Brother-Captain Sharp Posted January 11, 2017 Share Posted January 11, 2017 (edited) 5 years ago, I stepped away from 40k for a myriad of reasons. My initially temporarily break became a sabbatical, and I hadn't painted or played since. Recently, I've decided to pick up painting again as a hobby and have decided to belatedly finish the army I started before I left. As the thread for that army has long been archived, this here is part 2. I'll link the old one if you would like to see the beginnings of the force and much more in depth fluff: First, some lore stuff (skip to the red text if you aren't feeling a wall of text): Mission: The Angels of Retribution were designed as a combined force comprised of brothers from all the Unforgiven chapters, and are not themselves a chapter. The role of the Angels of Retribution is to hunt down and silence permanently any who may have come in contact with a Fallen Dark Angel and threaten the secrecy of the Unforgiven, even those unaware of the import of what they had seen. This regularly means hunting Chaos warbands and other heretics which fought alongside a Fallen. All those who fought against the Fallen are also targets, which means the force may have to strike its colors for a hunt of a more grim tone. The secret of the Unforgiven must be kept at all costs, and the wise do not leave loose ends. Recruitment: The Angels of Retribution do not conduct recruiting or training operation. Instead, Individual marines seconded to the task force for a period of time, though brothers in a leadership role are seconded permanently. Temporary members of the force wear their chapter's colors on their left shoulder pad and helmet. All members of the force have served in at least the 2nd Company of their respective chapters, so as to prepare them for their grim and sacred task. Organization: The Angels of Retribution answer directly to the Inner Circle of the Unforgiven, and thus Supreme Grand Master. Interrogator-Chaplain Damion is the Master of the Angels of Retribution and works closely with the Inner Circle to coordinate information gathering and operations. The force is organized in three orders organized along traditional Unforgiven lines which all work together to execute their mission. The Fist of Judgement is the assault and purging arm of the Angels of Retribution, comprised of Deathwing veterans in Terminator Armor and Dreadnoughts. The Blades of Persecution are the reconnaissance and pursuit troops of the force, equipped with bikes and landspeeders. Finally, the Hammer of Fate are the containment and long-range elimination arm of the Angels of Retribution. Here is the current state of the army I'd like to finish: Of that, some of the models are completed to a point that I am happy with them and they do not require anymore work. Here are those models: -Chapter Master model, my counts-as for Azrael -Deathwing Command Squad with Banner and Apothecary (with no-longer-legal Cyclone Missile Launcher) -Deathwing Terminator squad -Land Raider Crusader -Vindicator -Librarian in Contemptor Dreadnought So that leaves me with the following list to work on (and what they need): -Head Executioner Damion (repair arm and weapon) -Master Librarian Elias (weapon repair) -Master Zedekiah (Right arm and finishing details) -Venerable Dreadnought (finishing details) -Mortis Pattern Dreadnought (most everything) -Venerable Dreadnought (unpainted) -Tactical Combat Squad (needs most everything other than robes) -Tactical Combat Squad (needs finishing details) -Razorback (everything but basecoats) -Land Speeder Typhoon (needs finishing details and new base) -Ravenwing Attack Squadron w/ Attack Bike (details) -Land Raider Crusader (details) After returning, I've worked on a few models. The Vindicator was already pictured, but was mostly done when I resumed. It only needed the weathering. These tactical marines are what I have really resumed on, and the guy is front is the first model I put paint to in 5 years (it shows in horrible glops on him). So first plan is to continue to work on the tactical marines and move from there. So, that was a lot of words for a little update, but I'm hoping to use this to keep myself motivated. Thanks for reading the wall. I'd love any comments you guys have! Edited August 31, 2017 by Brother-Captain Sharp Bryan Blaire, Lostrael, Raztalin and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Othniel's Blade Posted January 11, 2017 Share Posted January 11, 2017 That Librarian ConDread is amazing! Welcome back! Brother-Captain Sharp 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted January 11, 2017 Share Posted January 11, 2017 Well look who's back! :woot: Welcome back Brother Captain, it's been a long time... I see you have a huge project in your hands and I have to say, I love the background too! ;) Good luck with it and keep us updated! It's great to see brothers returning from the cold! :D Brother-Captain Sharp 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted January 11, 2017 Share Posted January 11, 2017 (edited) I