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First HH list: raven guard


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I wanted an alpha strike Army, the only reason for the rhinos is because they infiltrate, and give a little protection.



Maun 1



Mor Deythan 7 5 Combi flamer, 2 combi meltas drop pod

Mor Deythan 7 5 Combi flamer, 2 combi meltas drop pod

Quad battery 3 graviton

Contemptor Dread naught Kheres pattern assault cannon



Tac squad 10 Artificer, power sword, drop pod

Tac squad 10 Artificer, power sword, drop pod

Tac support Squad 10 artificer, power sword, 2 melta guns, drop pod


Fast attack

Seeker squad 6 Sgt Artificer, Power sword, drop pod

Seeker squad 5 Sgt Artificer, Power sword, drop pod


Heavy support squad 5 missile launcher.

Heavy support squad 5 missile launcher.


This is around 2500, with 72 marines and one dread naught


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Are you using a rite of war? That's the only way to get drop pods and even then they replace rhinos.


The praetor doesn't really do anything that Maun can't, the points might be best spent elsewhere.


Also rapiers can only have 3 carriages in a battery, either they are all quad mortars or none of them are

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Maun 1



Mor Deythan 7 5 Combi flamer, 2 combi meltas drop pod

Mor Deythan 7 5 Combi flamer, 2 combi meltas drop pod

Quad battery 3 graviton

Contemptor Dread naught Kheres pattern assault cannon



Tac squad 10 Artificer, power sword, drop pod

Tac squad 10 Artificer, power sword, drop pod

Tac support Squad 10 artificer, power sword, 2 melta guns, drop pod


Fast attack

Seeker squad 6 Sgt Artificer, Power sword, drop pod

Seeker squad 5 Sgt Artificer, Power sword, drop pod


Heavy support squad 5 missile launcher.

Heavy support squad 5 missile launcher.


This is around 2500, with 72 marines and one dread naught




Which RoW will you be using ? Orbital Assault or Decap Strike ?


Maun is fine as a HQ choice if you take advantage of his abilities.


I wouldn't mix and match special weapons / combi weapons on the Mor Deythan, makes no sense. Specialise them.


Tac Sergeants love Power Axes & Melta Bombs, Power Fists, or in the case of Raven Guard a single Raven's Talon plus Melta Bombs. 


You can't select a Tac Support Sqaud and add only 2 Melta Guns. All models or none.


Two units of 5 Seekers in pods is horribly expensive and they're gonna die really quick.


What's the tactical approach you'll be taking with this (or your hypothetical) list ?

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