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2500 points Solar Auxilia


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Lord Marshal

Archeotech Pistol, Artificer Armour

110 pts


Tactical Command Section x10

100 pts


Tank Commander

Valdor Tank Hunter

355 pts



Medicae Detachment (for Lasrifle Sections)

60 pts


Auxillia Rapier Battery

x3 Quad Mortar

180 pts



Tercio #1

Lasrifle Section

100 pts

Lasrifle Section

100 pts

Flamer Section

125 pts

Aegis Defence Line

50 pts


Tercio #2

Lasrifle Section

100 pts

Lasrifle Section

100 pts

Flamer Section

125 pts

Aegis Defence Line

50 pts


Tercio #3

Lasrifle Section

100 pts

Lasrifle Section

100 pts

Flamer Section

125 pts

Aegis Defence Line

50 pts


Fast Attack

Tarantula Sentry Gun Battery

x2 Heavy Bolter, x1 Lascannon

100 pts


Heavy Support


235 pts



235 pts


Total: 2500 pts


A lot of the 30k players I know have melee focused legions, so the Flamers are there to counter charges.

Cheers :D

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I'd suggest dropping a Sentry Gun or two then getting two grenade launchers for your command squad and meltabombs on your sgts.


Otherwise, looks like an interesting list. Refreshing to see something other than Dracosan spam.



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