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Anyone ever assemble, and paint an entire chapter?


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Thanks, honestly it just takes time and dedication to get to that size army. If your goal is a large force for display (because rare will be the day that even half gets utilized in a single game) don't worry about rules. When I started Mortis dreadnoughts were domain of the Dark Angels and Storm Ravens were GK/BA only, so I just modeled by "rule of cool", if I liked it, it got added to my army. I'm about 5 years into this army (i think) and will only be adding more!

I have a full Dark Angels chapter that took me over 25 years to finish. Well not entirely finished, because I still have boxes of unpainted alternate weapons guys from before I knew about magnetizing weapons. Then there are a few more cases of Rhinos and Preds...


Most of the guys are still in packing boxes. I told them they were going into suspended animation for a loooong warp trip. :-P

I'm actually trying to make the full Dark Angels' chapter on a very small scale. 
I know it's not updated but I refer to this list and do *10/4 for the exact amount of men of each type.
For instance the 3rd company would be represented by 6*2.5 = 15 tacticals over 3 squads. It also has a squad of devastators and an assault one of 5 men.

In the later future I'll probably try to grow up from there, but atm I feel like it's kinda cool to my time and expanses :)



The UK White Dwarf 300 had a feature on a bloke called Artur Szyndler (who was himself a GW employee) who had collected the entire Blood Angels Chapter ... and somehow painted the whole thing in the space of 20 days.

About 25 years ago, it was my goal to collect and paint an entire Space Wolves Great Company. I actually obtained enough models to do so, but as you'd expect, never got around to painting all...most... any of them.

My great company has at different times been painted but never all of it at the same time. I will get my SW's painted as a whole at some point. :(

I wish, most of my second company is only base coated. That being said I would love to collect the whole chapter. If you were to do it, alternating the units you tackle one at a time might be the way to go. E.g. Tactical squad, rhino, chaplain or something like that



GW Italy put together the whole Dark Angels chapter for Gamesday 2003-4


The UK White Dwarf 300 had a feature on a bloke called Artur Szyndler (who was himself a GW employee) who had collected the entire Blood Angels Chapter ... and somehow painted the whole thing in the space of 20 days.


I remember this article. Didn't he paint them on the train journey to and from work everyday or something?

I'm actually trying to make the full Dark Angels' chapter on a very small scale. 

I know it's not updated but I refer to this list and do *10/4 for the exact amount of men of each type.

For instance the 3rd company would be represented by 6*2.5 = 15 tacticals over 3 squads. It also has a squad of devastators and an assault one of 5 men.


So not so much a full chapter, but a full chapter/4? :)


Still, 250 men is a noble undertaking!


The UK White Dwarf 300 had a feature on a bloke called Artur Szyndler (who was himself a GW employee) who had collected the entire Blood Angels Chapter ... and somehow painted the whole thing in the space of 20 days.


I remember this article. Didn't he paint them on the train journey to and from work everyday or something?


Yes, he did. Well remembered!

I'm actually trying to make the full Dark Angels' chapter on a very small scale.

I know it's not updated but I refer to this list and do *10/4 for the exact amount of men of each type.

For instance the 3rd company would be represented by 6*2.5 = 15 tacticals over 3 squads. It also has a squad of devastators and an assault one of 5 men.

So not so much a full chapter, but a full chapter/4? smile.png

Still, 250 men is a noble undertaking!

Kindaish - price apart the number of models is close to playing skaven and tyranids, nothing too extreme :)

I have a goal of painting the complete 2nd Company + support for my chapter. Should be about 200 models- I can't imagine the commitment involved in doing the full 1000+

One space marine per week for twenty years.


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