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Imperial Militia 2500pts


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Hello everyone!

I've been tinkering with a Militia list for my Heresy gaming group, and thought I could get some advice on it! As usual it is verk appreciated, all the help given!



Force Commander, power armour, Iron halo, cyber-familiar

Survivours of the Dark Age, Warrior Elite


Platoon Command, 4 bodyguards with shotguns

Rhino with heavy flamer


Discipline Master, power sword, refractor shield, carapace armour, melta bomb

Discipline Master, power sword, refractor shield, carapace armour, melta bomb



9 Ogryns, power weapons, carapace armour


3 Medicae



16 Grenadiers, advanced weapons, lascarbines, 2 plasma guns


10 Grenadiers, advanced weapons, lasrifles, grenade launcher

Rhino with heavy bolter


10 Grenadiers, advanced weapons, lasrifles, grenade launcher

Rhino with heavy bolter


10 Grenadiers, advanced weapons, lasrifles, grenade launcher

Rhino with heavy bolter


5 Reacon Veterans, snipers, camo, demolition charge



3 Laser Destroyers


3 Laser Destroyers


Leman Russ Squadron

Annihilator, heavy bolters all around




The theme I'm going for is an Armoured Company to join my Mechanicum-army.

Discipline Masters join footslogging Grenadiers and Ogryns together with medicae.


Much of what you see is me trying to fit as much of my miniature range into this army, but barl away people!

Oh, and Happy New Year!

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I'm doing something similar using the exact same provenances. I wouldn't bother with discipline masters as they won't benefit the grenadiers (who are LD 9 thanks to warrior elite). Ogryns aren't really competitive due to their cost.


I would always go with lasrifles on the grenadiers due to longer range. Just get the force commander carapace, he can't get a 2+ from survivors.

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Ogryns aren't extremely cost effective relative to some things other armies can field but with survivors and elite as your provinces your guys won't be able to handle assault any better than tac marine so i'd say keep the ogryn but reduce the squad to like 4 models that frees up 250+ points and still gives you at least one intimidating assault unit. I'd just take them and have them baby sit the laser destroyers being as they can actually wipe units in assault and threaten nearly anything that deep strikes in your deployment zone.


Also i'd take the power weapons and melta bombs off the discipline masters and just stick them with the rapiers so they don't lose two crew and run away then use the points to give the force commander a power axe and planetary overlord and stick him with the ogryn to chop things up.


Consider taking a support squad with heavy bolters or auto cannon so you can give them ap 3 and erase marines. 


Lascarbines+advanced weapons cost 30pts, bolters cost 30pts and have ap 5 so...


Id also suggest you take a aegis line or something to stick your back field units behind so units assaulting the rapiers need to cross difficult terrain and your guys get a cover save and can maybe buy a quad gun for anti-air.


Did they change the unit entry for grenaider squads? I thought the grenade launcher options added special weapons grenadier models to the unit so they wouldn't fit in a rhino. And either way i'd max out the 16 grenadier squad to 22 models not counting medic and the command squad i'd max out as well, being as they are HQ and don't score, and have guardsmen stats so aren't awesome at killing things however with a medicae and 9 guys they are as resilient as terminators so make for a decent tarpit unit.


Also consider swapping the the Heavy bolters for combiweapons or havok launchers on the rhinos, the militia list is special weapons deficient so some combi plasma could go a long way and the rhinos will probably only get to shot once any way. In addition the havok launchers are usually going to score more than 2 hits unlike the bolters and it's not like the HB's are awesome anti-vehicle anyway so 3 extra blast are like having 3/4 of a twin-linked quad mortar.



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