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Wishlisting thread: Mechanicus in Computer Games

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Well the Mechanicus armies are proving successful and popular, so eventually our faction(s) will show up in the increasing amount of GW license computer games. So i thought it might make for interesting discussion what we'd all like to see, and what we'd think might best represent the Mechanicus faction in video-gaming media. Whether DLC for existing and coming games or even to have a computer game with a Mechanicus central focus.

I for one would love to see Sydonian Dragoons in animated form charging into the enemy in some form of computer game!

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Not as militant as the usual 40k game, but a city-builder type game based on starting up a new Forgeworld sounds pretty neat. Raising massive spires & sprawling manufactures, forming a network of oaths and contracts with nearby worlds for raw materials and such. 

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I honestly would play most game types if it featured AdMech. Maybe not a moba or whatever they're called, but either individual games (along the lines of the Space wolf mobile game, maybe) or more strategy based ones (like Drop Assault, an Istvaan III based boom beach clone) would be more entertaining to me if it was more about AdMech. SM are a little too bland for games like that, in my opinion.
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I'd love to see ad-mech DLC for existing games.
Explorator Fleets for Battlefleet Gothic.
Skitarii and Ordo Reductor (Thallax!) for Eternal Crusade.
Explorator teams of mixed Skitarii and Cult-Mechanicus for the various Space Hulk games.

And i really, really, really want some game where there can be big cavalry charges of Sydonian Dragoons.

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I'd settle for getting our faction into Dawn of War III.  Don't really care how, as long as it's a "pure" Adeptus Mechanicus faction and not slapped into another one.

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I think part of an RTS game or a maybe a Role Playing Game of some sort. The sort of game that lets you look at the gothic weirdness up close. 


It was interesting that there was not a single Tech Priest in the Space Marine game and it was set on a Forge World. I suppose someone unaware of the setting would take one look at how creepy a Tech Priest is and mistake it for an enemy unless they were shoehorned into a cutscene. I thought it was a missed opportunity to show more of the ugliness of the Imperium. They left servo skulls around as collectibles, after all. 

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I'd settle for getting our faction into Dawn of War III.  Don't really care how, as long as it's a "pure" Adeptus Mechanicus faction and not slapped into another one.


Yeah I think they are fleshed out enough now that this is a real possibility!


Especially as you could just have a different Knight as thier ultra weapon... Or you upgrade your home structure to an Ordinatus? ;)


Eternal Crusade is a great shout too... Vanguard, Rangers, Sicarans... They all fit!

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I've enjoyed just about all the games, for the most part, so I'd be down for just about anything as others have mentioned. Now that you mentioned it, though, how cool would an endless-runner game be with a Dragoon. Because, you know... They never stop and all that. I'd play the heck out of that, dodging obstacles and lancing hereteks along the way.

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It's a long shot but I'd love some kind of rpg where you start off a fairly low-ranking member and gradually get more bionics instead of leveling up, to the point that it drastically changes your appearance as you go through the game. Ask me how much Deus Ex I play :P

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It's a long shot but I'd love some kind of rpg where you start off a fairly low-ranking member and gradually get more bionics instead of leveling up, to the point that it drastically changes your appearance as you go through the game. Ask me how much Deus Ex I play tongue.png

How much Deus Ex do you play? Don't tell me you didn't ask for this. :p

Seriously though, that sounds like a great idea. It could show how someone ends up involved in the machine cult to begin with. It would overcome the hurdle I referred to about people unfamiliar with the ip not understanding/recognising the Adeptus Mechanicus. Since the background suggests Tech Priests are frequently manipulating things to maintian/gain power it would be interesting getting dragged into one of those power struggles.

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I would like to see a horror game of all things with a tech-priest as the protagonist. He would be stranded on a ship during a gellar field disruption and would have to try and work his way over to try and fix it, with only his belief in the Machine God keeping him clean and safe. 


Or, maybe more of a sim-city/total war hybrid, where you take control of a new colony and slowly build it up over time, with allegiances to either the departo munitorium or the adeptus mechanicus. Slowly build up your city while defending attacks from xenos or chaos, and over time try and become either a ship port, mining colony, trading colony, fortress world or forgeworld. DLC would include extras like having your world be home to a space marine chapter or become a knight world, giving you more worth to the imperium but making you more of a threat. 


Sequel could be having the ability to fall to chaos or the greater good and the complications with it,

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It's a long shot but I'd love some kind of rpg where you start off a fairly low-ranking member and gradually get more bionics instead of leveling up, to the point that it drastically changes your appearance as you go through the game. Ask me how much Deus Ex I play tongue.png

I was totally about to say that sounds like Deus Ex.

But I do like the fluff where Skitarii are 'upgraded' to a Sicarian if they lose enough limbs, basically. Be cool to see a progression through the ranks. It almost reminds me of the path of the Eldar in some ways, but way more insane.

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Some very cool ideas, i quite like the idea of a character upgrading through the game like that. Perhaps a game could trace a character from Skitarii recruit through to tech-priest as knowledge gets downloaded into their brain as they go, or even picks up parts of a techpriests brain and has them incorporated into them.

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Or, maybe more of a sim-city/total war hybrid, where you take control of a new colony and slowly build it up over time, with allegiances to either the departo munitorium or the adeptus mechanicus. Slowly build up your city while defending attacks from xenos or chaos, and over time try and become either a ship port, mining colony, trading colony, fortress world or forgeworld. DLC would include extras like having your world be home to a space marine chapter or become a knight world, giving you more worth to the imperium but making you more of a threat.


Sequel could be having the ability to fall to chaos or the greater good and the complications with it,

Ok, I totally need a game like this in my life. Now, let's see, where might I sell my biological spare parts to get enough money to hire a development team?

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