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Astra Militarum post-Cadia Falls [SPOILERS] and Speculation


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I guess I'm not sure why you see it that way.  The whole Guard fits that template.


Catachans: Space Vietnam

Elysians: Space 101st Airborne

Death Korps: Space WWI Germans

Steel Legion: Space German Panzer Korps

Mordians: Space Prussians

Praetorians: Space Victorian Limeys

Tallarn: Space Arabs

Vallhallans: Space Soviets

And, yes, Vostroyans: Space Tsarists


I never thought of them as anything special as far as the Regiments of the God-Emperor thing goes....


Some regiments fit better than others.


I don't see as big a problem with Steel Legion or Krieg, though I admit they are obviously inspired by world war units. However, a lot of the others are either too heavily drawn from a real world setting to be "protected", as it where.


Now Space Marines? They have a very distinct look. Orks have a very distinct look. Tyranids, Chaos, Tau, Eldar, the Sisters, the AdMech: all the other factions have been designed with a very clear, distinct and protectable appearance. You can't really copyright the Praetorians because they're Zulu War british with a space laser. Anyone can make those models and just use a different gun. Bam. Praetorians from another company, being produced for 25% of what GW would charge.


Cadians struggle with this as well. Would someone with only a passing knowledge of 40K recognise a Cadian as a 40K mini the way they would a Space Marine? I doubt it. So GW needs their poster boy regiment to be something that really stands out, and something they can sue over when people try to mimic it. That's also why they started calling the Guard the "Astra Moronicum".

Do the GW store owners/managers get inside info on what the company is planning for the year?


I was in the Leeds store today and the manager was a bit evasive when it came to my questions/speculation about the guard, and he's usually very talkative.

Not so long ago they knew nothing (and, sometimes, less than us...) but I think they're in the loop more now. I'm not sure how far in advance though, so it could mean he doesn't want to leak something or could mean nothing!

Unless it's a major event, there's very little warning ahead for in-store staff. Usually they'll be clued up a week ahead if it's just a standard release. There have been a few times I've gone into the shop in two minds of whether to buy something and the manager has said something along the lines of "wait until next week", as there's something I'd likely be more interested in. That's good. I find it an effective way of helping out with customer relationships.


That being said, I know how bad the manager has felt after someone drops a load of money into something and then a few weeks later it's suddenly irrelevant. Not that he can do anything about it when they don't know themselves...

I hear what ya'll are saying about the Cadian model line, but I really think it's at least getting a re-vamp ala Dark Eldar. But even then I doubt it will be Cadian themed. 


Star Wars spoiler as comparison. Don't read if you have not seen Force Awakens




Think about how they killed off Han in Ep VII. It was literally a transition from "old" to "new."


Disney: "hey all you rabid fans of almost 40 years. We hear your concerns and know you don't want to get left out as we transition to these young upstarts. So tell you what...here's the coolest guy in the canon back in action. Good ol' Han doing his thing! Pretty cool, huh? NOW HE'S DEAD. Get over it! We gave you your fan service then killed him off so you'd get the hint: we're moving on." 





  • As I and others have stated multiple times, first guess is something along the lines of Solar Auxliia or MT in theme/aesthetic. 
  • Another guess would be a revamped Catachan line. No, really, hear me out: they were one of the "original" IG forces to hit the scene, right? 2nd Ed-ish? They are definitely distinctive. And with the new gorgeous models they've been pushing out, they may actually do death-by-biceps right on the table top. It would be toned down a bit to be more "guerillas/commandos in SPEEEESSS" with shenanigan-heavy rules not unlike GSC. 
  • After that...I'm not sure. What's a sci fi trope/theme that 40k has not really tapped into yet? 


Btw, all this is predictions from me. I'm not sure how I feel, one way or another. 


I find this to be a poor comparison.




Han was killed off, because Harrison Ford was getting old. This is the biggest driving force of changes in casts and story. Books and literally anything else not using human actors, including 40k, do not suffer from the 'aging actor' problem. If they make any such drastic changes, it will cash-flow related, because the bottom line is the driving force in the modern market.



I don't think the guard line is going anywhere. The modern line is specifically stated in fluff to be the standard look adopted by a lot of regiments.


I also completely disagree with most of what wargamer said.

There is no real life look in any military that passes for Cadians. It is pretty distinct.

Ok I just finished reading the campaign book so I can finally read this thread


My 2c

Creed isn't dead... he's just stuck in a necron pokeball.

There is a possibility he comes back and maybe in an enhanced form because he's been infected with necron nanobots...

Kell is dead without a doubt, but he went down as he should protecting Creed.


The book as mentioned a number of other regiments other than Cadians and also Karskin featured a lot.


Looking at what GW has done lately is they've been expanding their lines based on their massive IP.

Its possible another dual kit guard line will be released. GW realizing people are more likely to buy new kits they don't have then updated existing ones.

Will cadians get redone? Maybe... maybe well get Karskin and the old cadians will be dedicated for GSC.


Guard are a staple of the universe. They're not going anywhere. What other army would people play if they wanted massive tank battalion?? Predators don't hold a candle to LRs.


The guard stand!


I have faith in the emperors (GW) renewed light. Like the 8th I will not hesitate!

The new Regimental Standard seems to allude that Cadia may go the way of Tanith:


"...14% increase in vengeance-induced effectiveness from regiments whose homeworld has fallen** to enemy forces in battle....



**see also Tanith First, etc..."







14% is almost 16% which is basically +1 on a D6....Cadians are all BS4 now?



From a fluff point of view I hope to see some exceedingly bitter and zealous Cadians from here on.

Bitter Aldaraanian rebels (I saw a lot back in my SWRPGing days) should have nothing on Cadian survivors.


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