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Emperor's Fist Armoured Company - how to field and support?


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Alright, I've made some adjustments to the list based upon the feedback I've received. I've switched out for the Cadian Battle Group and paired Pask up with a Vanquisher as opposed to an Eradicator. In the Armoured Company, I've now got a Command Eradicator and an Exterminator, although they shouldn't be too difficult to swap out if need be. The remaining companies are made up of two LRBT duos and a Demolisher duo.


I've had to drop the Recon Company as it'll take me over the 3k point mark at the moment, but I've retained the Assault and Artillery Companies as they were before, although I've dropped the autocannon from the CCS's. I could give both squads a flamer, or ride with plasma on the Assault Company CCS and a flamer on the Artillery Company CCS.

++ Cadian Battle Group ++

++Battle Group Command - 365pts ++


  • Battle Group Command: Command Punisher (x2 Heavy Bolter Sponsoons, Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter, Knight Commander Pask, Warlord), Vanquisher (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)

++ Emperor's Fist Armoured Company - 1260pts ++

  • Commander: Command Eradicator (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer, Tank Commander), Exterminator (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Leman Russ Battle Tank (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer), Leman Russ Battle Tank (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Leman Russ Battle Tank (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer), Leman Russ Battle Tank (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Leman Russ Demolisher (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer), Lema Russ Demolisher (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Enginseer

++ Emperor's Blade Assault Company - 758pts ++

  • Company Command Squad: Carapace Armour, Company Commander (Camo Gear, Carapace Armour), x4 Veteran /w Lasgun, Master of Ordnance (Laspistol), Chimera (Autocannon, Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Veterans: Grenadiers, Veteran Sergeant (Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol), x7 Veteran /w Lasgun, x2 Veteran /w Plasma Guns), Taurox
  • Veterans: Grenadiers, Veteran Sergeant (Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol), x7 Veteran /w Lasgun, x2 Veteran /w Plasma Guns), Taurox
  • Veterans: Grenadiers, Veteran Sergeant (Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol), x7 Veteran /w Lasgun, x2 Veteran /w Plasma Guns), Taurox
  • Hellhound (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)

++ Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company - 568pts ++

  • Wyvern Battery: Wyvern (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Hydra Battery: Hydra (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Company Command Squad: Carapace Armour, Company Commander (Camo Gear, Carapace Armour), x3 Veteran /w Lasgun, Veteran Autocannnon Team, Chimera (Autocannon, Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Manticore (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Enginseer

Total: 2876pts


With those changes made that leaves me with roughly 120pts to shift around, assuming I don't drop plasmas on any squads in favour of something else/make further adjustments to the tanks.

I wouldn't take the vanquisher with Pask as he only gives his tank BS4. The PE bonus is best served with an executioner.


The vanquisher would work best in the armoured company where it could get BS4.


Maybe add some meltas to the assault company CCS.


Otherwise looks good.

Hm, that's frustrating.

With that in mind, couldn't I just take the Cadian Battle Group (with Pask in Battle Group Command) instead, then take the Armoured Company, Assault Company and Artillery Company as auxiliary choices? I'm a bit leery now of taking the Scout Sentinels if I can save those points for additional squad upgrades and units elsewhere.

Yes, that's exactly what you can do and is well within the rules. I know that a lot of the issues people are having with the Mont'Ka book is the inability to field a combination of the formations within a reasonable points level. The cheapest possible way of running the Armoured Fist is 670 points, and that's running all bare bones Eradicators, a Tank Commander and an Enginseer. If you did the same with Pask and his buddy, you're hitting 980pts before adding any Aux choices. For most people, the artillery formation is the number one choice, and the Blade Assault Company is a close second as it provides objective secured where there is none. The big issue here is that no-one wants to run such a stripped down army by any means, and then where you start comparing the effectiveness of the Cadian Battle Company to the other armies' formations and associated benefits out there, we're at an obvious loss.

I'm not bitter, if it comes across that way. I'm just a little miffed at getting shafted for loving tanks so much dry.png

Edit: Removed erroneous interpretation of Pask's rules.


Which tanks work best in this formation?  Which tanks benefit the most from BS4?  Vanquishers and Punishers.  Don't waste this formation on large blast tanks.    Here is how I've run it at 1850:


Emperor's Fist :


Vanquisher x 3 (3 Lascannon, 2 MM sponsons, 1 Plasma sponsons) - Sub in an Exterminator if you think you need light AA.

