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2000 point Orbital Drop DA List


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Why Anvillus pods when you payed for bolters too? Actually why Anvillus for regular tactical squads? The list seems kinda small too, 2 tacticals, 2 support, praetor with terminators, a cortus, and a fire raptor.


You might be better off drop podding breachers with melta guns that can soak up a charge, replace the melta squad with some Javelins, replace the plasma squad with acid heavy bolter jetbikes. Not trying to be a jerk, just trying to leverage the most utility out of the list. Use regular pods to save points and change the terminator squad to a command terminator squad with the praetor in an Anvillus pod for a T2 guaranteed charge.


Something like:



Command terminator squad



10 breachers

+ 2 melta guns, sgt w/Caliban Blade

Legion drop pod


10 breachers

+2 melta guns, sgt w/Caliban Blade

Legion drop pod


3-6 jetbikes

+acid heavy bolters


2 Javelins

+lascannons, multi meltas


Fire raptor


See if you have extra points left for a cortus Contemptor in a pod with two DCCWs and grav guns.

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Its not being a jerk i did ask for feedback :).


The tacticals with bolters is down to it being two prospero mk3 squads


My reasoning behind the anvillus was two fold. First it was a assault vech skimmer.

The second being the afterburner rule as a extra way to do damage for a RoW that loses

Access to alot of the book.


I was looking at 6 jetbikes in the list orginally points got eaten up quickly (partial due to claw vs drop pod points difference)


Sadly until fw release a mk3 breacher upgrade blister i cant justify the cost outlaw for breacher squads when access to reg mk3 is so much cheaper these days.

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Its not being a jerk i did ask for feedback :).


The tacticals with bolters is down to it being two prospero mk3 squads


My reasoning behind the anvillus was two fold. First it was a assault vech skimmer.

The second being the afterburner rule as a extra way to do damage for a RoW that loses

Access to alot of the book.


I was looking at 6 jetbikes in the list orginally points got eaten up quickly (partial due to claw vs drop pod points difference)


Sadly until fw release a mk3 breacher upgrade blister i cant justify the cost outlaw for breacher squads when access to reg mk3 is so much cheaper these days.

That's perfectly fine a reason!


I'd still swap out the plasma and melta squad, even though they are cool. They might get a turn of shooting before they are obliterated by bolters.


If you want, you could trade the melta squad or plasma squad plus the Cortus for a Leviathan, it'd be devastating at 2000 points, but it does sound like you're limited to the contents of the BoP box set.


Alternatively, trade the plasma squad for three acid heavy bolter jetbikes and take your praetor on a jetbike as well, that way you'll have two pretty large threats. The praetor can detach from the bikes to assault a unit on his own and do quite well at it. You'll also have a praetor for a RW protocol too. That being said, you might be better off with a RW protocol list, you'd need to just trade the tacticals out for bikes/jetbikes, and give the support squads the Anvillus pods. You'd also have to drop the dread, but you'd keep the majority of the list while gaining more potency.

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  • 2 weeks later...

+++ Orbital Drop (Warhammer 30,000 - The Horus Heresy v44) +++


+ HQ +


····Legion Praetor [Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, Paragon Blade, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]

······Legion Terminator Command Squad [Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod, Grenade Harness, 3x Legion Space Marine Chosen, Pair of Lightning Claws, 2x Power Fist, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Thunder Hammer]


+ Troops +


····Legion Tactical Squad [Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

······Additional Wargear [Additional Chainswords/Combat Blades, Bolters, Legion Vexilla]

······Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]


····Legion Tactical Squad [Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

······Additional Wargear [Additional Chainswords/Combat Blades, Bolters, Legion Vexilla]

······Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]


····Legion Tactical Support Squad [Legion Drop Pod, 4x Legion Space Marines, Melta Guns]


····Legion Tactical Support Squad [Legion Drop Pod, 4x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Repeaters]


+ Fast Attack +


····Deathstorm Drop Pod [Drop Pod Assault special rule, Five Deathstorm Krak Launchers]


····Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron [Molecular Acid Shells, 5x Space Marine Sky Hunters]

······Sky Hunter Sergeant [Calibanite War Blade, Melta Bombs]


+ Heavy Support +


····Legion Fire Raptor Gunship [searchlight]

······Four wing-mounted: [Hellstrike Missiles]

······Two Turrent-mounted: [Quad Heavy Bolter]


+ Legion +


····Legiones Astartes [ I: Dark Angels, Loyalist]


····Rite of War [Orbital assault



Some slight amendments taking some feedback into account.


It may be worth saying that my current main opponants are a Iron warrior artillary list. A Solar Axillary artillary list and a long march SOH list.


This in part has alot to do with my list im trying to make a list that doesnt use tanks but can deal with them and as no one ally or traitor use orbital drop i thought id do it.


With regards to the RW protocal i already have a army that uses it.

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Eh, they can be hidden out of LOS, and worst case scenario have 2+ and a 4+ jink, so you should be alright.


The bigger problem is so much of the army is in reserve and no reserve manipulations. You are very subject to the vagaries of the dice, and if the opponent has any kind of anti-reserve shenanigans, you're in trouble.

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Eh, they can be hidden out of LOS, and worst case scenario have 2+ and a 4+ jink, so you should be alright.


The bigger problem is so much of the army is in reserve and no reserve manipulations. You are very subject to the vagaries of the dice, and if the opponent has any kind of anti-reserve shenanigans, you're in trouble.


It is a pretty decently sized squad. Hopefully, he can hide it out of LoS, or it might go poof (again, unlikely) and then its auto-lose unless stuff has started coming in.

Think a Damocles might be worthwhile for this list? 

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Yeah, they did change it to match 40k. "Once a Drop Pod lands, all passengers must disembark and no models can embark for the rest of the game."


The chopping and changing regarding auto-loss is a real pain. It makes no sense at all for it to be at the end of the Player Turn, as it makes Orbital Assault a useless Rite of War. Yes, you can start Assault Marines, Javelins, etc. on the board, but it is much more realistic to have the force Deep Strike in. It's what the Legiones Astartes is known for! Radio Free Isstvan sent this question to FW on their FAQ Cakes, so hopefully we get some clarification soon.


OA also has the issue of Reserves manipulation, like Withershadow said. Fulgrim, Remus Ventanus, Alvarex Maun and Autilon Skorr all have the ability to manipulate them, but otherwise you're relying on a Divination Librarian rolling Scrier's Gaze (and he has to come in Turn 1) or an Ally's Land Raider Proteus with explorator augury web.


Maybe work in a Librarian on a Jetbike with the Sky Slayers?

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Damocles is not allowed in Orbital Assault.


Yea, Jeez. OA just doesn't have an easy way to get any bonuses. 


Caillum, just to not, it isn't even at the "end of player turn" - it is "at any point". So, literally when you start the game, you lose. 


And I sent this in to FW and they said they passed it on up the chain too. Hopefully, enough people complain about the inability to Null Deploy and they just go with the core rules "end of game turn", which makes most sense and allows fluffy lists to happen (like OA, DoR, LotSS, etc).

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