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Tzen's Forgefather Vulkan He'stan conversion


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So, Magnus the Red is done, I am just waiting for his base to dry to paint it up and call it a done deal. So this is my next project.


Here is the basic conversion idea for my Vulkan He'stan conversion. Loads of green stuff work to be done, but thought I'd share the idea!




More pics as I go!

Really nice! Ive been wanting to use the watch captain fornsomething too, and also find something to convert a vulkan from.


I look forward to see what more you will do with him. Especially how you will go about painting salamanders. They are one of my favourite chapters, but cant get the green right.


(My watch captain will probobly become the exectutioner chaplain, whose name escaåes me at the moment)

I'm genuinely tempted to leave the trigger on. I know the normal Vulkan model doesn't have it, but it is bad as. Spear flamer hooo!

That would make sense if he had a flamer on the tip of the spear, but as it now it doesn't make much sense... Converting the flamer to be on the spear though, that could be interesting...

Starting from a good concept, but it sounds like a lot of work to strip it of the INQ iconography and switch it over to lizards!


If you want to get a flamer onto the spear so the trigger isn't moot, perhaps use the flamer concept from the dreadfire fist?

Good thinking - never been a fan of the standard He'stan model and this makes a lot more sense.


As for the trigger, there's a lot of references in the fiction to marines hitting switches on weapons to activate the power field around the blade, could just say it's that?

I am indeed filing of all the inquisition signs and adding suitable replacements! :D


I am hoping to add some sort of flamer nozzle to the end of the staff so the trigger is a little more functional and not there just because I quite like it! :D

Not posted a pic because the green stuff takes a while to cure. So even small amounts of work take over night to dry. And even this green stuff work is basically just filling in gaps and getting the basic shape of the flames or the studs. 




I now need to smooth out the green stuff and add more definition. I am still hoping to add a flamer of some sort to the spear.

Just using feathering techniques to layer up from a darkened Rhinox Hide. You add Karak Stone to it and keep adding more till its pure Karak stone, then glaze over it to blend it all in!


I have no idea why the flames have photographed so badly, it's very weird. 


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