concur with Captain Semper, welcome back B-C Sharp! Edited January 11, 2017 by Brother Stobz Brother-Captain Sharp 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Raeven Posted January 11, 2017 Share Posted January 11, 2017 Wow, that's an amazingly painted force! Can't wait to see what more you have in store for us. Brother-Captain Sharp 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted January 11, 2017 Author Share Posted January 11, 2017 (edited) That Librarian ConDread is amazing! Welcome back! Thank you! I had a blast posing and painting him. The Contemptor kits are so ridiculously flexible. Well look who's back! Welcome back Brother Captain, it's been a long time... I see you have a huge project in your hands and I have to say, I love the background too! Good luck with it and keep us updated! It's great to see brothers returning from the cold! Hey Semper! It's been a goood long while, but I'm excited to be back on the Rock. I've got the more detailed fluff (and individual model backstories) in the old thread but I might move it over here at some point. Probably when I have more painted. I concur with Captain Semper, welcome back B-C Sharp! Thanks, Stobz. Real-talk, pictures of your army in "Post Your Armies" was one of the kicks in the pants I needed to get painting again. I'll never be anywhere close to that amount of painted anything, though. Wow, that's an amazingly painted force! Can't wait to see what more you have in store for us. Cheers! It'll be a slow process, unfortunately. Always has been for me. Speaking of slow, I'm struggling with paint thickness and application, as well as rediscovering some of my old recipes. So I hope to have an update tonight, but who knows. Thanks for all the kind comments guys! Edited January 11, 2017 by Brother-Captain Sharp Bryan Blaire 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted January 12, 2017 Share Posted January 12, 2017 Brother-Captain Sharp, welcome back to the Rock. After a brief conversation to confirm purity of purpose in Cell 42, we'll get you resettled. To help with paint thickness, I cannot recommend enough the use of a flow improver mixed with a little matte medium. Looking forward to more and an additional Battle Brother in the Glacially Slow Build Up Crew. Brother-Captain Sharp and jbaeza94 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greenz Posted January 12, 2017 Share Posted January 12, 2017 Welcome back Brother-Captain. It's always nice to see a veteran return after a hiatus. Those are some sharp models you've got. I love that contemptor, but those are some epic bases! I keep staring at them and picking out details. Brother-Captain Sharp 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted January 13, 2017 Author Share Posted January 13, 2017 Brother-Captain Sharp, welcome back to the Rock. After a brief conversation to confirm purity of purpose in Cell 42, we'll get you resettled. To help with paint thickness, I cannot recommend enough the use of a flow improver mixed with a little matte medium. Looking forward to more and an additional Battle Brother in the Glacially Slow Build Up Crew. I've been trying to use a wet palette, but it's not the best and it's not working as intended. I'm probably going to switch to a dry palette and the flow improver. Thanks! And yeah, glacial is a perfect adjective for it. ;) Welcome back Brother-Captain. It's always nice to see a veteran return after a hiatus. Those are some sharp models you've got. I love that contemptor, but those are some epic bases! I keep staring at them and picking out details. Thanks! Converting and building models was my true love when I was playing, and basing is a way to give the models just a bit more character. Glad to hear you like them. :) And for the incredibly minor update, I worked on the helmets, bone, and metal of my few tactical marines I'm relearning on. Man, past me deciding to do glowing eyes on my marines is really coming back to bite me now. I'll probably go back and touch up these ones once my brush control has returned somewhat. Hopefully I'll get a bit quicker as I get more practice. Comments and criticism welcome! :) Bryan Blaire, Chaplain Raeven and Raztalin 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted January 17, 2017 Author Share Posted January 17, 2017 (edited) With a ridiculously slow rate, I've finished the marines I was working on. The bases are temporary until I get some 32mm ones, so nothing fancy there. Overall, I'm pretty happy with em, tho there are definitely some mistakes and poor pieces. Well, learning experience for the rest of the squad. Once I have finished with the squad, I'll come back and give them some marking on their bare shoulder. I know I'm not up to freehand right now. Edited January 17, 2017 by Brother-Captain Sharp Bryan Blaire, Chaplain Raeven and BrotherAtrox 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted January 19, 2017 Author Share Posted January 19, 2017 (edited) To help with paint thickness, I cannot recommend enough the use of a flow