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Death Guard 3k


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Hey everyone


This is my attempt to write a death guard list with lots of deathshroud and grave wardens, whilst also trying to be a fairly balanced and fluffy list. Death guard are a new legion to me so if any experienced and knowledgeable DG players can offer some suggestions, I would be grateful.


Lets get stuck in!


3000 points, The reaping



Praetor, iron halo, power scythe, digital lasers, rad grenades (in spartan with deathshroud)



2 apothecaries (for the tactical squads)

6 deathshroud, rad grenades, melta bombs

2 laser destroyer rapiers

2 laser destroyer rapiers



13 tactical marines, extra CCW, artificer armour, power scythe, melta bombs, rad grenades

13 tactical marines, extra CCW, artificer armour, power scythe, melta bombs, rad grenades

7 heavy support marines, autocannons

7 tactical support marines, flamers, artificer armour, melta bombs, chem munitions, rhino multimelta


Heavy Support

7 grave wardens, 2 chainfists, rad grenades

7 grave wardens, 2 chainfists, rad grenades,  

Spartan assault tank, flare shield, armoured ceramite





2997 points


So that's my list!


Mortarion goes in the spartan and jumps out asap to shadow walk and try and T1 charge. The deathshroud and praetor get out T2 to get stuck into assault. 


Footlogging tacticals and grave wardens for support (bit concerned about short range of grave wardens) anti tank support from the laser destroyers and MC/light tank duty for the heavy support squad.


I like the idea of a flamer support squad in a rhino, driving up and getting out to dowse something in chemical flames!


I really would have liked to take a caestus assault ram instead of the spartan, because it looks fun! however I never see these in any lists, so I am guessing they aren't so good, perhaps a kharybdis might be a better option?




Thanks for reading, looking forward to hearing the thoughts of the community!

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I think it's a pretty good list. I don't think rad grenades stack if they are on both a unit and an IC who joins the unit though. I might be wrong. With just one rhino and the Spartan I don't know if you have enough vehicles to split up enemy anti-vehicle fire; the Caestus might actually be a better bet in a low vehicle count list. Not a lot of people are set up to counter AV13 fliers.


Other than that, anti-aircraft fire is kind of sparse - but the importance of that depends on your meta.

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Yeah I did think about the single rhino, it's a bit of a target for any S5+ fire power. 


I could drop the tactical support squad, spartan and lose the rad grenades and digital lasers from the praetor and take:


10 marksman vets, 2 flamers, 4 combi flamers, artificer armour, power scythe, rad grenades, chem-munitions, rhino


Caestus assault ram, missile launchers


At least then the rhino won't start on the table and get hopefully get the vets with chem flamers into range quicker. 

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Yeah, I like it man! I would change the Tactical Support Squad to a HEAVY Support Squad. Heavy flamers are better than normal ones, especially for only a few extra points.


I'd also consider dropping the Praetor. He won't add a lot to the Deathshroud, as he's equipped the same way. You could move the Deathshroud to HQ, and grab another couple of Rapiers and some vexillas for the Tactical Squads. Should be able to keep the squads in blocks of 7 still.


Finally, why not give the Grave Warden Chem-Masters a power scythe? :)

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I haven't read up enough on DG fluff yet, so the reason that I was using a praetor was to get master of the legion and because it felt fluffy to have an actual leader, rather than a group of deathshroud leading the force. I could certainly drop him down to a delegatus, but unless I give him a very basic loadout, he costs almost as much as the praetor.


The problem I had with using tactical support with flamers or heavy support with heavy flamers is that they need a rhino and as Marbrand pointed out, it would be my only rhino and likely to blow up turn 1. I have 5 heavy flamer guys built, but it's tricky to think how to get them where they need to be.

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Yeah, a Rhino is pretty important for the flamer squad.


As for who is leading the force... what is Mortarion if not the LEADER OF THE DEATH GUARD LEGION? :P He has "Master of the Legion" for taking a Rite of War too. He will be the Warlord no matter what - the Deathshroud are just filling in the required HQ slot. :)

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Ok thanks, I didn't realise that you can use the primarch to unlock rites of war, I haven't used a primarch before.


