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First 30k list 3000 death guard


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I'm very familiar with 40k but have yet to play 30k. First few games are against salamanders.


Biggest problem I face is not having any idea what's fluffy about death guard other than dirty armor and resilience. And something about multiples of 7 so here it goes.


(Traitors, the reaping)



Typhon 200


5 deathshroud 210


Legion centurion 120 (for phosphex)

Siege breaker, thunder hammer



3x apothecary detachment 195

Artificer armor and power swords


3 rapier weapon batteries 165

Laser destroyers


Mortis contemptor dreadnought 195

2 kheres assault cannons, havoc launcher



Tactical squad 224

+3, vox, vex, articficer armor, power fist, extra ccw


Tactical squad 224

+3, vox, vex, articficer armor, power fist, extra ccw


Breachers 295

+3, 2 flamers chem munitions, artificer, T. Hammer


Heavy support squad 210

+2, middles or a. Cannons depending on foe



Sicaran venator 260

Lascannons, armored ceremite, heavy flamer chem


Spartan assault vehicle 370

Flare shield, armored ceremite, laser destroyers


Artillery squadron 330

2x medusas, phosphex, heavy flamers, chem munitions


2998 pts.




I also have plans to




Heavy support squad

Sicaran heavy flamer

Downgrade one tactical fist to axe



Mortarion the reaper




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The list looks pretty decent. As Fangbanger said, drop the lascannons from the sicaran and I'd drop the laser destroyers from the spartan. I would also not bother buying a heavy flamer on the medusa's or sicaran, they won't use it. That should free up 80 points.


I'd also try and find a way to get some grave wardens in; that's just my opinion because I like to use legion specific units. However this means dropping 1 of your heavy support options. Maybe the spartan? you could put the deathshroud in a phobos (with armoured ceramite and multi melta), from what I can see the spartan is for typhon + deathshroud, so the phobos can transport them if you drop typhon or 1 deathshroud. This should free up either 310 or 150 (depending whether you drop typhon or 1 deathshroud.


So that gives you either 230 and 390 points (adding the 80 from above), which leaves enough for 5 grave wardens with 2 chain fists (210) and you can put melta bombs on your deathshroud.


If you decided to drop typhon and not 1 deathshroud (you would still have 160 points left) you could also max out your troops a bit, bump up the tacticals by 3 in each of the 2 squads and add in 2 more grave wardens, that makes 142pts (I think!) 


Sorry that's all a bit wordy and long, it's just my suggestions based on what you've written!


Hopefully it's useful :)

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^ All good points here.


As mentioned, you have a lot of free points in this list, like the Siege Breaker (it's a bit useless, as normal Medusa shells are so much better than phosphex ones), the pintle-mounted heavy flamers on the Tanks, the lascannons on the Venator, and the 2nd Tactical Squad (you have 4 other scoring units).


With regards to Calas Typhon, Deathshroud & Grave Wardens... Typhon and Grave Wardens wear Cataphractii armour, while Deathshroud wear Tartaros. If Typhon rides with the Deathshroud, he'll slow them down. And Grave Wardens can take a Spartan as a Dedicated Transport. I recommend you do a straight swap!


Consider this list - it's very similar to yours:



Calas Typhon: Rite of War (The Reaping) xxx



15 Tactical Space Marines: Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; Deathshroud power scythe; melta bombs; rad grenades); 14 Tactical Space Marines; extra chainswords; nuncio-vox; legion vexilla 265

15 Breacher Space Marines: Breacher Sergeant (artificer armour; Deathshroud power scythe; melta bombs; rad grenades); 14 Breacher Space Marines; 3 × flamer (chem-munitions); nuncio-vox; legion vexilla 365

10 Heavy Support Marines: Heavy Support Sergeant (artificer armour); 9 Heavy Support Marines; autocannons 295



Apothecarion Detachment

Apothecary: artificer armour; power sword; augury scanner 70

Apothecary: artificer armour; power sword; augury scanner 70

Apothecary: artificer armour; augury scanner 60

3 Rapier Carriers: 3 × laser destroyer array 165

3 Rapier Carriers: 3 × laser destroyer array 165

Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought: 2 Kheres pattern assault cannons; carapace-mounted havoc launcher 195



Artillery Tank Squadron

Medusa xxx

Medusa xxx

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer xxx

7 Grave Warden Terminators: Chem-Master (Deathshroud power scythe); 6 Grave Warden Terminators; 2 × chainfist 280

Spartan Assault Tank: armoured ceramite; flare shield 370


3,000 points


It has the pretty much all the same units, but with 7 :) Grave Wardens instead of 5 Deathshroud. It also has a whole extra unit of laser destroyer Rapiers, so you can set one unit up on either side of the board (crossfire is a beautiful thing). Power sword Apothecaries go in the Tactical and Breacher Squads, while the last joins the Heavy Support Squad. I've loaded up units with artificer armour, augury scanners, vexilla, nuncio-voxes, melta bombs and Deathshroud power scythes, as they're all very useful. The Grave Wardens have some chainfists for heavy armour too.


All this for the cost of a Tactical Squad! :) Just something to consider.

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I didn't know that medusa shells had S10......I somehow missed that, so no phosphex. HOWEVER would it be smart to keep the siege master to give my heavy support squad tank hunter? I'll definitely drop the pintle weapons.


I want to keep the squads at 14 men each (it's all the fluff I know) and I'd rather add another squd instead of beefing up the others.


I did notice the difference in terminator armor though. Would grace wardens still be viable in cqb? I feel like it wouldn't be a HH list without a cool character with a bodyguard unit

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