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Deathguard 2k


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After a few failed-starts of getting into 30k, I've started up my new army. I picked Deathguard (even though I already have about 15k of Nurgle CSM) So heres the list I am building to.

The Reaping HQ:

Calas Typhon

Deathshroud: x5 man, Melta Bombs, x2 Rad Grenades


Apothecaries, x2 man, x2 artificer armor

Rapier weapon battery: x2 Rapiers, w/ Laser Destroyers


Heavy Support Squad, x5 man, Lascannons, artificer armor, augury scanner

Heavy Support Squad, x5 man, Missile Launchers, artificer armor, augury scanner

Heavy Support Squad, x5 man, Missile Launchers, artificer armor, augury scanner

Tactical Squad, x15 man, additional CC&Bolt Pistol, artifcer armor, Power Scythe, Melta Bomb, Rad Grenade

Tactical Squad, x15 man, additional CC&Bolt Pistol, artifcer armor, Power Scythe, Melta Bomb, Rad Grenade

Heavy Support:

Grave Warden, x5 man, Heavy Flamer, x3 chainfist (1 on Chem-master) Rad grenades


P.S. I have a tentative plan to bring the list up to 2.5k which include: Adding another Grave Warden Squad, exactly the same as before. Merging the 2 Missile squads into one 10 man. Adding another 10 man Heavy Support Squad with autocannons, artificer armor, augury scanner.


My idea about the theme of this army is going to be an assault on Terra list, where I will be including some very early signs of corruption. (I might buy one or two forgeworld Plague Marine upgrade torso packs to sprinkle in.) It will look mainly like a crusade era Deathguard force.


A few questions/ concerns I had about the effectiveness of this list. First of all is my concern about running into tank/ superheavy lists. While most of my squads have melta bombs, I am still concerned about running into heavy armor because most of my anti tank is in close combat. Any suggestions, minor or major? As I have not played 30k yet, I have not had the experience to tell me what is lacking in my list. I definitely would like to keep this a footslogging army, so any vehicles added would have to be things like dreadnoughts. But I would like to keep the tacticals, rapiers, and apothecaries, as I have already built and painted them.


Thanks for any comments, hopefully soon I will stop being lazy, and make a painting log to show my progress.

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