improver mixed with a little matte medium. Holy guacamole, this stuff is ridiculous combined with my new dry palette. I basecoated all of the metals for my counts-as Mortis Contemptor, and this is how much Boltgun Metal was left on the palette: The second well had a drop of paint without flow improver to compare drying times, but it perked right back up with a bit of water and improver added. This is crazy. I honestly can't believe I painted for years without ever using this stuff. So much paint wasted. Thanks again for recommending this stuff, Bryan Blaire. You have blown my mind. Also, now that my paints won't dry near as fast (I was pretty much mixing paint constantly), I think painting won't be nearly as frustrating or slow (famous last words). No real progress worth showing in painting, but I did work on some models. The Jump Chaplain I realized I had sitting in my case while looking for tools so I built him last night, and the Venerable is an old rescue. I bought him with broken arms, horribly posed legs, and a mess of superglue for a face. I might try my hand at replacing the snapped off ribbons when I break out the GS tomorrow. Additionally, I made a replacement for Damion's broken arm (the weapon is dry pinned together). That'll be spraypainted also after a bit of GS cleanup around the wrist and new GS ribbons on the weapon haft tomorrow. I know there's not much to comment on here. For more future projects, I just received the Terminator squad and Master from the Dark Vengeance box. Seraphicus is on his way, as well as some FW grav guns to make some bikers. Hopefully soon. Edited January 19, 2017 by Brother-Captain Sharp Bryan Blaire 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted January 19, 2017 Share Posted January 19, 2017 Brother-Captain, glad it worked for you! I really like using flow improver + some matte medium on a wet palette, really keeps my paint smooth and thin. The "get back to it" squad looks great, what are you planning on changing for the bases, they look good as is, the 32mm just gives a bît more space. Brother-Captain Sharp 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted January 20, 2017 Author Share Posted January 20, 2017 Brother-Captain, glad it worked for you! I really like using flow improver + some matte medium on a wet palette, really keeps my paint smooth and thin. The "get back to it" squad looks great, what are you planning on changing for the bases, they look good as is, the 32mm just gives a bît more space. The wet palette I got ended up being better for canvas painting than for mini painting. While it was keeping my paints wet, i had to spread them out on it pretty thinly for it to work. I think with a better wet palette, I could have made it work. For the bases, I like to include small pieces of detail, which the 32mm will give me more room for. It'll either be enemy wargear, or small pieces of urban rubble. Thanks for the comments and help! Bryan Blaire 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted January 29, 2017 Author Share Posted January 29, 2017 (edited) My Dark Vengeance Terminators came today, so I spent some time chopping them up a bit and re-equipping them. SB+PF terminators are just bad but I like the models, so weapon swaps were a necessity., pretty pleased with them. They'll join the painting pile for eventual inclusion into the army. Edited January 29, 2017 by Brother-Captain Sharp Interrogator Stobz, Raychu, Greenz and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Othniel's Blade Posted January 30, 2017 Share Posted January 30, 2017 As Deathwatch-Brother Omri was flooded by cultists, he began to use his shield as a veritable ram. Over the sounds of carnage, his helm-vox could be heard between blows, "Get...Knowledge...You... :cuss ...Heretics!" Brother-Captain Sharp 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greenz Posted January 30, 2017 Share Posted January 30, 2017 Nice kit bashes, you've done a great job changing up the DV terminators! Can't wait to see them painted up Brother-Captain Sharp 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted February 1, 2017 Author Share Posted February 1, 2017 As Deathwatch-Brother Omri was flooded by cultists, he began to use his shield as a veritable ram. Over the sounds of carnage, his helm-vox could be heard between blows, "Get...Knowledge...You... ...Heretics!" :) One of my friends cracked a joke about him reading bedtime stories to his hapless victims. I like to think he's just spreading the love of reading somewhat... aggressively. Nice kit bashes, you've done a great job changing up the DV terminators! Can't wait to see them painted up Thanks! They're added to the pile. Of course, Terminators are my favorite thing to paint, so they might end up cutting in line. Not like I need more DW terminators with how poor our choices are to field them, though. _________________________________________________ Just a small update today. Got around to starting the jump pack chaplain that I primed about a week ago. So far, most of it is