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White Scars 2000pts "Red Ones Go Fasta" Whishlist


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This is the best I could do combining fluffy and competitive. Surely not the best competitive but I do have to like what's on the table right ?


What say you ?


Chogorian Brotherhood (2000/2000pts)

+ HQ (380pts) +


Praetor [Cyber-hawk, Iron Halo, Scimitar Jetbike, Mastercrafted Power Glaive]

Consul Librarian [Legion Scimitar Jetbike , Psychic Mastery Level 2, Refractor Field]

+ Elites (275pts) +

Veteran Squad  [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Marksmen]
Additional Wargear [2x Plasma gun]
Combi-weapon [ 3x Combi-weapon: Plasma gun]
Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Axe]

+ Troops (820pts) +

Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron [6x Space Marine Sky Hunters, 2x Volkite Culverin]
Sky Hunter Sergeant [Melta Bombs]

Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron  [2x Multi-Melta, 6x Space Marine Sky Hunters]
Sky Hunter Sergeant [Melta Bombs]

Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron [6x Space Marine Sky Hunters, 2x Volkite Culverin]

+ Fast Attack (360pts) +

Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron
2x Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [Heavy Bolter, 2x Hunter-killer Missile, Twin-linked Cyclone missile launcher]

Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter [battle Servitor Control, Ground-tracking Auguries, 2x Kraken Penetrator Heavy missile]

+ Heavy Support (165pts) +

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Accelerator Autocannon, Pintle-mounted Heavy Bolter]


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Have you considered Plasma Outriders instead of the Veterans? With outflank and our special rules, they might be a better choice at plasma-ing things to death. Also, rerolls on to-hit and 1s to wound when moving at full speed can really ruin most enemies day. Unless of course you really want Sniper on the Veterans? 5 bikes with Plasma comes out to about the same as the Veterans.

You could also make the case that one of the Scimitar-mounted squads could be moved to Heavy Support and be made Skyslayers? More Melta with a little bit of list-fiddling, and less wastage of shots than if you take the two meltas in an ordinary Skyhunter squadron?

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You only have one unit that makes use of the Cyber-Hawk's benefits, namely your Vet Tacs.


Cyber-Hawk works like a charm in an OA list for example, but I don't see much synergy in a Brotherhood list, lest you get more infantry in there which is kinda at odds with the jetbike theme.


Lovely list otherwise.

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