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Iron Hands HotG 2500pts with Autek Mor


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I've been trying to do a non competitive list for casual games and being a somewhat powergamer I've had some rough times trying to not tweak everything up to a cheesy list by min/maxing and choosing game breaking options.


Is this something one might enjoy playing against in a setting of casual weekend games along beer and pretzels without getting hit by a BRB in deployment phase?


Iron-Father Autek Mor

+ Cyber-familiar

• 3 Space Marine Chosen

+ 3× combi-bolter (melta)

+ 3× power weapon (power axe)

+ melta bombs

+ 1 Standard Bearer

+ power weapon (power axe)

• Land Raider Phobos

+ dozer blade


9 Tactical Space Marines

+ legion vexilla

+ 1 Tactical Sergeant

+ artificer armour

+ melta bombs

• Rhino

+ dozer blade


9 Tactical Space Marines

+ legion vexilla

+ 1 Tactical Sergeant

+ artificer armour

+ melta bombs

• Rhino

+ dozer blade


4 Tactical Support Marines

+ plasma guns

+ 1 Tactical Support Sergeant

+ artificer armour

+ melta bombs

• Rhino

+ dozer blade


4 Veteran Space Marines

+ 4× combi-weapon (melta)

+ power weapon

+ legion vexilla

+ melta bombs

+ 1 Veteran Sergeant

+ artificer armour

+ combi-weapon (melta)

+ power fist

• Rhino

+ dozer blade


Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought Talon

• Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought

+ cyclonic melta lance

+ 2× torso-mounted twin-linked volkite caliver

+ armoured ceramite

+ phosphex discharger


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought

+ carapace-mounted Aiolos missile launcher


War Machine Detachment

• Typhon Heavy Siege Tank

+ armoured ceramite

+ pintle-mounted combi-weapon (melta)


For a tactic I've considered keeping a maximum of two marine squads in reserves and then outflanking with them. Squads placed in reserves depend on what I am against. If there is alpha strike list I'll put both of the tacticals in reserves so they can grab objectives after enemy has been softened and in most of the cases I'll put support and veterans in reserves so I can outflank them in a good position.


Typhon acts as a bulldozer for Autek Mor's and his retinues cab and Castellax walks behind them.


Deredeo goes with marines and since Leviathan doesn't have Dreadnought Drop Pod it goes along them as well and acts as a Spartan deterrent.


How do you think this fits in a casual gaming scene?


I've trying to keep this fluffy and I have all the minis except for the Command Squad and Castellax but I've got an Iron Hands tactical squad and a Castellax coming from Forge World and bitz from Kromlech to convert said IH Tactical squad to Command Squad as well.


This got an Iron Father, Dreadnoughts, basic infantry and a gift from Mars in the form of a Castellax so this should be a fluffy list.

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You haven't got Castellax listed on there man - not sure if that's a future plan or something. Checked out the list and it's almost legal - the Command Squad can have combi-bolters (ie. twin-linked bolters) not combi-weapons (ie. combi-meltas, combi-plasmas). List is quite good though, but I can make a few suggestion if you like.


I would take a 4-man Cataphractii Command Squad instead of the standard one. Can fit into the Land Raider with Mor, and actually costs less points. They'll have a 4++ too, so totally worth it.


Tactical Squads are spot on, as is the Deredeo.


Tactical Support is good too, but I'd make it 10-strong and drop the Vets - they can be the unit Mor buffs with his Warlord Trait. Another trick is to swap the Tactical Support Sergeant's plasma gun for a combi-plasma. Saves you 15 points and you probably want the artificer armour up front tanking hits anyway.


The changes above would net you quite a few points, which I would use to give each Rhino a multi-melta and give the Leviathan a Dreadnought Drop Pod.


Finally, a Typhon is probably not a "beer & pretzels" unit. It may incite some rage. Just a heads up. :P

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Thanks for the reply.


I ended up posting the list without that Castellax and now I did changes into that right list based on your suggestions and notices about legality.


Iron-Father Autek Mor

+ Cyber-familiar

• Land Raider Phobos

+ dozer blade

• 3 Chosen Terminators

+ Terminator armour

+ Cataphractii

+ power weapon

+ power fist

+ chainfist

+ 1 Terminator Standard Bearer

+ power fist


9 Tactical Space Marines

+ legion vexilla

+ 1 Tactical Sergeant

+ artificer armour

+ melta bombs

• Rhino

+ dozer blade


9 Tactical Space Marines

+ legion vexilla

+ 1 Tactical Sergeant

+ artificer armour

+ melta bombs

• Rhino

+ dozer blade

9 Tactical Support Marines

+ plasma guns

+ 1 Tactical Support Sergeant

+ artificer armour

+ melta bombs

• Rhino

+ dozer blade


1 Castellax Class Battle-automata

+ Darkfire cannon


Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought Talon

• Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought

+ cyclonic melta lance

+ 2× torso-mounted twin-linked volkite caliver


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought

+ carapace-mounted Aiolos missile launcher


War Machine Detachment

• Typhon Heavy Siege Tank

+ 2 sponson-mounted lascannon

+ armoured ceramite


Don't know if it is worth taking something out to get Multi-meltas on rhinos since they might get blown away before getting into range?


Luckily in our scene and especially at our gaming club people know how to deal with super heavies as those has been allowed into tournaments, campaigns and such as soon as Escalation came out and everyone and his dog seems to have super heavy or two and Typhon isn't the most cheesiest one.


Of course I'll drop it from the list if it causes ragequits :)


Going to get some HH games under my belt and then look for some more competitive lists for summer when we have a big gathering of nerds (Ropecon) in our capitol area and there is a biggest HH tourney in Finland.

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I would personally say drop the melta bombs to give you more points elsewhere. The reason being, is after the FAQ you can only use one melta bomb in any given phase. I know its dumb, the fact is thems the rules. Unless there is a forge world rule which overrides this that I don't know about. Which is entirely possible.

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^ You're correct about the melta bomb rule and there isn't a FW rule that over rules it (though many events/ clubs house rule it).


That said only the Vets will have the squad wide upgrade as the Tac sqds and TSS sqds will only be able to take it on the sgts (which is worth it).


I personally think taking melta bombs on the Vets is worth it as it's only one fixed cost (rather the breachers who have to pay for each model) so it stays relatively cheap and combines well with a Sgt with a power fist (i.e. 1x melta bomb attack and 2-3 power fist attacks in close combat).


Also it's the only way of getting them on Vets as the Sgt can't take a single one.

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