pintle Mounted MM, Armored Ceramite, Exploratory Augury Web 265


I have 140 left, I was going to try and squeeze in a vet squad or something similar.


So obviously that isnt alot. The recon squads can go into reserve and outflank. I am counting on the destroyer arrays to destroy a tank turn 1 or eat into some elite infantry. The Seekers go for elite infantry with their AP2 shells. I guess what I need is to get a somewhat assault squad to attack Dynat and Alpharius, they need to make up for my lack of units with close combat destruction, I dont have that currently, maybe I take those 140 pts and increase both recon squads to 10 and equip them with cc/bp? and upgrade their sergeants?


Alot of this list just incorporates models I really like. For example the list would probably be better if that Lightnings points went into units on the board to begin the game correct? I could have a tooled up squad for 250 pts. Also if I dropped the land speeders and combined that with the 140 I could have another really tooled up squad.


What are your thoughts? 


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