Punisher x 2 (3x HB each)


You crunch vehicles and MC at long range with your Vanquishers.  Or if you add more plasma cannons you can just bomb infantry if there are no other priority targets.  They put out a lot of AP2 at very long range.  If anyone gets in close you have 2 BS4 Punishers for point defense.  58 STR5 BS4 shots speaks for itself.  So now your opponent has to choose between trying to out shoot you or trying to get in close, and you have powerful solutions to whichever course of action he chooses.  Then I build on this with:


the Emperor's Wrath formation:


Manticore, 2xBasilisk , Enginseer with 3 servitors, HQ squad with chimera and vox.


Something hiding in cover that your vanquishers can't crack?  Don't want to waste their shots on jinking xeno scum?  You bomb them with ignores cover artillery.  At this point your ranged firepower is pretty overwhelming and the enemy cannot even hide out of LoS.  This further pressures your opponent to get in close to you where you can unload those Punishers on him.  And Ram/Tank Shock him.  Don't underestimate those options, especially ramming than big scary Knight on his last hull point.  Why three servitors?  Because you can squad them up with both mandatory Enginseers to repair 2 hull points every turn on a 2+.  They are also a great emergency assault unit, with lots of AP1/2. This combined with Battlefield Doctrines and AV14 will help ensure that out shooting you is not a reliable option.


Then I add a Emperor's Talon recon formation with 9 multilaser scout sentinels (armored if I have the points).  These guys provide a ton of flexibility that this force really needs.  They can tie up assault units than get past the punishers, they can outflank to grab objectives, they can get linebreaker, they can pump out 27 possibly PE str 6 shots per turn. This is my favorite Guard list by far.

As per the November 2016 FAQ


"Q: Can I upgrade an HQ choice to a Unique character in a specific Formation? For example, The ‘Emperor’s Fist’ Armoured Company Formation mentions you must take a Tank Commander; can that Tank Commander be upgraded to Knight Commander Pask?

A: No."

After all the help that's been offered I've come up with the final version of my list. It's relatively fluffy for what I'm planning, but functional as well.


++ Cadian Battle Group ++

++Battle Group Command - 385pts ++


  • Battle Group Command: Command Punisher (x2 Heavy Bolter Sponsoons, Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter, Knight Commander Pask, Warlord), Executioner (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)

++ Emperor's Fist Armoured Company - 1085pts ++

  • Commander: Command Punisher (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer, Tank Commander), Vanquisher (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Vanquisher (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer), Vanquisher (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Leman Russ Battle Tank (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer), Leman Russ Battle Tank (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Leman Russ Demolisher (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Enginseer

++ Emperor's Blade Assault Company - 778pts ++

  • Company Command Squad: Carapace Armour, Company Commander (Camo Gear, Carapace Armour), x2 Veteran /w Lasgun, x2 Veteran /w Meltagun, Master of Ordnance (Laspistol), Chimera (Autocannon, Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Veterans: Grenadiers, Veteran Sergeant (Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol), x7 Veteran /w Lasgun, x2 Veteran /w Plasma Guns), Taurox
  • Veterans: Grenadiers, Veteran Sergeant (Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol), x7 Veteran /w Lasgun, x2 Veteran /w Plasma Guns), Taurox
  • Veterans: Grenadiers, Veteran Sergeant (Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol), x7 Veteran /w Lasgun, x2 Veteran /w Plasma Guns), Taurox
  • Hellhound (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)

++ Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company - 493pts ++

  • Wyvern Battery: Wyvern (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Hydra Battery: Hydra (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Company Command Squad: Carapace Armour, Company Commander (Camo Gear, Carapace Armour), x4 Veteran /w Lasgun, Chimera (Autocannon, Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Manticore (Hull-mounted Heavy Flamer)
  • Enginseer

++ Emperor's Talon Recon Company - 210pts ++

  • Scout Sentinel Squadron: Scout Sentinel (Multi-laser), Scout Sentinel (Multi-laser), Scout Sentinel (Multi-laser)
  • Scout Sentinel Squadron: Scout Sentinel (Multi-laser), Scout Sentinel (Multi-laser), Scout Sentinel (Multi-laser)

Total: 2951pts


I'll toy around with that additional fifty points and see where I can drop some upgrades in. Thanks again. \o

I should have my first Russ arriving next week, but I won't be able to start on the infantry until Anvil Industries releases their Trench Fighter range next month. Fluffwise I'm more or less ready, bar a few name changes here and there.


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