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Advice for a Conclave Acquisitorius?


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I've been playing a Skitarii force as allies for a bit, and starting to expand into Cult Mechanicus. I'd like to ask for some advice on forming a Conclave Acquisitorius from experienced AdMech veterans, even though it's a brand new detachment.

-Just to make sure I'm getting the rules correct: Since the Battle Maniple gets Canticles, they count towards the number of units boosting the Canticle? Also, can Cawl join a Breacher squad in the Holy Requisitioner and deep strike in? I thought yes to both but wanted to be sure.

-Do you believe any particular kind of Knight benefits this formation best? My instinct says the shootiest.

-I know they aren't everyone's favorite but I love Electro Priests. In a Numinous Conclave are squads of 5 too small? 

-Anti-Air? My first thought is an Icarus Onager (I own three of the things fully magnetized for any build), but there are some weird options available (Memento-Morispex) that alsosome to mind.

-I need one walker unit for the Skitarii. I've had good results using a single dirt cheap Ironstrider. Can a single Lance Dragoon work or should those be in larger units?

-In a minimum size Cohort Cybernetica, what weapon loadout do you like on the robots? Most lists I see replace the fists with guns, do you like to swap out any of the flamers?

I appreciate advice on any of those points from more experienced AdMech players. As I said, I know the formation is new but I'd like to brainstorm some army lists. I have just about everything I need for a full Battle Maniple but almost nothing on the Cult Mechanicus side, so now seems as good a time as any to start building.

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Personally i would suggest the war convocation over this formation myself(or the new decurion style thing we got), simply due to how awkward the formation is to deploy with reguards to unit selection, but if you want to use it go ahead and here are some tips I can give you on it.


From RAW I would argue yes, everyone gets canticles and count to the limit.


Only take 1 battle maniple, 2 is OTT and the war cohort is insanely OTT, ofcourse this depends on how many points you are playing (mega pitched battles go far it)


5 man squads for the electro priests imo is too small to get a real use of them, but they are also a points tax outside a fungame in my view, so keep to 5 man and use them to scare people into keeping away from your line or as speed bumps to protect your gunline. I only tend to get good use from them when i have 15 of them working with a dominus.


For AA, i would say thats a thinker, but personally i would be tempted to get the relic for the dominus in the holy req so when they teleport in, you pick where and give a unit instant anti air power, personally i would recommend with this unit having a squad of torsions if you dont know what your enemy is bringing just to help fight monsters, they are also very good vs tanks and you can always use the relic for tank hunter too. This is going to be an important unit in how i would use the formation, they will be dropped in to annihilate anything that needs to die that turn.


Dunecrawlers i would equip with neutrons or eradication beamers, either or works from my experience and depends on points you have.


Dragoons in my view are usually a tax unit, depending on what you fight they really need to have 3-4 imo  to get good use (they will scare people and distraction fex, use canticles for cover save boosting for extra fun given their 5+ natural cover save (2+ if you got 8 units)). It really depends on if you are playing for fun or to WAAC, if the latter, take 1 and beef up on other things.


Robots should always be mass dakka, all the phosphor guns, simple as, this is an meq killing unit to deal with hordes handedly, if they have to get into CC they are a MC so they can AP2 anyway and trade their attacks for a single S10 attack iirc if needed. Flamers depend on your opponent, personally i preff the guns but flamers can work too, especially vs low av horde armies.



For the cult mech, the holy req is a very strong unit to keep, that being its base addition is completely fine, robots are great but I dont tend to go beyond 4 bots and 2 datasmiths, same unit or seperate or in a cybernetica unit using the split fire rule.



Hope some of this helps, others may have differing views but its hard to help without a points figure to work towards.

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I've been playing a Skitarii force as allies for a bit, and starting to expand into Cult Mechanicus. I'd like to ask for some advice on forming a Conclave Acquisitorius from experienced AdMech veterans, even though it's a brand new detachment.

-Just to make sure I'm getting the rules correct: Since the Battle Maniple gets Canticles, they count towards the number of units boosting the Canticle? Also, can Cawl join a Breacher squad in the Holy Requisitioner and deep strike in? I thought yes to both but wanted to be sure.

->I think so on both

-Do you believe any particular kind of Knight benefits this formation best? My instinct says the shootiest.

-> Agree with you, but Crusader might be a little expensive. I would go for Warden as 2nd choice

-I know they aren't everyone's favorite but I love Electro Priests. In a Numinous Conclave are squads of 5 too small?

-> Never tried bigger units, dont know

-Anti-Air? My first thought is an Icarus Onager (I own three of the things fully magnetized for any build), but there are some weird options available (Memento-Morispex) that alsosome to mind.

-> I want to go for the Morispex since I want to have the Crawlers equipted with bigger guns. I think shocking from reserve, boosting BS with Carls Canticle and Skyfire should be enough for 3 Breachers to drop a flyer... at least the vehicles, maybe not monsters...

-I need one walker unit for the Skitarii. I've had good results using a single dirt cheap Ironstrider. Can a single Lance Dragoon work or should those be in larger units?

-> I love the Dragoons and depending on your game size you need to save points where you can to get some more options

-In a minimum size Cohort Cybernetica, what weapon loadout do you like on the robots? Most lists I see replace the fists with guns, do you like to swap out any of the flamers?

-> Phosphor is nearly always better. I normaly run 3 with full Phosphor and 1 with Fists and Flamer

I appreciate advice on any of those points from more experienced AdMech players. As I said, I know the formation is new but I'd like to brainstorm some army lists. I have just about everything I need for a full Battle Maniple but almost nothing on the Cult Mechanicus side, so now seems as good a time as any to start building.

Answers in quote...

At 1850 points I am looking at something like this:


Battle Maniple

5 Ruststalkers

5 Infiltrators with Converter Field

10 Vanguard with Omnispex; Taser; Phosphor Pistol; Refractor Field and Saint Curia's Autopurger (I hope Alphas can take it ?)

5 Rangers with Omnispex and Arc

1 Dragoon

2 Onagers with Eradication Beamer and Stubber

Holy Requisitioner

Priest with Morispex and Phosphor

2 x 3 Breachers with Arc

1 Knight Gallant with Melter

It would propably better to make the Vanguards cheaper and get a Warden instead of a Gallant, but I want to test them this way.

Carl shall join the Vanguard and move up the field. Carl can tank, Vanguard can shoot. Plasma adds AP2, Carl has something against AVs and the basic weapons is good against nealry everything. In CC you get 2d6 attacks from Carl at Ini 10 plus the T test (T-1 because of radiation). I hope this combination will kill some stuff before being able to strike... add Electromancy Canticle to taste msn-wink.gif

Stalkers and Infiltrators are kind of a tax here, but the can advance up the field agressively with the rest.

Vanguard see above.

Rangers will move up and hunt AVs while staying in cover if possible.

Dragoon is cheap and aggressive.

Onagers can be played aggressive as well and they are cheap this way.

Holy Requsitioner will toast AVs when they drop down. With the Morispex the get quite flexible.

Knight Gallant is the cheapest and fits into this army... move towards the enemy and kill stuff.

Might not be the best way to field Ad Mech, but i think the midrange firepower is pretty decent and with the right Canticles at the right time you should also be able to hurt in CC.

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