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[3000] DG The Reaping


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Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo




Artificer Armor, Refractor Field, Power Scythe, Rad Grenades



Primus Medicae

Cataprhactii Armor




(3) Apothecarion Detachment

Artificer Armor



(2) Quad Launchers

Phosphex, Shatter



(2) Quad Launchers

Phosphex, Shatter



(2) Quad Launchers

Phosphex, Shatter




(20) Tactical Squad (Apoth)

Vexilla, Artificer Armor, Power Scythe, Rad Grenades, Meltabomb



(20) Tactical Squad (Apoth)

Vexilla, Artificer Armor, Power Scythe, Rad Grenades, Meltabomb



(10) Heavy Support Squad (SB, Apoth)

9x Missile Launchers, Augury Scanner, Artificer Armor, Meltabomb



Fast Attack:


2x Kraken, BSC




(10) Grave Warden Terminators (Praetor, PM)

2x Chainfist, 2x Heavy Flamer w/ Chem, Rad Grenades



Legion Medusa

Phosphex Rounds




Firestorm Redoubt (HSS)

Void Shield, Escape Hatch




This list was a lot of compromise... trying to fit in a load of cool models, not go against the DG fluff, and still be viable. 

The Tank Hunter Missile HSS goes in the FSR. The FSR gives me some AA with the Lightning in a pinch if it lives after it comes in and delivers death to a must-die tank. Grave Wardens, joined with the Praetor and PM, slog it with the two Tactical Squads to go at the enemy, supported by a gas bombardment that would rival 1918 Flanders. Shatter rounds give me flexibility against non-Flare Shield Spartans, too. The Quads go after MEQ, the Medusa TEQ. 

I am new to DG for 30k and am considering them as a quick build (I have a lot of this stuff already), versus my other longer-term projects (where I have almost nothing thus far). My goal is to get a fluffy, competitive army on the table ASAP and the rough look for DG would help this a bit. Plus, they look awesome and it evokes a rather WW1 feel, which I love. :D



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I like the style of the list!

I'd run the seige breaker almost naked, he's gonna be at the back so don't bother with fancy equipement, also if at some point he is in combat I think you are already scrued!

I'm not a fan of fortifications, but I understand why its there, you'll have to test it.


You could drop your 2 legion squad to 15 drop and with the few point gathered from the seige breaker you could almost do a 3rd legion suqad of 15. I'm not a fan of 20 man squad, they take a lot of place and they are less manouverable than a squad of 15.

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^ Good advice!


Siege Breaker should really only be for sitting in the HSS and granting Tank Hunter (plus enabling phosphex Quad Mortars), so you could make him cheaper. The Firestorm Redoubt allows 6 guys to shoot out of it. Why not drop the squad to 6-strong, then they can hide inside and save the 15 points you spent on AA & melta bombs? Probably won't need an Apothecary then either.


Also, as cool as it sounds, don't take phosphex on the Medusa - normal shells are so much better being S10 and Barrage.


I would also do as Natharius suggested and drop the Tacticals down to 15 each.


If you do this, you're going to have quite a few points available, ideally to give the Lightning "ground tracking auguries" and take another Medusa (you'll want 2-3 as 1 can be neutralised easily).

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Thanks for the input! That stuff in mind, round one of revisions/ideas:
Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo
Artificer Armor
Primus Medicae
Cataprhactii Armor
(3) Apothecarion Detachment
Artificer Armor
(2) Quad Launchers
Phosphex, Shatter
(2) Quad Launchers
Phosphex, Shatter
(2) Quad Launchers
Phosphex, Shatter
(15) Tactical Squad (Apoth)
Vexilla, Artificer Armor, Power Scythe, Rad Grenades, Meltabomb
(15) Tactical Squad (Apoth)
Vexilla, Artificer Armor, Power Scythe, Rad Grenades, Meltabomb
(15) Tactical Squad (Apoth)
Vexilla, Artificer Armor, Power Scythe, Rad Grenades, Meltabomb
(6) Heavy Support Squad (SB)
6x Missile Launchers, Artificer Armor, Meltabomb
Fast Attack:
2x Kraken, BSC, GTA
(8) Grave Warden Terminators (Praetor, PM)
2x Chainfist, Heavy Flamer w/ Chem, Rad Grenades
Firestorm Redoubt (HSS)
Void Shield, Escape Hatch

