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A couple of 3K World Eater lists.


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New to the forum, new to 30k. I'm working on filling out the roster a bit, but these are the lists I'm working on with the stuff I have on hand. Both will be using Berserker Assault.



First, my Sea of Chainaxes

Gahlan Surlak

Khârn w/ Gorechild

Primus Medicae


3 x 20 Tactical Squads w/ additional CCW + Vexilla

2 Nuncio Voxes

3 Sgts w/ Artificer + PFists, 1 Combi Melta


3 x 20 Inductii w/ BP + CCW + Vexilla

3 Sgts w/ Artificer + 1 PFist + 2 Pswords/Melta Bombs


3 x Apothecaries

2 x 3 Quad Launchers w/ shatter shells

1 x 3 Grav Rapiers.


Which is going to suck against AV14 and Fliers, as well as anything with a lot of templates... but it'll be fun to just have 120 marines bum rushing up the middle. My thoughts on the Grav Rapiers are board control, but I could swap them out for some more AT.



Then my slightly more serious list


Khârn w/ Gorechild

Forgelord on a bike with rad grenades and maybe a meteor hammer


2 x 20 Tactical + CCW + Vexilla

2 Sgts Artificer/Pfist


2 x 20 Inductii + CCW + Vexilla

2 Sgts Artificer/ Melta Bombs


1 x 10 Flamer Support Squad + CCW

1 Sgt + Melta Bombs


3 x Contemptor Cortus

CFist + CCW 2 x grav

CFist + CCW 1 x grav

CFist + MM 1 x grav


2 x Mortis

Twin ML

Twin Lascannon


Leviathan Siege Dread

Armored Ceramite 2 x Storm Cannons 2 x Volkite Calivers Phosphex Discharger.




Which is more balanced, while still being fluffy. Also, if I can get a decent charge in with the inductii and forge lord it's going to be S6, rage, hatred, rerolling 1s to wound, and -1 enemy toughness. That would be neat.


Eventually I want to turn this into an orbital assault army. Considering either a caestus or a second storm eagle and a bunch of pods. Any thoughts?


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Chainaxes for the win! :)


The second list looks more balanced (which you admitted). But why are you taking 2 normal Tactical Squads? 1 is sufficient, especially when they're so big. Khârn, Surlak and the Forge Lord can go in the normal one, and grab an Apothecary for each Inductii Squad. I would also give the Inductii Sergeants power fists, because S10 is awesome.


Any reason for the Forge Lord's Bike? Seems a bit odd having him riding around in the footsloggers.


Love the Skalathrax flamer squad! :) Maybe grab a Rhino for them though?


A Contemptor-Cortus with chainfist and dual grav is fantastic. You'll want to run them all that way after playtesting them a few times.


I reckon the Leviathan could be better. While I hear good things about the Deathblossom build, it needs a Dreadpod to work best. I would personally take grav-flux & siege claw and put him in a pod, as you need more AP2 in the list for dealing with enemy TEQ.

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My thought process on the flamer squad is that they are going to camp out with the Mortis dreads and keep them from getting taken out by enemy deepstrikers. A rhino would still probably help with that if I can shake some points loose somewhere. Considering dropping Khârn for a Praetor - probably PFist and digital lasers, then either a boarding shield to help with countercharges or an iron halo. I was 50/50 on setting up the leviathan for close range carnage and dropping it in; I have the bits so I could go either way.


Tentatively considering dropping Khârn for a Praetor with a PFist, digital lasers, and maybe a boarding shield to save points.

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I'd recommend swapping Khârn out for the praetor, unless he gives you something you really need or you really want to use the model.


The leviathan in a pod is a really solid choice, it's such a big threat and draws a lot of attention and fire power away from the rest of your army.

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Alright, updated list - 3K World Eaters, Berserker Assault


Gahlan Surlak

Forgelord Refractor Field, Familiar, Rad Grenades, Meteor Hammer,

Praetor Pfist, Boarding Shield, Digital Lasers


2 x 20 Tactical + CCW + Vexilla

2 Sgts Artificer/PFist


2 x 20 Inductii CCW replacing bolter

2 Sgts Artificer/ 1 PFist 1 Melta bombs


1 x 10 Flamer Support Squad + CCW

1 Sgt + Melta Bombs



3 x Contemptor Cortus

2 x CFist + CCW 2 x grav

1 x CFist + Multimelta 1 x grav

Extra Armor


2 x Mortis Dreads

1 x TL Missile

1 x TL Lascannon


1 x Leviathan

Grav Bombard + Claw

Armored Ceramite, Phosphex

Drop Pod

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The list is ok, but a few things you will find quickly in 30k as an eater..


Footsloging is no good for assault - all our bonuses come from combat so getting there fast is essential. Think LR, Spar, Anvilus, Kharybdis, Storm Eagles are your assault vehicles


Footsloging is no good for survivability - come up against whirlwind scorpious (which you will often due to cheapness), thud guns (again the same, often bothe togeteiher in lists), medusa then say good by to the armies strength before you even make it to H2H. At 3k, you are likely to meet a Typhon, say good bye to a 20 man unit a turn


Obviously I get you say you want to add to this list so I'm sure transports are your next move, if you are playing against a load of other mates you have calth/prospero boxes then sure, it should be ok but you will quickly find that the assault vehicles are key.


Drop pods will be great. If you wanna keep 20 man blobs, kharybdis is the key and I use one to very good effect now if you could fit 3 in your list, it would be spectacular and a site to behold.


I would look to making the Levi a cyclonic build in a drop list with the possibility of adding another as anti armour is usually the lists big downside


Don't get dis-heartened when you are removing your men off the board by the bucket if you come up against the large template weapons, just remember when you eventually drop a large inducti squad square in an enemies ranks with a jinking flying drop pod, everything usually comes up Milhouse

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Oh yeah, I am definitely working up some transports.


My eventual list down the road is going to look like this -


Gahlan Surlak

Forge Lord with Meteor Hammer, Rad Grenades

Praetor with Paragon Blade/Pfist and Digital Lasers




Contemptor CFist/CCW w/ 2 Grav


2 x 19 Inductii

Sgts with PFists and Artificer


1 x 18 Tacticals w/ extra CCW


1 x 10 Flamer support squad w/ extra CCW


1 x 10 Volkite Caliver support squad


Anvillus (Flamers in here)

Anvillus (Contemptor in here)


Storm Eagle (Tacticals in here w/ Forge Lord and Praetor)


2 x Kharybdis  (Inductii, one with Surlak and one with Apothecary)


which still leaves me with some points to play around with. Alternatively I could drop a Kharybdis and an Inductii squad, put the Contemptor in a dreadpod and take Angron, put him in one of the Anvillus with Surlak.

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