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Raptors 3rd and 10th company


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I don't know, you take Lias and another HQ was your warlord with the 'move there units' trait and you have a lot of say in how the board looks.


I'm actually thinking of making my Spectral Sicarii Raptors successors so I get access to him.

Issodon sounds fun still. His deep strike is wasted, but still he's a chapter master with more bubbles than usual and shooting that's probably more devastating than any other marine's. Also, his camo cloak is mirrored in some of the new units, making a fluffy combo. The movement WL trait plus his standard bubble plus the psychic power means catapulting a phobos unit across the board too.


I'll test a lot of the vanguard stuff soon - Urban Conquest campaign seems like the perfect spot for hard-to-hit and harder-to-kill marines. If a unit is obscured, that's -1 to hit, and if it is in hard cover (buildings/ruins), that's +2 to the save. So a Raptors Eliminator squad/Issodon in cover >12" has a -2 to hit and 0+ (eliminators) or -1+ (Issodon) armour. Imagine Issodon getting hit by a lascannon (a marine hits him on a 5+), and still getting a 2+ save.

Yep, Urban Conquest is both in CA and in the UC book. UC includes a campaign system with 4 parties, and our local GW has started that campaign a week ago. Battles are determined by challenging a party (or NPCs for unclaimed territory) and announcing an action (scout, attack, hold, reinforce,...) and the challenged party announcing one too. Depending on the selected actions, different missions fitting the choices are played - armies meeting head on, attacker-defender actions, targeting warlords etc. In our case it's one party Xenos, one Chaos (they're allied), one imperial defenders (IG and Raptors) and one imperial relief force (BA, DA, Templars).


Im going to include Lias still, waiting for a FW delivery of the legion vigilator to represent him proper just started painting some shadowspear-marines

Yeah, I'll have to actually build my Lias vigilator some time soon, he'll be standing on top of the mastodon for the time being. But for my primaris army part, I'll stick to primaris Issodon.

First batch of vanguard is done. 2x3 eliminators, every HQ once, and 3 infiltrators so far. 7 infiltrators and the first suppressor squad are basecoated or ready for basecoating.








Now it would be nice if GW made the points match the stats. Last game with them did not really go well, too many points for not much firepower...

Man those look great. I really like the brown on the rifle fore grips. Your lenses look crisp as well. I keep seeing painted straps on the Phobos stuff. I've left mine the color of my armor but paint my pouches... I'm still unsure if I should paint mine up or leave them gray.

I decided to paint the straps, as it's rather easy to overlook the details otherwise - these make the guys stand out from the less tacticool guys. The only thing I often missed was the strap loops - as you can see on the infiltrator sergeant and captain, the tigh strap loops are always on the inside of the leg, even if there is no strap. Meaning it's part of the armour (so the straps don't shift, quite clever), but I mostly painted them metal when there was indeed a strap. Oh well, I still got 17 of those guys to practice...

The speed of painting was rather due to having a few free days. Essentially half a week spent at a friend's place, just building/painting/playing. I'll try to get the suppressors done until end of the week (again, Urban Conquest campaign), except for that it might take a while now.


That was what stopped me from getting a second box too.

With all the spare reiver parts I have around, I'll change some of the infiltrators from the second box. And maybe donate a squad of 5 plus HQs to my AdMech primaris. And use the second helix adept's parts to build my first primaris apothecary, considering I find the original model a bit too blinged out.

  • 3 weeks later...

The first 3 suppressors are done. Now I just need to paint 5 more Infiltrators, and the first Shadowspear box is done.


I removed the grav plate winglet things, used proper jump unit helmets, shortened the barrel and repositioned the legs to glue them straight to the base. A lot easier to transport than the damn inceptors.




Also, I've added battlefield role signs to all but the gravis shoulderpads, and numbered the troops squads so far. Also, 3rd company markings on the kneepads - they gotta go closer to the intended markings, and get more details in the process.

Those look good. I'm debating if I should shorten the barrels or magnetize them. Given what they're supposed to do a longer barrel functionally makes more sense than a short barrel, but the shorter barrels will absolutely transport better.

@thewarriorhunter: If you have Eliminators assembled - the shortened barrel suppressors are slightly longer than the non-sergeant Eliminators. So yeah - longer barrel makes more functional sense, but transporting them is definitely an issue.



How'd you manage to make them walk? Was it difficult

It was okay - IIRC I cut off some of the holsters and hid the modifications of the legs behind them. Or behind the "ass plate", that's on one of the leg parts. Except for that, the hydraulic landing feet thingies make it easier, as they can be bent quite easily and can compensate if the feet are not exactly in a matching angle.

I like the idea of using the Beakie helmets - as Raven Guard successors, this makes a lot of sense.

Now, to see how many I actually have available!  I'm betting that I'll only be able to designate my Sergeants that way.


[EDIT: turns out I have none - the only non-Primaris Marine kits I have left are Space wolves and Deathwatch... and it seems impossible to find the bits for sale.  Oh well, it was a good idea.]

Thanks guys. As I've got a good deal buying and swapping Shadowspear parts with some locals, I'll have more than two box sets soon. A total of 12 Eliminators (one will probably end up as phobos captain conversion), another 10 Infiltrators (total: 30), and I guess I'll spend one of the remaining 3 suppressors on building a (primaris looking) jump captain. Once the full rules drop, a suppressor squad of 5 can probably be used - same costs as 5 rapid fire hellblasters, but actual range for starters.


Now I'll just continue building until ETL drops. 10 more Infiltrators and 3 Aggressors are basecoated, 5 heavy hellblasters currently half-built, and two captain conversions, a primaris TFC gunner and more Intercessors on the schedule. If all goes well, I'll reach a company sized primaris force during ETL.


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