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New to Heresy, List Building (IW 3000pts)

Brother Mayhem

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Hey all,


Whilst I am completing as much Chaosy stuff as possible, I am excited to get started on my next major project - Horus Heresy. Now I am not 100% sure what legion I will be going for, but more than likely, it will be the Iron Warriors. Why? Because the colour scheme is badass and Perburato is the best looking Primarch. 


So, with this in mind, I wrote down an army list. Bear in mind, I am using Army Builder, and do not own a copy of Legiones Astartes yet, so I do not have full access to the rules. Using B&C and BoP as the core, here is the list:




Erasmus Golg


Chaplain - Reactor Field, Melta Bombs




20x Tactical Marines - Additional CCW, Vexilla, Nuncio Vox, Artificer Armour and Powerfist on Sergeant 


20x Tactical Marines - Additional CCW, Vexilla, Nuncio Vox, Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs and Powerfist on Sergeant 


10x Legion Support Squad - 10 Melta, Artificer Armour and Melta Bombs on Sergeant, Rhino


5x Terminators (The Tartourus Ones) -Reaper Autocannon, Chainfist, Powerfists




Contemptor - Kheres Assault Cannon, Gravitation Gun


5x Tyrant Siege Terminators - 1x Chainfist on Sergeant 




10x Iron Havocs - 10 Lascannons, Artificer Armour on Sergeant 


10x Iron Havocs - 10 Missile Launchers, Artificer Armour on Sergeant 




As you can see, not the most competitive army. But it makes the most of what I have. Any CC about loadouts, army builds etc?



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Cool army and fluffy as hell for Iron warriors :) I would like to see an Aphotecary for those 20-man mob though.

My ideas:

1) Erasmus Golg is not needed. He is bad character for the army. Terminators score regardless of being Elites so no benefit here. He has lower stats than equivalent Praetor and a bad set Warlord trait (Fear). Take custom Praetor or even better - a Siege Breaker (and put him into Siege Tyrants to give them Tank Hunter) instead.

2) Take Bunker. Put Lascannon Havocs in bunker. Put Missile Launcher Havocs on the Battlement for cover. Profit.

3) You have no units benefiting from Nuncio Vox. Null. Nada. Why bother?

4) Drop some model here and there to take a unit of Veterans with Outflank and Sniper? Give them combi-meltas, meltaguns or even Shrapnel Heavy Bolters for some fun. Outflanking meltas would help with AV 14 and you have the means to do it.

Hope that helps :)

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always good to see more heresy players joining the fray.


I'll offer my suggestions to add to Dhar'Neth to give you some more ideas:


- Siege tyrants are heavy support, not elites

- 10 melta guns is overkill for a support squad, I'd suggest going for 10 marksmen vets with 2 melta guns and 4-5 combi-melta in a rhino with a multi melta

- I second the vote to take a siege breaker to join the tyrants (drop the chaplain)

- I would look at dropping the tartaros terminators and trying to get some kind of tank, maybe a sicaran venator or standard sicaran

- switch out golg for a cheaper praetor

- maybe drop a couple of havocs from each squad to try and get some artillery rapiers or a couple more tyrants


That should make your list feel a bit fluffier and give you a solid army on the table


Good luck

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