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The reaping Deathguard 2500 pts


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So I started Horus Heresy for real now (after 2 years of dreaming XD)!

This is my first list and I need some advices on if its good or not so I can order my stuff from FW.


I'll be using the Reaping as Rite of war


Siege breaker

Artificer armor         105


5 deathshroud

Rad grenade 220


Contemptor mortis dreadnought

2 Kheres assault canon         180


14 Legionnaires

Rad grenade

Melta bomb

Artificer armor

Nuncio vox

14 combat blades


Legion vexilla        253            


14 Legionnaires

Rad grenade

Melta bomb

Artificer armor

Nuncio vox

14 combat blades


Legion vexilla        253     


2 apothicairies

2 artificer armor

2 augury scanners       120


10 Legion heavy support

Missile launchers

Artificer armor

Augury scanner         300


3 Legion quad launcher

Shetter shels

Phosphex canisters         270



Armored ceramite

Flare shield        365


Mortarion          425    




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I think you've overpriced those Tac Squads by 3 points man. :)


You have a few points left, so why not do this?

- add augury scanners to the Apothecaries.

- add vexillas to the Tactical Squads.

- swap the Spartan's auxiliary drive for a flare shield. Might need to drop a couple of Marines to do this.

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I recalculated the point and its really 253 pts XD its beaucause I did not buy a cc weapon for sergeant.


I still have 44 points to play with, so yeah I'm ganna add the scanners and vexilia.


About the spartan, I was thinking the auxiliary drive was better because if I get an immobilise I canm repair it, and the flare shield is a ton of point :( 


And the rest of the list? I was questionning myself if it was good to put a spartan with deathshroud in a gunline style army... 

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Well, you need to buy 15 combat blades, because they are only available squad-wide. The Sergeant then swaps it for a Deathshroud power scythe for another 15 points. You could swap his bolter instead, but it's better to keep that for shooting at long range. The way you have the squads now should cost 265.


Auxiliary drive is cool, but you won't Immobilise yourself due to having Move Through Cover, so it's only helping against enemy attacks. Flare shield willl do so much for the Spartan's survivability!


Deathshroud also have to buy melta bombs squad-wide. So that's 20 points extra.


Maybe drop a couple of Tactical Marines to pay for the important stuff?


And yes, Mortarion & Deathshroud in the Spartan works nicely. Turn 1 you move it 6" forward and disembark them another 6" forward. Mortarion does his crazy redeploy another 10", putting him around 2" from the enemy deployment zone. Then you charge. In Turn 1. :) Taking 3 Deathshroud in a Land Raider Phobos will work nearly as well, and save a lot of points.

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