If I drop the praetor and the heavy support flamers, I could take 2 units of 7 tactical support marines with flamers in rhinos, which would make the list look like this:


3000 points, The reaping



6 deathshroud, rad grenades, melta bombs



2 apothecaries (for the tactical squads)

2 laser destroyer rapiers

2 laser destroyer rapiers



13 tactical marines, extra CCW, artificer armour, power scythe, melta bombs, rad grenades

13 tactical marines, extra CCW, artificer armour, power scythe, melta bombs, rad grenades

7 tactical support marines, flamers, artificer armour, melta bombs, chem munitions, rhino

7 tactical support marines, flamers, artificer armour, melta bombs, chem munitions, rhino

10 marksmen vets, 2 flamers, 4 combi flamers, artificer armour, rad grenades, power scythe, rhino


Heavy Support

7 grave wardens, 2 chainfists, rad grenades, power scythe

7 grave wardens, 2 chainfists, rad grenades, power scythe

Caestus assault ram, frag assault launcher





2992 points


This gives me lots of troops, I'm not so bothered about trading heavy flamers for flamers, having shred means that they'll be able to pile on huge amounts of wounds to large squads, plus I can get 7 flamers per squad and 2 rhinos is better than 1!

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I decided to switch a couple of things around to try and make the list feel a little bit more fluffy:



3000 points, The reaping



5 deathshroud, rad grenades, melta bombs, land raider phobos, armoured ceramite, frag launchers



2 apothecaries (for the tactical squads)

2 quad launchers, shatter shells

2 quad launchers, shatter shells



13 tactical marines, extra CCW, artificer armour, power scythe, melta bombs, rad grenades, vexilla

13 tactical marines, extra CCW, artificer armour, power scythe, melta bombs, rad grenades, vexilla

7 marksmen vets, flamer, 3 combi flamer, artificer armour, melta bombs, rad grenades, power scythe, vexilla, chem munitions

7 marksmen vets, flamer, 3 combi flamer, artificer armour, melta bombs, rad grenades, power scythe, vexilla, chem munitions


Heavy Support

7 grave wardens, 2 chainfists, rad grenades, power scythe

7 grave wardens, 2 chainfists, rad grenades, power scythe

2 vindicators





2995 points


It feels better to switch out the rapier laser artillery for the quad guns and the vindicators are classic death guard! I know it's 1 less unit of troops but I think it feels more thematic.


Feedback is most welcome!

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Looks pretty solid man! Only suggestion is to drop melta bombs, rad grenades and power scythes from the Vets, and give them Rhinos with multi-meltas. They will really struggle to get those templates in range without a Transport, especially with no Running.


Also, how many Deathshroud Terminators did you give rad grenades to? You only need one to carry them, so you might have a few points spare.

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Thanks for the help Caillum. I only put rad grenades on 1 of the deathshroud. I think that I might make 1 of the vet squads melta/combi-melta and drop the power scythes and rad grenades. That gives me 50 points left over, I could buy 1 rhino for the flamer vets with a multi melta?

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That works. One anti-Infantry squad, one anti-Tank squad.


I think whatever goes, you have something to work towards now man. My core list has been a truly amorphous thing that changed very often! :)

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Yeah, I know anti air is an issue, I've been playing around with the list to try and get a heavy support squad in with autocannons and a siegebreaker. I'm still unsure about the veteran squads, I use them quite a bit with my sons of horus so I may drop them.


The 7 (or 14) man squads will be fun and feel fluffy!


This latest version gives me 7 autocannons with tank hunter, that should give me plenty of light anti tank and anti air.



5 deathshroud, rad grenades, melta bombs, land raider phobos, armoured ceramite, frag launchers

siegebreaker, artificer armour, refractor field



2 apothecaries (for the tactical squads)

2 quad launchers, shatter shells, phosphex

2 quad launchers, shatter shells, phosphex



13 tactical marines, extra CCW, artificer armour, power scythe, melta bombs, rad grenades, vexilla

13 tactical marines, extra CCW, artificer armour, power scythe, melta bombs, rad grenades, vexilla

7 heavy support marines, autocannons, augury scanner


Heavy Support

7 grave wardens, 2 chainfists, rad grenades, power scythe

7 grave wardens, 2 chainfists, rad grenades, power scythe

2 vindicators, laser destroyers





2997 points


It's fewer troop choices but I think it works better for the legion theme. I think that outflanking vets are a better fit to other legions than Death Guard. Now if I could just find a way to fit my 5 heavy flamer guys in I'd be over the moon!

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