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Word Bearers - 2500 - Last of the Serrated Suns


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Working on my Serrated Suns army and wanted to get some feedback from you lovely chaps. Currently own about 80% of the list so far and have other units (or ease to build other units) if need be.


I've play tested a few other versions of the list (no flamers, all melta, plasma, no melta on GV, etc.) and I've had moderate success but had some trouble in other places. I've decided to go for a solid mix of anti-armour and flame. I'm a pretty thematic player and the Word Bearers carried a heft number of purgation squads when razing a world in the name of the Emperor (or in the name of Lorgar). 




Hol Beloth (Warlord/MoL)

Legion Chaplain - Refractor Field, Thunderhammer, MB



09 Veterans (Machine Killers) - x2 Melta, x3 Combi-Melta

01 Sgt - Artificer, Power Fist

Legion Drop Pod


09 Veterans (Machine Killers) - DP, x2 Melta, x3 Combi-Melta

01 Sgt - Artificer, Power Fist

Legion Drop Pod



04 Gal Vorbak - Meltagun

01 Dark Martyr - Artificer, Power Fist

Legion Dreadclaw


04 Gal Vorbak - Meltagun

01 Dark Martyr - Artificer, Power Fist

Legion Dreadclaw


09 Tactical Support - x9 Flamers, x9 extra CCW

01 Sgt - Artificer, MB, Power Fist

Legion Drop Pod



07 Heavy Support Squad - x7 Heavy Flamers

01 Sgt - MB

Legion Drop Pod


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought - Grav-flux Bombard, Siege Drill, Armoured Ceramite, Phosphex Discharge

Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod




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I've run similar list and I'd second dhar'neth comment on the support squad, I've found charger support squads pretty good for the points.


With the lev I think I'd stick with the grav as you have ample anti tank from other units and the grav is a excellent counter to pesky rapiers

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Will the army be a deeps strike exclusive force? Looks that way and looks deadly.


What right of war will you be using?


it may be an idea to use a fire raptor or xiphon for air support/AA as it doesn't look like you have any AA.


Or a a storm eagle (i know they are not a dedicated transport for vets) for one of the vet squads so you can redeploy them quickly to use their melta guns for AT. Unless you have to use only drop pods for the RoW.

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Per 30K RAW, null deploy lists lose immediately. Just something to keep in mind.


No, it isn't. You only lose if you have no units at the end of the game turn, not player turn. Null deployment works with Drop Pods because they arrive on that player turn in game turn 1. 

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Nope, please read victory conditions for the Age of Darkness. If at any point you have no models on the board, you lose.


Ah, I see it at now. That is... strange. Goes against the premise of a few RoW, really. Makes me want to email FW.

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Nope, please read victory conditions for the Age of Darkness. If at any point you have no models on the board, you lose.


Ah, I see it at now. That is... strange. Goes against the premise of a few RoW, really. Makes me want to email FW.

For what its worth, they "fixed" this issue for the Book V age of darkness rules, but immediately reverted back for Book VI and all the red books that have been released since then.

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The cheapest way to relevantly fix the list is to take a damocles command rhino. It is very usefull and costs only 100 pts.

Now I remembered why I don't use this rite often. You need to have a good cadre of vehicles on the ground to mitigate the auto-lose condition. This pushes the rite into 3000+ points range.

I can recommend a Land Raider Proteus with additional lascannon and Augury web (helps with reserve rolls), a Deredeo, Mortis (long range fire support) or a Ever usefull Sicaran.

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Well I think that to use all the advanatges of this list you should add some gun line units at the back and not only drop pods. IMO the best bonus of this rite compare to the orbital assault is the absence of restriction on heavy guns combined with the mobility of drop pods to cap objectives and shoot stuff in the back. 


Concerning the list I don't think that you need to get both MB and power fist and your serg, MB seems enough to get some lucky explode results on walkers that get you in mele. Dedicated mele squad will eat you all day anyway that power fist won't change a lot I think. 

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The cheapest way to relevantly fix the list is to take a damocles command rhino. It is very usefull and costs only 100 pts.

Now I remembered why I don't use this rite often. You need to have a good cadre of vehicles on the ground to mitigate the auto-lose condition. This pushes the rite into 3000+ points range.

I can recommend a Land Raider Proteus with additional lascannon and Augury web (helps with reserve rolls), a Deredeo, Mortis (long range fire support) or a Ever usefull Sicaran.

A local guy uses the M'hara Ghal dreadnought as the ground anchor. It can be placed out of LOS and then just walk through the terrain once your elements have deployed and you're no longer risking auto-loss.

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