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Need help creating a 2500 Point Death Guard list


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Hey all im looking for help creating my next 2500 point Death Guard list

So far I own



Praetor w/ fist and paragon blade

Praetor in cata termi with chainfist

Chaplain Consul

(Parts to make any consul mainly)


20 Tacticals - sgt with fist

20 Tactical sgt with fist

10 Veterans with Melta (use as volkite) and missile launcher - sgt with fist

10 Veterans with Melta (use as volkite) and missile launcher - sgt with fist

10 Veterans with Melta (use as volkite) and missile launcher - sgt with fist

10 Veterans with sgt with fist (thinking to use as seeker squad)

. .


Sicaran Battle tank

Fire Raptor

5 Cataphracti with claws

5 Tartaros with Claws

5 grave Warden

Also looking to 3D print a unit of 3 quad mortars to use with phosphex
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The best suggestion would be to write a list that includes the units you want to use and then people will be more willing to give feedback.


Post the list and I am sure people will give some good suggestions :)

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