So there is a shift in stuff, generally. I reduced the GWT squad to 8, to reduce cost. Same for the HSS and trimmed the fat from the SB

This right now leaves me 250pt to throw into something. I realized I wasn't that hot and bothered about the Medusa. It would stand out like a sore thumb and get picked off. Even a squadron would probably go poof pretty fast, given the range limit on the gun (I have run them in Guard ages ago). 

SO! How about this:

Fire Raptor
Reaper, Armored Ceramite, Hellstrikes


That would be mobile, give me a lot of firepower and not be on a ground-based chassis all by its lonesome. 

Another options is Vindicators - though not sure I need them. 

Or, for a more radical shift - I can scrap the Grave Warden and go for Deathshroud in a Spartan (and swapping to Tartaros for the PM). That gives me a mobile, durable scoring unit to augment my slogging forces. 


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Fast Attack:
2x Kraken, BSC, GTA



Points cost on the Primaris-Lightning is off.

Kraken missiles saw a price increase in the latest 'Redbook'.



Price is correct. 



2x2 seems just so expensive for a one-shot flyer. With Tank Hunter and Armorbane on S8 AP1 BS5 missiles (plus the TL Las), do you really need four total? Two should get the job done most of the time and makes it less of a point sink. 

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I think Unknown Legionnaire thinks you have 2 x 2 Krakens, which you really should have! That uses 25 points extra - unload all 4 Krakens into the nastiest armoured target the moment it arrives and don't look back.


And yes, combat blades on the Tacticals would be a good idea. Not sure you're going to need the 3rd squad though.


I think, if you can afford it, get some Vindicator laser destroyers. 3 of them together, with a Squadron Command Tank, would be very powerful. You also need some serious anti-Tank firepower, as the Lightning is a once-off.


Generally, looks good! Remember that nothing moves very fast in a Reaping list! :)

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For most vehicles 2 missiles and the Las might be enough, but against a Spartan, a Knight or maybe a Malcador I've made the experience that 4 work better if you really want that thing to be gone. And even with 2x2 missiles the Lightning is still a lot cheaper than any of the above mentioned targets.

I guess it all depends on what you're facing.

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I think Unknown Legionnaire thinks you have 2 x 2 Krakens, which you really should have! That uses 25 points extra - unload all 4 Krakens into the nastiest armoured target the moment it arrives and don't look back.

And yes, combat blades on the Tacticals would be a good idea. Not sure you're going to need the 3rd squad though.

I think, if you can afford it, get some Vindicator laser destroyers. 3 of them together, with a Squadron Command Tank, would be very powerful. You also need some serious anti-Tank firepower, as the Lightning is a once-off.

Generally, looks good! Remember that nothing moves very fast in a Reaping list! smile.png

It is now 35pt for Kraken. That being said, if I go for Vindicators, I would probably scrap the Lightning anyhow, since it is just a one-shot type flyer. Better to sink points into something that lasts, right?

For most vehicles 2 missiles and the Las might be enough, but against a Spartan, a Knight or maybe a Malcador I've made the experience that 4 work better if you really want that thing to be gone. And even with 2x2 missiles the Lightning is still a lot cheaper than any of the above mentioned targets.

I guess it all depends on what you're facing.

Well, a standard Knight is going to eat 12 Shatter rounds. :D The Spartan and other Flare Shield stuff is a concern. I know that is why the Lightning is usually included. Just tight on points and debating on the best possible options for the list.

And as for the "not moving fast" - I thought about that. Might be tough on the footsloggers to get anywhere in a timely fashion, which is a concern.

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