just basecoats, though the bone on the fists and helmet are about where it's gonna stay. Overall pretty happy with how he's shaping up. Right now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to make the parchment stand out from the fists. Thanks for looking. Bryan Blaire 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted February 8, 2017 Author Share Posted February 8, 2017 (edited) Well, I ran out of motivation on the Jump Chappy, so no completed models to post just yet. What I do have are a few more WIPs, though. So first of all, a sad story. With me returning after so many years, my favorite model I've ever done is no longer legal. Our Apothecaries used to be total bosses that could take whatever they wanted. Alas, no longer. That meant I had to pop off the Narthecium arm from my current one. But I did notice something cool. See the magnet? I only magnetized my very first batch of models, before I decided it was better to buy and build more models than lose bitz that were loose in my case. That means the arm is one of my very first, from 9 years ago when I was a fresh newbie. Kinda cool to think about. Before the CML Apothecary, I used it on an AC one (back before we got the 3++ out of combat). So that means the arm is on at least its 4th model. Here are old and new together. The old Apothecary got a new converted left-handed Thunderhammer to become just a CML carrier. The new codex also brought a new command squad member, the Champion. Here he is next to the new Apothecary, with basecoats on the bone (the Thunderhammer arm was tacked onto him for priming and painting purposes). I was pretty pleased with the posing on the Champion. I think it adequately communicates the idea I had with him, i.e. striding forward purposely ready to stick 'em with the pointy end. Also on my painting table are some new heavy weapon marines and their sergeant. I played my first game of 7th last week, and the sergeant was bamf. Survived 9 armor saves as the last man standing from his squad to hold onto an objective which swungf a massacre to a minor loss. As soon as he did, I promoted him to next on my painting list. Finally, I received Seraphicus from my eBay order, and built him for my eventual Lion's Blade list. Plasma Pistols are pretty bad for the points, so I did a quick conversion on the arm to add a Power Fist. Sorry he's a bit hard to see, I didn't get a picture of him before I did my priming session during above-freezing temperatures yesterday. Well, I know not too much exciting stuff going on, but I thought I'd prove I'm not dead. I also have a squad of DW Knights on my table, but they're waiting for some bitz in the mail to finish. I'm stealing an idea I saw on here a while ago. Any comments welcome. Cheers! Edited February 8, 2017 by Brother-Captain Sharp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 8, 2017 Share Posted February 8, 2017 How have i missed this? Excellent work man :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted February 8, 2017 Author Share Posted February 8, 2017 Thanks, Arkley! Seeing your gorgeous Terminator today helped me get my butt in gear and do a bit of modelling on my sickday (a student brought a nasty bug to school with him and I'm paying the price). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 8, 2017 Share Posted February 8, 2017 Yeah I was experiencing a hobby lurgy. Yeah I am happy he turned out well, so much so 25 terminators are taking a dettol bath. I look forward to seeing you progress:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted August 30, 2017 Author Share Posted August 30, 2017 Well, no completed minis to show off right now. Hopefully that will be next week after a hobby day with some friends this Saturday. With the release of 8th, I've been focused on playtesting new lists to figure out what I want to play in some GTs with my limited hobby time. In the meantime, here are some of the models to be painted for my list this weekend. A fully magnetized Pred: And two Leviathans for my Competitive list to accompany two Predators. These are also magnetized, though I haven't seen much reason to run anything other than dual Stormcannon Arrays. The top brass etch plates are loose for easier painting: The Predator and Leviathans are at the top of my painting list, so hopefully some updates on them soon. Komodo, Bryan Blaire, Cpt. Bannockburn and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted August 31, 2017 Author Share Posted August 31, 2017 (edited) Beaky scouts: because I had a lot of leftover Black Knight heads and I hate the Hunchback of Derpface basic sculpts. Don't mind the silver guy. These were bought secondhand (some of them missing heads, which got me looking for alternatives in the first place). Quick and dirty comparison pic. The Black Knight beakies being slightly smaller than regular beakies helps it look in proportion for sure. Edited August 31, 2017 by Brother-Captain Sharp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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