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IG Named Characters in Past Editions


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I have only played in 7th Edition, so any of you grizzled veterans who can answer this, please speak up!


As of the latest (Aug 2014/6th Edition) Codex, we have the following named characters:


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Commissar Yarrick: great fluff, but essentially a beatstick Lord Commissar. Only Eternal Warrior (seriously, has there ever been a more eternal warrior than Straken?) in the book. Can come back from the dead ala a poor-grunt's Saint Celestine. 

Ursurker E. Creed: super Orders machine, somewhat rare for the game in general, he is a force multiplier getting multiple WL traits and potentially spitting out more Orders than anyone. 

Color Sgt Kell: upgrade to a CCS that .....does stuff? Other than cool factor I don't really get this guy at all

Colonel "Iron Hand" Straken: not unlike Yarrick, the rare IG beatstick character. S6/T4 Smash that gives his unit Furious Charge and Relentless. Abs of Steel (has "Flak armor" in his profile yet has a 3+ save!)  However, is not an IC which limits his abilities somewhat.

Knight Commander Pask: Tank Commander that is almost a crutch to IG armies these days. Besides being BS4, makes his tank and command tank squadron better with Preferred Enemy as WL trait and special abilities based on the type of tank he is in. Mostly notably gives Rending and re-rolls to armor penetration on the Punisher

Nork Deddog: an upgrade to a CCS, an upgraded Ogryn with FNP and the ability to headbutt things for free if he is killed

GySgt. Harker: upgrade to a Veteran Squad Sgt. Has a Rending, Relentless Heavy Bolter. Cool....but costs almost as much as a Chimera.


In Editions past, who were some of the named characters and, more relevant to what I would like to know, what gameplay abilities did they provide?



I can't remember much of the proper spelling, but here:

Colonel Schaeffer and his Last Chancers (a bunch of criminal scum that could do all sorts of weird things).
Al'rahem: Outflank an infantry platoon he is attached to. This includes vehicles and special squads and similar that are part of it.
Chenkov: Conscript squads can buy the ability to be recycled for 75 points per unit.
[name unremembered]: Some commando sergeant that tattooed his dead men's names on his skin. Forget his rules.
Sly Marbo: His own unit. He carried a demo charge, a sniper pistol type thing, and had almost every special rule related to being a commando imaginable. I think he may have also had no scatter deepstrike, but I cannot remember for sure.

That's all I can remember off the top of my head right now.

I miss Lord Solar Macharius


Ill see if I can dig out my 3rd ed codex. He had some fun rules. Like his WS was 2+D3 each game because he was an old man.


I can't remember much of the proper spelling, but here:


Colonel Schaeffer and his Last Chancers (a bunch of criminal scum that could do all sorts of weird things).

Al'rahem: Outflank an infantry platoon he is attached to. This includes vehicles and special squads and similar that are part of it.

Chenkov: Conscript squads can buy the ability to be recycled for 75 points per unit.

[name unremembered]: Some commando sergeant that tattooed his dead men's names on his skin. Forget his rules.

Sly Marbo: His own unit. He carried a demo charge, a sniper pistol type thing, and had almost every special rule related to being a commando imaginable. I think he may have also had no scatter deepstrike, but I cannot remember for sure.



That's all I can remember off the top of my head right now.


Many thanks, to both of you. Looking to see if past is prologue regarding what an updated book in the unforeseen future may look like. 

The 5e book had Sergeant Lukas Bastonne, an upgrade to a vet squad that had LD10 a hotshot laspistol and the ability to issue a single order to his squad. Bastonne also had a power sword and could always use his LD to regroup regardless of casualties. 


Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt and his "Ghosts" also had rules at one point (not sure what they were).

Also Mogul Kamir was a rough rider sergeant from the 5e book. Kamir gave his squad furious charge and fearless.


Unfortunately they really nerfed Harker in the new book, he used to grant his squad infiltrate, stealth and move through cover.

2nd edition had a named Ratling sniper. I forget his name off hand. I'll look him up here in a bit.


Edit: Stumper Muckstart, ratling sharpshooter. Besides infiltrate, he had Trick Shot (d3 shoots instead of 1) and Kill Shot (instead of d3 shots, he could take 1 with better armor penetration).

If you do a Google search you can still find Macharius' rule set that was a free download. Besides getting first turn automatically, he had a 3++, 4W, and his WS and A were randomly determined because he was badly wounded back in the day. Well worth his 173 points though. He could only be taken in armies of 2000+ points (a feature I wish they still had for named ICs in general).

Yarricks old force field rule was boss as well. Whenever he took a hit, you would subtract D6 from the strength of the hit.. making him almost impervious to everything sans Power Fists


That was until 5th came along and forced all successful wounds against him to be re-rolled (which was ok but he didn't get an invulnerable save).

All this is stuff is great. Thanks for the hard work, everyone.


My curiosity comes from the fact that the IG Codex (after having used it for 2 years), just seems so bland when it comes to characters compared to rest. There are some really neat ideas in these (I LOVE the whole "cannot be used in games under x pts" rule....talk about instant balance right there!). 

All this is stuff is great. Thanks for the hard work, everyone.


My curiosity comes from the fact that the IG Codex (after having used it for 2 years), just seems so bland when it comes to characters compared to rest. There are some really neat ideas in these (I LOVE the whole "cannot be used in games under x pts" rule....talk about instant balance right there!). 

When I started, every single special character had that limitation. They also had the limitation of requiring opponent permission (explicitly, rather than implicitly in the sense that any opponent can just refuse to play against whatever they want to). I have always disliked special characters because of it, they just seem like they should be an exception. (I do like Khârn though, but only because it is hilarious that he never misses (until all his friends are dead)).

Marbo was my favourite. I used him most games, my regular opponents hated him since he was 65 points, no deep strike scatter with a demo charge. 2+ wounding blade with like 4-5 attacks and an 2+ poison AP 2 pistol. I do miss him. 


I remember that hive milita coming out in the white dwarf, reminds me of the "scratch companies" in Guants ghosts at Verunhive. A Hive militia from smeltery works led my Augn Soric would be great


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